

【作者】 王子良

【导师】 金喜在;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 政治经济学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济体制改革的不断深化和个人金融资产数量的急剧膨胀,也随着个人金融品种、工具的纷纷涌现,个人金融服务涵盖了人们社会生活的方方面面,已经成为现代人生活的“好帮手”,在社会经济生活中具有举足轻重的作用。其在商业银行的贡献度日益提高,在各家商业银行中占据越来越重要的地位。由于市场化导致社会金融服务需求向多元化发展,尤其是加入WTO后,外资商业银行凭借其雄厚的实力,灵活的管理机制和先进的科技手段大举进入中国市场。而此时的个人金融服务又是很难依靠行政指令手段来实现。因此,商业银行个人金融服务只有加快转轨步伐,借鉴国外经验,以市场为导向,以客户为中心,依靠科技进步,强化质量管理,整合销售渠道,开拓创新,才能在未来竞争中立于不败之地。本文分四个部分进行阐述: 第一部分阐述了个人金融服务的内容及作用。说明个人金融服务是商业银行业务的重要组成部分,是通过对个人金融资产的重组与再利用而使其得以保值、增值的新业务,是商业银行业务创新的重点与业务竞争的焦点。方便快捷的个人金融服务,简化了结算手续,节约了大量社会资金和流通费用,增强了银行服务功能,提高了社会效益,在社会生活中具有举足轻重的作用。 第二部分介绍了国外商业银行个人金融服务经验。由于国外商业银行个人金融服务起步早,普遍受到重视,已形成规范的运作机制,积累了丰富的经验。其中国外商业银行个人金融服务引以自重的资本实力、国际网络、管理经验、技术水平等具有重要借鉴意义。 第三部分具体分析了我国商业银行个人金融服务发展现状、存在问题及成因。服务功能日趋多元化,创新步伐加快,科技手段不断提高,具有十分广阔的前景。但受资金、技术及人员素质等因素制约,个人金融服务仍存在某些不足,有待进一步完善。 第四部分探索性地提出了现代商业银行个人金融服务的对策建议,由于我国商业银行个人金融服务起步晚,尚待进一步发展完善,个人金融服务拓展虽取得一定成效,与国外发达国家和地区相比,仍有较大差距。因此,我们必须转变观念,进一步突出个人金融观念;整合销售渠道,加强市场营销,强化售后服务,打造知名品牌;加快创新步伐,提升核心产品竞争力;加强质量管理,强化内控,促进个人金融服务不断上档次,上台阶,推动个人金融服务全面发展。

【Abstract】 With the sharp inflation constantly in-depth and personal financial asset quantity, with the economic system reform and the emerging one after another of personal financial variety, tool too, the personal financial service has contained every aspect of people’s social life, having already become" good assistant" of modern’s life, having very important function in the social economic life. Its contribution degree in the business bank improves day by day, occupying the more and more important position in every business bank.Because marketization causes the social financial service demand to development in pluralism, especially after joining WTO, the business bank of the foreign capitals rely on their rich strength, carrying out on a large scale to enter the Chinese market in the flexible mechanism of management and advanced scientific and technological means. Personal financial services at this moment are very difficult to depend on administration to be realized by order means.So, the personal financial service of business bank only accelerates transition paces, using external experience for reference, regarding market as the direction, regarding customer as the centre, depending on the scientific and technological progress, strengthening strict quality control, combining the marketing channel, pioneer and invent. Ability is in the invincible position in the competition neutrality of future. This text divides into four parts to explain:The first part explained the content and function of the personal financial service proving that the personal financial service is the important part of the commercial banking, through reorganization preserving value, value-added new business with utilizing making again to the personal financial asset are the focus that the focal point to the commercial bankinginnovates competes with the business. Convenient and swift personal financial service has simplified the formality of closing, having economized a large amount of social fund and circulation costs, and strengthened the service function of the bank, and improved the social benefit which is very important function in social life.The second part introduced the foreign personal financial service experience of business bank, because of the foreign personal financial service of business bank starts early, general to pay attention to, it forms normal operation mechanism already accumulate abundant experience. The foreign personal financial service of business bank has important meaning of using in order to capital strength, international network, the experience of management, engineering level of conducting oneself with dignity, etc. for reference to guide among them.The third part is to make a concrete analysis of the personal financial service of business bank of our country and develop current situation, existing problem and origin cause of formation. The pluralism day by day of service function, innovative paces are accelerated, the scientific and technological means improves constantly, having very wide prospects. But is restrained from by the factors, such as fund, technology and personnel’s quality, etc., which are insufficient personal financial service still exists, remain to perfect further.The fourth part is exploration which has put forward the counter-measure and suggestion of the modem personal financial service of business bank. Because of the business bank of our country the personal financial service starts late, further development is perfected to wait, the personal financial service is expanded and make certain effect, compared with foreign developed countries and regions, there is relatively great disparity. So, we must change the idea and the outstanding personal financial idea further, combining the marketing channel, strengthening the marketing, strengthening the after-sale service, making the well-known brand; accelerating innovative paces, promoting the key productscompetitiveness, strengthening strict quality control, accusing while strengthening, promoting the personal financial serv

  • 【分类号】F832.2
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