

【作者】 姚淑慧

【导师】 董小川;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪是充满竞争与挑战的时代,这就要求我们培养的人才不仅有知识、有能力,而且更应具备健全的人格,才能适应激烈的社会竞争、经受困难与挫折的考验。因此,关于人格的研究和人格的培养的探索越来越受到人们的关注。国外许多国家的教育研究重心已从原来的“知识教育”、“智力开发”转向“人格培养”。在我国中学生人格发展状况和人格教育水平还不能适应时代发展的需要,重智能、轻人格这一片面的教育急需改变。 历史属于人文学科,历史教育是培养青少年健全人格的重要领域,如何在历史教学中培养我国青少年健全人格是一个重要的、亟待解决的问题。本文将要探讨的就是如何在历史教学中发挥历史学科的特点和优势,在学生健全人格培养方面发挥作用。 本文力图通过对健全人格的概念、特征、实施原则做出阐述,并对历史教学中培养健全人格的特殊作用、方法、途径进行了探索,旨在为历史教师正确认识和有效培养学生健全人格提供初步的启示和借鉴,其中第一部分说明了健全人格的含义、理论依据、重要性;第二部分介绍了人格问题研究的历史与现实;第三部分论述了历史教学在培养学生健全人格中的特殊作用问题;第四部分包括在历史教学中进行健全人格培养的整体构想和可行性分析。

【Abstract】 The 21st century is an era which is full of competitions and challenges. We need such a kind of qualified people who not only can be knowledgeable, capable, but also possess perfect personality that they can fit in with the fierce social competition and experience many difficulties and setbacks of trial. So there is much more focus on personality’s researching and training .Many foreign countries have transited their main emphasis of education from "knowledge education", " intellectual development" to "personality training", hi our country, many middle school students’ personality developing condition and training level can not keep up with the requirement of the time. Valuing intellectual and despising personality, such one -sided education is badly in need of change..History belongs to humanities, history education is an important field to train youngsters to gain perfect personality. It is a serious problem which should be solved to train a perfect personality during the teaching of history. This article is going to discuss how to give full play to history’s characteristic and advantage during the teaching of history which give full scope to students’ perfect personality.The article mainly states the concept, the characteristic of the perfect personality and the implementing regulations. It also explores the method, the way and the special functions of training perfect personality during the teaching of history. The author hopes to provide a tentative inspiration and reference for those history teachers who should have a correct comprehension on perfect personality and know how to train students perfect personality effectively. The first part of the article explains the implication, the theoretical basis and the importance of perfect personality. The second part introduces the past and the present onpersonality’s researching. The third part expounds the history teaching which plays a special function on training students’ perfect personality. The forth part includes the whole proposition and feasibility analysis on how to train perfect personality during the teaching on history.

【关键词】 健全人格历史教学
【Key words】 Perfect personalityTeaching on history
  • 【分类号】G633.51
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】395