

A Design for Reformation Model of Joint Stock System in Chengdu HF Storage & Transport Corporation

【作者】 卫蕾

【导师】 尹昌列;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 中国石油天然气集团公司所属的集体经济是国有企业的非国有经济部分,是国有企业经济的重要组成部分和重要收入来源。搞好集体经济企业产权制度改革不仅是国家和集团公司深化改革的总体形势要求,也是集体经济企业生存和发展的必然选择,更关系到中国石油天然气集团改革与发展的大局。中共十五大充分肯定了股份制,股份制作为现代企业制度的基本形式,将是我国企业深化改革的目标和方向。 本文以四川石油管理局下属集体经济企业——成都HF储运公司为研究对象,为其设计了一套符合公司改革与发展要求的股份制改造模式,目的是通过推行股份制,建立现代企业制度,使集体经济多种经营实体转变为多元投资主体,实现集体经济企业由安置型、福利型定位向经营型和效益型转变,成为市场经济下真正独立、活跃的经营主体。 本文由五个部分构成: 第一部分为股份制经济理论综述,主要介绍产权经济学家关于企业产生的理论与中西方股份制经济理论。 第二部分为我国在深化企业改革中的股份制实践,包括:国企改革历程,我国股份制的发展,我国厂办集体企业的历史背景和改制模式,厂办集体企业股份制改造的历史选择和遵循原则。 第三部分为成都HF储运公司现状及股份制改造可行性分析,包括:公司成立的历史背景、公司基本情况、组织结构和人员构成、资产结构及历史成因、经营状况分析、及股份制改造可行性分析。 第四部分为成都HF储运公司股份制改造模式设计,按照筹备、设立和运行三大阶段分别阐述,筹备阶段包括建立股份制的前提条件准备、资产评估、产权界定;设立阶段包括股权设置、职工个人股募股工作、公司组织机构、工商登记;运行阶段包括公司治理机制的运行及维护、职工持股会的产生及功能、股东代表大会的决策功能运用、监事会监督职能运用。 第五部分是对股份制改造模式设计的总结分析。 本文在写作过程中对国家关于中小企业产权制度改革的相关政策、中国石油天然气集团公司关于产权制度改革的相关政策等进行了较为深入的研究,并到成都HF储运公司进行了实地调研,对公司历史、现状,职工改制意愿、改制条件等进行了了解与分析。 在股份制改造模式设计上,与其他大多数集体经济企业股权设置单一、集体经济性质不变的改制模式最大区别在于,本文将成都HF储运有限责任公司的股权设置为:国有法人股、社会法人股(主管、主办单位集体股)、职工集体股和职工个人股四部分,从而形成公有制和私有制混合的股份制经济组织形式,使改制企业成为产权明晰、自主经营的多元投资市场主体,同时也更有利于企业充分利用集体经济和国有经济等多方优势,加快发展。

【Abstract】 In the report of 15th national congress of the Communist Party of China, the joint stock system was confirmed as the fundamental form of modern enterprise system and it was also regarded as the major direction and objective of the further reformation of enterprise system. Being an important component of the state-owned economy and fiscal revenue, the collective enterprise needs appropriate property right reformation, namely the reformation of joint stock system.The dissertation aims to design a set of feasible models for the joint stock system reformation of Chengdu HF Storage & Transport Corporation, which is a subordinate collective enterprise of Sichuan Petroleum Management Bureau. With the implementation of the joint stock system reformation, the collective enterprise will transit from settlement- and welfare-oriented corporation to management- and benefit-oriented enterprise.Therefore the dissertation has been organized in the following way: (1) Chapter 1 will summarize the economic theories of corporation and the joint stock system domestically and internationally. (2) Chapter 2 will analyze the practice of the joint stock system reformation, mainly including the process of enterprise system reformation in China, and the development history of Chinese joint stock system. The background, the reformation principles and models of Chinesecollective enterprise will also be discussed in this section. (3) Chapter 3 will discuss the present situation and joint stock system reformation of Chengdu HF Storage & Transport Corporation, including its establishment, the structure of organization and employee. The capital structure and its formation, the analysis of management, the feasibilities of the reformation of shareholding enterprise will also be analyzed in this chapter. (4) Chapter 4 will design the shareholding reformation of Chengdu HF Storage & Transport Corporation. It will be analyzed from three aspects, namely the preparation, the establishment and the operation. (5) Chapter 5 will draw the conclusions and evaluate the model of shareholding system reformation.During the writing process of the dissertation, the research on relevant polices of property right reformation of medium- and small-sized enterprises in China has been carried out. Investigations into Chengdu HF Storage & Transport Corporation had also been undertaken. Moreover, the dissertation is of particular interest in its design on the model of shareholding reformation. The shareholding of Chengdu HF Storage & Transport Corporation was divided into four parts: state-owned legal persons stock, social legal persons stock, employee collective stock and employee personal stock.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【下载频次】91