

Research of Sichuan Primary School Teacher HR Management Countermeasure Oriented by Quality Education

【作者】 宋志君

【导师】 王建军;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 行政管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 未来教育面临的最大挑战不是技术、不是资源,而是教师的素质。教师是实施素质教育的关键。发展教育事业,关键在于建设一支高素质的教师人力资源队伍。 素质教育是当前我国基础教育改革实践中的一个重大课题,它是针对我国基础教育的“异化”——以片面追求升学率为基本特征的“应试教育”而提出来的,是符合教育规律的更高层次、更高水平、更高质量的教育。其根本目的在于提高全体国民的素质,为我国社会主义现代化建设事业提供持续发展的动力和基础。这也是我国基础教育所担负的重大历史使命。素质教育承认学生心理和发展的差异,注重所有学生的全面发展。因材施教,发挥教育对人的发展的主导作用,奏响人的发展主旋律,是新世纪的教育理想。 人力资源管理工作要求管理者在工作中首先要关注人的活动,真正做到“以人为本,因人治事”。 把握我省教师人力资源管理现状,理清改革思路,对我省发展教育事业、实现教育现代化有着十分重要的理论和实践意义。 本研究共分三个部分。 第一部分对素质教育理论、教师人力资源管理理论进行了深入的分析,提出小学教师的素质必须与素质教育的要求相适应的原则。同时,强化小学教师人力资源管理是提高小学教师素质的必由之路。 1 第二部分对四I!;省小学教师人力资源现状(包括当前我省小学教师的结构 现状、来源状况、工资与福利状况、培训状况以及考评机制状况)进行了深人 的分析,探讨了我省小学教师人力资源的主要问题及其原因. 第三部分结合我省实际,研究了解决小学教师人力资源管理中存在问题的 对策及改革思路。内容包括:确立素质教育导向的学校管理新观念;健全学校 内部的激励和竞争机制;推动教师继续教育,提高教师综合素质;提倡教学方 法、教学内容的创新。 本研究从四川省小学教师的实际出发,分析了小学教师人力资源管理的现 状及其存在的问题,试图理清一些改革思路,提出了小学教师人力资源管理问 题的一些对策。

【Abstract】 The biggest challenge for education is neither technology nor resources but the talent of teacher. Teacher is the key point to the execution of quality education. The development of our education relies on organizing high talent human resources of teachers.Quality education is one of the most important issues of our national fundamental education reform practice. It is advocated aiming at the deviation of our fundamental education - exam aimed education - one-sidedly stresses the college entrance exam pass rate. It is also a higher level, higher standard, higher quality education in accordance with education rules. The essential purpose is to raise the whole level of national intelligence to provide momentum and foundation for our constantly developing modern socialism construction. This purpose is also the significant historical task of our national fundamental education. Quality education admits the different psychology and progress between students, and emphasizes the full development of all students. The ideal of new century education is to teach according to the fact, to exert the dominant effect on people.Human resources management work requires manager to concern human’s behavior first to live up to the principle of" based on human, manage accordingly to individual person ".To understand the current situation of the teacher resources management in our province and make the reform idea clear has very important theoretic and practicalsignification to realize modernization of education.My article is divided into three parts:Part one: Deep analysis of the quality education theory and teacher resources management theory lead to the principal that the talent of primary school teacher must in accordance with the requirement by quality education. At the same time, strengthening the primary school teacher resources management is the only way to raise the talent of primary teachers.Part two: Deep analysis of current primary school teacher resources in Sichuan province (including the current situation of structure, sources, salary and welfare, training and testing system). This part discusses the major problem and the cause of primary school teacher resources in our province.Part three: Combining with the fact in our province, analysis of the countermeasure and reform to the current problem of primary teacher resources management. It includes: confirm the new concept of school management oriented by quality education; improve school internal inspiring and competition system; encourage retraining to improve teachers’ comprehensive talent; advocate innovation of education method and content.This research starts from the fact of Sichuan primary teachers, analyses the current situation and problem of primary school teacher resources, try to clear the thoughts of reform, concludes with some countermeasure to primary school teacher resources management issue.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】G625.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】243