

On the Relationship of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing in Chinese Language Teaching in High Schools

【作者】 郁夜琴

【导师】 汪莹;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 培养学生听、说、读、写能力是语文教学的根本任务。听、说、读、写四者既相对独立,不能互相替代,又相互联系,相互制约,不能任意偏废。然而长期以来,语文教学在处理这四者关系时存在着重读写、轻听说的偏向。在推进素质教育的今天,促进学生语文能力全面发展的呼声日涨,它不仅要求学生具有较高的读写能力,而且要求学生有较强的听说能力。正确处理语文教学中听说读写的关系成为社会和时代发展的必然。 本文立足于学生主体发展的需要,立足于时代发展和语文教学改革的需要,希望通过对听说读写的现状分析和几种能力观的评介,找出正确处理语文教学中听说读写关系的途径。全文共分四个部分: 第一部分,听说读写关系处理的历史发展轨迹 从语文教学对听说读写关系处理的历史发展轨迹中,可以看到:自汉至清,特别是隋唐以来的科举取士制度是重读写、轻听说的历史根源。是社会和时代的发展推动着语文教学开始关注听说教学,以至到八十年代听说读写得以并提。 第二部分,听说读写的现状分析 从语文教学大纲、语文教材、实际教学和理论研究四个方面对听说读写四者的教学现状进行分析,可以看出当前语文教学依然存在着重读写、轻听说的问题。造成语文教学至今没有在理论研究和实践上彻底解决该问题的根源主要有两方面,一是应试教育的原因,一是对听说教学的认识不足。 第三部分,几种能力观的评介 介绍评价以读为木、以写为本、读写结合、听说读写并重和听说读写视(思)一体这五种能力观,通过分析这些观点提出的依据、观点的合理性和局限性,深入探讨听、说、读、写四者的关系。 第四部分,正确处理语文教学中听说读写关系的建议 从学生的主体发展、时代发展和教学改革对听说读写的要求中,可以看出语文教学需要正确处理听说读写的关系,以此作为依据,本文提出的具体建议有:一、研究听说训练序列,完善教材;二、探索听说考试的内容与方法,拨正导向;三、改进语文课程的设置,课内外结合;四、利用现代教育技术,优化教学。

【Abstract】 The basic task for Chinese language teaching should he developing the students ability of listening ,speaking ,reading and writing .The four aspects are independent and one cannot be replaced by another and meanwhile is related and restrained (o another We cannot emphasize one thing at the expense of another at will .However For a long period of lime ,when dealing with these Four aspects .Chinese language teaching (ends lo lay emphasis on reading and writing but belittle listening and speaking Today ,as the quality-oriented education develops ,the demand of promoting the students’ all-round ability in Chinese language becomes greater day by day Students are required to have not only the proficiency of reading and writing ,but listening and speaking as well .To deal properly with these interrelations in Chinese language leaching has becomes a necessity in the changing society and timesThis article bases itself upon the needs oF the development oF the students7 individuality the advancement of the times and the reFormation of Chinese language teaching It’s hoped that a proper way lo deal with the relations of these above-mentioned aspects in Chinese language leaching could be found out by analyzing their present situation and cvalualing several concepts on ability .’This article is composed of four partsPart one .The development oF ways lo deal with the relationship oF listening .speaking .reading and writingFrom the development of ways to deal with the relationship of listening ,speaking ,reading and writing ,we can see that the imperial examination system formed Han Dynasty is the historical root oF laying emphasis on reading and writing but belittling listening and speaking .It is the changing of society and times that pushes the leaching of Chinese language Forward and as a result .much attention has now been paid lo the development of listening and speaking abilities .And From the 1980s.they began to be put in equal position with reading and writing abilities .Part two :Analysis of the present situation of listening ,speaking ,reading and writing.To analyze the present situation of listening ,speaking ,reading and writing From such aspects as the tcaching syllabus .textbooks ,teaching practice and theoretical research of the Chinese language teaching .we can see that the problem oF laying stress on reading and writing but belittling listening and speaking still exists in present Chinese language leaching .And there’re two basic reasons why in Chinese language teaching such problems cannol be thoroughly solved :One is the test-oriented education and the other is the insufficient knowledge of listening and speakingeducation .Part three : Several evaluations of concepts on abilityThis part introduces and evaluates five concepts on ability ,namely the reading-based concept ;the writing-based concept ;the combination of both reading and writing concept ;(he concept of laying equal stress on the four aspects and the concept of making listening .speaking ,reading .writing and thinking into an organic whole .By analyzing the basis of these viewpoints ,the rationality and limitation of them ,this part explores deep into the relationship of listening ,speaking .reading and writing.Part four :Some suggestions of how to deal with these four abilities in Chinese language teaching properly .In the requirement of promotion of students’ individuality ,the development of limes and the reformation of leaching ,we can see that it’s necessary for Chinese language teaching to deal with these four aspects of listening ,speaking ,reading and writing properly According to this ,this article raises some detailed suggestions :(l)Study the training order of listening and speaking ,improve the textbooks ;(2)F,xplore (he content and method of listening and speaking tests ,to correct the orientation (3)Improve the Chinese curriculums ,to connect the inside-classes with the oulside-classes;(4)Make use of modern education thoroughly ,to optimize teaching procedure .

  • 【分类号】G633.3
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