

【作者】 陆薇薇

【导师】 汪莹;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 教材是教学之本。一套优秀的教材能帮助学生获取知识、形成能力。本文的写作旨在建设一套“高中文言阅读课本”,以切实提高中学生的文言文阅读能力。 在我国长期以来,文言一直是统一的书面语言。许多的文化典籍都是用文言记录的,学生在学堂里学的也是文言文。长期的教学实践,形成了一套适合科举考试的教育模式。我国古代的教学以语言文字的教学为主,科举考试又以文章的写作为主,因此我国传统教育的经验能为现在的中学文言文教学提供宝贵的借鉴意义。 “五四”以后,现代白话文进入语文教科书中,打破了文言文一统天下的局面。从此出现了白话文和文言文在语文教科书中并存的现象。具备浅易文言文的阅读能力是对高中生的一个要求。建国后,人民教育出版社编写了9套高中语文教材,都对文言文十分重视,积极探索理想的文言文教材,努力使中学生具备一定的阅读文言文的能力。 本文在对建国后高中语文文言文教材和我国传统的文言文教材进行考察研究后,提出了建设“高中文言阅读课本”的设想。我认为中学阶段白话文和文言文应该分编,这样文言文的学习能自成体系,有利于学生进行系统的学习。教学大纲要求高中生能阅读浅易的文言文,因此教材中应该选入浅易的文言文,而且要注重对学生的文言文阅读能力的培养。语文是一门基础学科,因此文言文的学习也应该注重基础性,使学生在具备初步的文言文阅读能力后能进一步去阅读各种古代的文化典籍,而不仅仅是对学生进行古代文学的教学。此外,对于“高中文言阅读课本”的功能特点、编写原则、体例结构等都作了明确的阐述。本文的最后,我设计了几个具体的文言文单元,希望能为高中语文文言文教材的改革和试验提供一些参考。

【Abstract】 Teaching materials are the source of our education. A set of excellent teaching materials can help our students acquire knowledge and cultivate their abilities. This article only wants to construct a set of "Classical Chinese Reading Book for Senior Middle School ".Which could improve the students’ ability to read the writings of Classical Chinese.For a long period,Classical Chinese was our common written language. A lot of collected works are recorded in Classical Chinese.The students also learn Classical Chinese in schools. The long period educational practice formed a set of models which are suitable for our imperial examination. The teaching in ancient times showed great emphasis on words and language. Our imperial examination only wanted the students compositions. Therefore, the precious experience of our traditional education provides the modem teaching of Classical Chinese with great reference.After the may 4th movement of 1919.modern writings in the vernacular came into the teaching materials of Chinese .opening up a new prospect.From then on, the Chinese teaching materials have both Classical Chinese and writings in the vernacular. It is a requirement that the senior middle school should have the ability to read some easy writings of Classical Chinese. After the foundation of our country. PEP has compiled nine sets of teaching materials of Chinese for senior middle school .all of which lay special emphasis on Classical Chinese. They try to explore ideal teaching materials of Classical Chinese, and make the students have the reading ability of writings in Classical Chinese.The article gives a lot research on our traditional materials and the Chinese materials after 1949. It also puts forward an assumption of how to construct "Classical Chinese Reading Book for Senior Middle School". I think we should divide the Classical Chinese and the writings in the vernacular into two part during the period of middle school. In doing so,we could make the study of Classical Chinese form their own system and help the students do systematic stady. The teaching outline requests that the students should have the ability to read some easy Classical Chinese. According to this, we should choose some easy materials and emphasize on how to improve the students reading ability. Because Chinese is a basic course , our study of Classical Chinese should be basic. Our aim is not only to teach the students some ancient writings,but to cultirate their ability to read ancient writings by themselves. Besides, the article also give explicit explanation on functions,principles and constructions of "Classical Chinese Reading Book for Senior Middle School". At last,I design several concrete units of writings in Classical Chinese, hoping to give some reference on the revolution and experiments of teaching materials of Classical Chinese.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】17
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