

【作者】 高永亭

【导师】 王斌华;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 有比较才有鉴别,有鉴别才有认识。本论文希望通过对我国1978年以来六部中学英语教学大纲与英语课程标准的比较,增强我们对英语课程标准的理性认识,为进一步在全国范围内实施英语课程标准改革提供理论支持和实践帮助。十一届三中全会以来,我国先后颁布了六个中学英语教学大纲,虽然每一个大纲都对以前的大纲进行了修订和完善,对外语教学起到了一定的促进作用,但是都没有彻底改变我国外语教学中的“费时较多,收效较低”问题,外语尤其是英语作为一门国际语言,在世界交往中起着举足轻重的作用,这就大大影响了我国国际化的进程和对外开放的效益。造成这种外语教学“少慢差费”的原因从宏观上看有政治因素、经济因素、历史因素和文化因素等,从微观上看有教学管理因素、教师因素以及教学环境因素等,但最直接最根本的因素是课程自身,包括课程目标的设定、课程内容的选择、课程的实施及评价。与六个中学英语教学大纲相比较,英语课程标准从目标的设定、课程内容的选择、课程的实施及评价等方面都突出体现了“学以致用”的教学原则和关注学生全面发展和终身发展的“人本主义”的教育思想,彻底打破了传统的“学以致考”和“学科本位”的严重束缚学生身心发展的陈腐教育观念。全文分为四部分,内容如下:第一部分着重介绍和分析我国外语课程改革的历程、经验和现存问题;第二部分着重介绍和阐述国外外语课程发展现状、改革经验及其对我国外语课程改革的借鉴作用。通过明确相应的改革经验,包括:外语课程教学理论的发展、积极的语言教育政策、完整的课程指导框架、成功的教学策略、综合运用现代科学技术、严格的教师教育和科学的评估体系,为我国制订英语课程标准提供实践依据;第三部分是六部英语教学大纲与英语课程标准的比较分析,包括英语课程标准与教学大纲的总体结构框架比较分析和分类比较分析;第四部分是反思与建议:从宏观的时代发展的角度、中观的教育教学理论的角度和微观的具体的课程实践的角度去正确看待我国的英语课程标准改革和明确英语课程改革在具体的课程实践中可能存在的问题。总而言之,本文通过坚持理论与实践相结合的原则,坚持在比较中增强对课程改革的认识、促进课程发展的视角,从宏观、中观、微观三个纬度透视当前的英语课程改革,为进一步在全国范围内实施英语课程标准提供理论支持和实践帮助。

【Abstract】 To compare is to differentiate , to differentiate is to cognize. We hope to enhance our rational cognition on the new English Curriculum Standards through the comparison between six English syllabuses since 1978 and an English Curriculum Standards in our country, thus to provide theoretical support and practical assistance for the further implementation of the new English Curriculum Standards across our country.Six English-teaching syllabuses have been consecutively promulgated since 1978. Although each has respectively played a certain role in improving FLT in China , they don’t eventually and thoroughly resolve the problem "more time wasted, less efficiency obtained". English, as an international language , plays an essential role in the world communication. Therefore, FLT in China, to some extent, has hindered the process of China’s internationalization and openness to the outside. The causes are , in a macro-perspective, of politics, economy, history, culture; while in a micro-perspective, of teaching management, teachers, teaching environment etc , however, the direct and essential cause is the curriculum itself, including the setting of the curriculum objects, the choice of the curriculum content, as well as the implementation and assessment of the curriculum.The thesis is divided into three parts as follows: The first part is concerning the introduction to the experience s of domestic and international FLT curriculum reform which includes the FLT development of theories, positive language education policy, complete curriculum guide framework, successful teaching strategy, integrated use of modern science and technology, strict teacher education and correct assessment system, The second part is concerning the comparison and analysis between six English syllabuses and English curriculum standards., including the sectional comparison and the total comparison in construction framework . The third part . is concerning proposals and reflection .Last but not least, we must be clear with the new challenges confronted by the FLT teachers for the English curriculum reform..To sum it up, this thesis persists the principle combining theories with practice, and insists in promoting the development of curriculum through comparison. We should benefit from the English .curriculumreform

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】946