

【作者】 梁旭辉

【导师】 龚咏梅;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 人类面临的尖锐的生态环境问题已成为威胁我们生存的严重问题。环境污染、气象异常、自然资源枯竭、物种灭绝、人口膨胀等等现象已超越了地域和社会意识形态的范围,成为国际社会普遍关注的焦点。严峻的生存环境迫使人们反思传统的自然观、发展观,重新审视人与自然的关系,探寻人与自然和谐共生的途径。 相对于其他国家,可持续发展对发展中的中国尤为重要,它是我国摆脱贫困,摆脱人口、资源和环境困境的唯一正确选择。目前是我国全面建设小康社会的重要时期,国家经济和社会发展对环境提出更高要求,维护人与自然的和谐共生是持续发展的最佳途径。而可持续发展同以往社会发展模式的最深刻差异也就在于它真正以人类的生存质量和整体发展效益为根本的出发点、归宿点和最根本的价值尺度,它的发展过程和实践运行都体现着深刻的人类本质特征、人文精神内涵和全民参与要求。由于可持续发展观念的通约性,人类的可持续发展观念将发生从自发到自觉的转变。特别是由于新世纪人类实践理性的复兴,主体意识的相对成熟和文化精神的重建意味着人类正要完成认知格式塔转换,用新的思维范式去认识自然界,检视人与自然之间理应建构的伙伴性关系。 本文从哲学视域对可持续发展观进行了读解和诠释,以马克思主义理论为指导对可持续发展观进行梳理,考察其内涵、历史演进、核心和原则,反思人类实践和人类思维的狭隘性,将之作为“不可持续发展”的根源。本文还发掘了可持续发展的价值底蕴和哲学新思路。是故,着力于自觉建构可持续发展观,着力检讨现实实践的价值,着力面向未来,展示可持续发展研究的中国特色,探寻中国特色的可持续发展道路,就具有了重要的理论意义和现实意义。据此,本文分为三部分: 第一部分:传统发展观的缺陷。传统发展观的理论基础是启蒙精神,主体活动的本质是将必然转化为自由,然而自由再次向必然的转化往往产生始料未及的后果,科学技术“双刃剑”的负面效应在传统发展观的实践层面愈演愈烈。通过对传统发展观的理论基础和实践层面问题的剖析,试图揭示人类遭遇“不可持续发展”这一瓶颈状态的根源。认为启蒙运动唤醒了人类,使人类发现了转变全球的潜力,真正成为了万物的尺度。但与此同时,它也将人类中心主义进一步强化和固定了下来。启蒙精神暗含的功利性价值指向,导引西方完成了震惊世界的产业革命,使其在征服大自然方面积累了空前的力量,拥有了征服的荣耀和工业化的辉煌,然而,物极必反,启蒙精神在创造发展条件的同时也在挖掘着生态、科技、伦理、增长、分配、消费和战争等等发展的陷阱。启蒙精神在把人从“神性”的奴役中解放出来的同时,却又使人陷入了“物性”对“人性”的奴役之中。启蒙精神事实上使人的自主性转变为依赖性,使解放转变为压迫,使合理性转变为了非理性。因而,要建构自觉理性的可持续发展观,必须超越启蒙精神的悖论,启蒙精神是我们必须加以创造性转换的哲学范式之一。 第二部分:可持续发展观的哲学视野。本章主要论述了可持续发展观的哲学新思维和可持续发展观的价值底蕴。认为,可持续发展观本质上是关于发展的哲学研究,并把发展融入了哲学人类学的新视野,旨在重建发展的元价值及其深层意义。求真、明善、审美是可持续发展观蕴涵的自然价值观。公平、合作、道义是可持续发展观包容的社会价值观。全面发展、合理消费、生态人格是可持续发展观关于人的价值观。人类对生活价值信念与自由解放的追求必须通过人与自然、人与人的否定性的统一关系才能得以实现,这意味着,人所追求的自由幸福与真善美状态,决非一嗽而就,而是建立在价值原则与历史原则统一的基础上,无论是人与自然,还是人与人之间,都必须在实践中经过漫长发展的辩证历程才能真正实现全面丰富的一体性关系。 第三部分:哲学范式的转换,本章着重论述了如何使人类走出“不可持续发展”的瓶颈状态。指出超越启蒙精神,生成“人的自由个性形态”是可持续发展的“阿里阿德涅的线团”①。所谓启蒙精神的困境实质上就是人的发展的第二种历史形态,即“个体本位”的困境。相对于以“人的依赖关系”为基础的“群体本位”形态,“以物的依赖性”为基础的“个体本位”形态无疑是人的巨大解放,但它在把人从对自然的属从和对抽象共同性的依赖中解放出来的同时,却又使人①阿里阿德涅的线团:希腊神话中帕西淮和克里特王米诺斯的女儿。相传与雅典英雄戒休斯相爱,并在其杀死怪物弥诺陶洛斯之后,用小线团帮助他顺利走出了迷宫。因而,阿里阿德涅的线团意指指引人走出困境陷入了对物的依赖性,从而导致了人与自然、人与人之间的分裂。要走出这种困境,必须走出“个体本位”,生成人的“自由个性”形态。 本章还阐释了可持续发展观的价值旨归,并指出可持续发展是中国现实的选择,对中国特色可持续发展的途径作了一番探索。中国特色的可持续发展,应实事求是地分析批判我国的特殊国情,把社会发展、人文关怀和科技进步作为处理人与自然、社会与自然关系的基?

【Abstract】 The ecological environmental problems have threatened the survival of all the lives in the world. The environmental pollution, abnormal global climate equilibrium, exhausted natural resources, extinction of specices and the surge in population are the biggest buzzwords of the moment. We have to rethink our triditional concept of the relationship between nature and men in global development. A harmoniows way is needed for both nature and men .Continuous development is much more important to China, a developing country, than any other country. It s the only means to cast off the difficult position of poverty, surge in population and shortage of resources. It s a critical point for national construction of a comparatively good living. A better environment is required for the state economy and social development. The continuous development needs a defena of a harmonious relationship between nature and men. It s completely different from any social structures of development. It s development depends on an ideal human living quality and progressive efficency .It represents a deep humanity, spiritual connotation and requirement of all the people’s participation, in the process of development and notion of practice. The notion of continuous development is sure to be improved from its spontaneity to its consciousness because of the gbbalized comprehension. As a result, a rational notion of continuous development which goes beyond the fallacy of the spiritual enlightenment should be established.The continuous development is to be explained from a philosophical point of view. In this essay. Maxist theory is employed to guide the exposition. The essay also deals with the introspection of the narrow-minded human practice which results in a destructive development on the earth. It 11 be a great help for the construction of modern China with its specialities as well. Three parts are followed in order to have a clear exposition.Part one is the defective notion of traditional development which results from the spiritual enlightenment. The outcome of its process from inevitability to the realm of freedom and from the realm of freedom to inevitability is unpredictable. Men used to be considered as masters of nature. A sudden acceleration of the intrustrial, scientific and technological revolution, which has allowed an almost unimaginablemagnification of our power to affect the world around us by transforming the physical matter that makes up the earth . Now it s time for us to realize that the only way to understand our new role as a co-architect of nature is to see ourselves as part of a complex system that doesn’t operate according to the same simple rules of cause and effect we are used to. The problem is not our effect on the environment so much as our relationship with the environment, especially of the rational practical revivification, comparative mature in main part of consciousness and reconstruction of cultural spirit in the new century, Were managing to have a better understanding of the new relationship between human civilization and the earth’s natural balance.Part two is about the continuous development in a philosophical field of vision. It discusses the new philosophical thinking about the notion of continuous development and its practical value which is fundamentally about the scope of the developing philosophy. The natural notion of value in continuous development implies sincerity, kindness and beauty. Justice, cooperation and morality are concluded in the social notion of value. Full-scale development, rational consume and ecological, personality are about human notion of value. The seeking for freedom, liberty and ideal belief can only be realized by requiring a careful assessment of the relationship as well as the complex interrelationship among factors within civilization and between them and the major natural components of the earth’s ecological system.Part three is about transformation of philosophical mode. It explains how men shake off the predicament in traditional destructive devel

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