

A Victim and a Martyr--On the Duality of Maggie’s Tragedy

【作者】 周敏

【导师】 刘乃银;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 《弗罗斯河上的磨房》是英国女作家乔治·爱略特的初期作品,小说着重描写了女主人公玛吉追求爱情、亲情,希望得到人们理解却遭受误解、压抑和摧残的痛苦历程,以玛吉与哥哥淹死在洪水中结尾。玛吉的死是批评家长期争论的问题,本论文运用女权主义批评理论,通过分析玛吉在其悲剧一生中作为牺牲品及殉道者的双重身份来说明小说结尾的合理性。 论文除引言、结论外共分三章。 第一章按时间顺序追述了玛吉的悲剧人生。指出玛吉作为牺牲品及殉道者的双重身份的种子根植与其少年时代,成年时期的玛吉一直扮演着双重角色,当洪水来临,玛吉冒着生命危险去营救哥哥,兄妹俩拥抱与死亡之际,玛吉在生命的最后时刻变成了一个彻底的殉道者。 第二章主要分析了在男权社会中玛吉与其男女亲人、爱人的关系,指出这些人作为玛吉的至亲,虽然都是爱玛吉的,却都不能够完全理解及满足其作为一个女性的要求,玛吉作为女性的权利就在这样温情脉脉的环境中被剥夺了,从而说明玛吉无论是作为牺牲品也好,殉道者也罢,其悲剧是注定的。 第三章着重阐述了玛吉悲剧人生的根源及其悲剧的意义所在。玛吉人生悲剧的主要原因在于父权社会的存在,从而造成其觉醒的女性意识与传统社会对女性要求的冲突。玛吉的死正是为了唤起人们对女性悲剧命运的同情,她与哥哥在死亡之际的和解则象征了父权社会的最终灭亡,男女平等理想的最终实现。

【Abstract】 The Mill on the Floss written by George Eliot is a record of Maggie Tulliver’s sad struggle for love and recognition in mid -Victorian Britain. Her drowning in the flood with her brother Tom has long been a controversial issue. This dissertation aims to vindicate Maggie Tulliver’s death through an analysis of the duality of her suffering as a victim and a martyr from a feminist perspective.Chapter 1 traces the tragic history of Maggie Tulliver chronologically from her childhood to the final moment of her drowning together with her brother Tom in the catastrophe of a flood. It analyzes how the seed of being both a victim and a martyr is planted in her childhood and, how, during the process of her growth, she plays the dual role of a victim and a martyr, and, at last in face of the flood and Tom’s potential danger, she is martyred heroically and willingly.Chapter 2 focuses on Maggie Tulliver’s relationship with the major male and female characters in the novel and analyzes how in the male dominated society no single man can satisfy Maggie’s multisided needs and how when they think they are loving her they actually hurt her instead, and that how Maggie’s fellow women help those hurt her. This chapter aims to show that under such circumstances, Maggie’s fate is doomed, whether as a victim or a martyr.Chapter 3 deals with the causes and the significance of Maggie Tulliver’s tragedy. There are mainly two reasons for Maggie’s suffering: one is that the kind of woman Maggie wants to become contradicts the traditionally acceptable mode of womanhood; the other reason, a deeper reason is the existence of the patriarchal society. The significance of Maggie Tulliver’s tragedy is that her suffering will help the advance of humankind and her death will arouse people’s sympathy for women’s status. And that is exactly why Maggie Tulliver has to be abandoned to death by the catastrophe of flood.

  • 【分类号】I561
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】182