

The Innovation of Topic Choosing, Marketing and Management

【作者】 李莺

【导师】 吴培华;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 新闻传播, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 世纪之交,中国出版业作为文化产业的重要组成部分,加快了产业化、市场化的进程。畅销书作为这一进程的代表,呈现了异彩纷呈的繁荣景象。由于读者需求变化、书籍性质改变和发展文化产业要求这三种力量的共同推动,中国出版业走入了畅销书时代。畅销书是在较短时间里,完全通过市场发行,实现了较大销量、内容健康的图书。畅销书是一个出版社核心竞争力的显示,也是出版业发展的标志。选题创新是畅销书的生命基因,营销创新是打造畅销书的必经之路,管理创新为畅销书的打造提供坚实后盾。高科技的创新运用、编辑和发行人员的观念更新,伴随管理创新产生的新型组织模式,贯穿在整个畅销书的运作过程之中。十六大为中国出版业进行进一步的体制创新提供了理论依据,在新的世纪里,中国图书市场的畅销书必将更加繁荣,中国出版业必将更加兴旺。

【Abstract】 After entering the new century, as an important component of Chinese culture industry, the publishing industry has accelerated its process of industrialization and marketization. As the pioneer of this process, bestsellers appear to be blossoming. Because the changing requirements of the readers, the changing characters of the books and the requirements of the development in culture industry, Chinese publishing industry has been entering a bestsellers age.Bestsellers are books that can realize large sales completely by market issuing in a short time. Bestsellers are an indication of a publishing house’s chief competitive ability and a symbol of the development of the publishing industry.The innovation of topic project is the vital for best sellers. The innovation of the marketing is a necessary tache for best sellers. The innovation of the management will provide a solid backup for best sellers. With the using of high-tech, the update of the concept of the editors and publishers, a new organizing pattern will run through the whole operating process of best sellers. The 16th Party Congress has provided the theoretic basis for the further systematic innovation of Chinese publishing industry. In the new century, best sellers in Chinese book market are bound to be more prosperous. Chinese publishing industry is sure to be more flourishing.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】G232
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】577