

The Investigation of the Burden and the Adverse Effect of Lead Cadmium and Mercury in Suzhou Citizens

【作者】 张宜明

【导师】 朱圣陶;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 营养与食品卫生, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 【目的】以铅、镉、汞为代表的有毒重金属元素对苏州市非职业接触人群健康的影响尚不清楚。本课题通过调查苏州市区普通居民体内有关铅、镉、汞的蓄积及健康效应指标,判定它们的负荷及有关效应水平,并为下一步开展各项预防及干预措施提供基础性的资料。 【指标】血铅、血镉、尿铅、尿镉、尿汞、发铅、发镉、发汞、红细胞游离原卟啉(FEP)、尿N-乙酰-β-D-葡萄糖苷酶(NAG)、血清碱性磷酸酶(ALP)。 【对象与方法】对象:学龄前儿童选自市区两所幼儿园,学龄儿童来源于市区两所小学,成人分别来源于市区血站的健康献血者和工业园区疾病控制中心的健康体检人员,分别采集血样、尿样、发样。检测方法:铅、镉的检测均采用石墨炉原子吸收法,汞的检测采用冷原子吸收法,FEP的检测采用荧光分光光度法,其他指标的检测采用试剂盒或普通临床理化检验方法。 【结果】 1 苏州市区的学龄前儿童体内铅、镉水平 学龄前儿童血铅平均水平为66.3μg/L(8.69~175.98μg/L),血镉为0.63μg/L(0.06~7.08μg/L),红细胞FEP为288.5μg/L(120.2~676μg/L)。发铅为3.08μg/g(0.38~32.75),发镉为0.074μg/g(0.028~0.33),与北京、上海的学龄前儿童平均水平相比,本地学龄前儿童的铅、镉负荷较低,现有效应指标也未发现铅、镉对儿童的健康产生危害。 2 苏州市区的学龄儿童体内铅、镉、汞水平 学龄儿童发铅为0.66μg/g(0.10~23.98μg/g),发镉为0.023μg/g(0.004~0.234μg/g),尿NAG为12.8U/g.cr(1.53~94.77 U/g.cr),发汞为0.85μg/g(0.14~3.75μg/g)。学龄儿童铅、镉负荷处于较低水平,现有的负荷尚未对儿童的健康产生危害。儿童发汞水平与二十年前本地区的一项调查相苏州市区居民体内铅、福、汞的蓄积及健康效应的调查中文摘要比没有增加。3成人的铅、锅、汞水平 苏州市区健康成人的血铅、血锅分别为94.1 pg/L(2 .86一471.4 09/L)和1.13 pg/L(0.13一12.27 pg/L),发铅和发锡分别为1.76扒g/g(0.35一7.24pg/g)和0.24 pg/g(0.0068一0.27 pg/g)。发汞水平为0.95 p 92‘g(0.42一9.45pg/g)。根据卫生部卫生监督司有关材料,结合近几年国内其他若干大城市的人群调查资料,与我国非职业接触人群的总体水平相比,当前苏州市居民体内的铅负荷处于中等水平,而锡的水平偏高。成人发汞水平近二十年来也没有增加。尿铅、尿锡分别为19.87林g/L(1.99一81.3 pg/L)和1.06 pg/L(0.03一13.8 pg/L),碱性磷酸酶为17.52金氏单位(4 .61一38.97),尿NAG为15.49U/9.Cr(0 .99一41.41U/9.。r),这些效应指标表明,现有的铅、锡、汞水平尚未对苏州市区普通人群的健康产生不良影响。此外,工业园区体检人员血铅为134,8 pg/L(5 .94一49.65抖留L),与市区成人血铅相比有显著性差异(p<0.05),反映出园区体检人员体内铅负荷水平较高。今后应继续调查监测苏州市区普通人群体内的铅、锅、汞的负荷,并对它们的变化趋势给予密切关注。

【Abstract】 [Objective J The effect of harmful mental elements such as Pb, Cd and Hg to Suzhou citizens without occupational exposure is unknown. This study was designed to investigate the burden of these mental elements in Suzhou’s citizens, and to provide the basic data for further study and for making determinations of prevention policies.[ Indexes ] Blood lead, blood cadmium, hair lead, hair cadmium, hair mercury, urine lead, urine cadmium, urine mercury, free erythrocyte protoporphrin(FEP), alkaline phosphatase(ALP) and urine N-acetyl- β -D-glucosidase (NAG) .[Subjects and Methods] Subjects: The preschool children and the school children were chosen from two kindergartens and from two schools in downtown, respectively. The adults were the blood-donors of Suzhou Blood Center and the persons who were taken health examinations by the Center of Disease Control and Prevention of Suzhou Industrial Park District. The samples of blood, urine and hair were collected from these subjects. Method: The levels of lead and cadmium in blood, urine and hair were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The levels of mercury in urine and hair were determined by cool atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The level of blood FEP was determined by fluorescence spectrophotometer, and other indexes were detected by reagent kits.[Results] 1 The burden of lead and cadmium in preschool childrenThe average level of blood lead and blood cadmium of preschool children were 66.3 μ g/L(8.69~l75.98 μ g/L) and 0.63 μ g/L(0.06~7.08 μ g/L), respectively. Blood FEP was 288.5 μ g/L (120.2-676 μ g/L). Hair lead was 3.08 μ g/g(0.38~32,75 μ g/g) and hair cadmium was 0.074 μ g/g(0.028~0.33 μ g/g). The burden of lead and cadmium in local preschool children was lower than that of preschool children inBeijing and Shanghai. The adverse effects to health of local preschool children were not found.2 The burden of lead cadmium and mercury in school childrenThe level of hair lead and hair cadmium were 0.66 μ g/g (0.10-23.98 μ g/g) and 0.023 μ g/g (0.0041-0.234 μ g/g), respectively. Urine NAG was 12.8U/g. cr (1.53 -94.77 U/g. cr). Hair mercury of children was 0.85 μ g/g(0.14~3.75 μ g/g). The burden of lead and cadmium in school children was low, and it didn’t produce any adverse effect to their health. Compared with the investigation made twenty years ago, the burden of mercury in children didn’t increased.3 The burden of lead cadmium and mercury in adultsThe average levels of blood lead and cadmium in downtown adults were 94.1 μ g/L (2.86~471.4μ g/L) and 1.13 μ g/L (0.13-12.27 μ g/L) , respectively. The levels of hair lead and hair cadmium were 1.76μg/g (0.35?.24 μ g/g) and 0.24μg/g (0.0068~0.27 μ g/g), respectively. The average level of hair mercury was 0.95 μ g/g (0.42-9.45 μ g/g) . Compared with the data provided by Ministry of Public Health and investigations of other cities’ adults, the burden of lead in the adults of Suzhou citizens was moderate, however, the burden of cadmium in Suzhou citizens was higher. The urine lead and cadmium in adults were 19.87 μ g/L (1.99-81.3 μ g/L) and 1.06 μ g/L (0.03-13.8 μ g/L) , respectively. The level of ALP was 17.52 King’s unit (4.61 -38.97) , and urine NAG was 15.49 U/g. cr (0.99-41.41 U/g. cr) . These indexes showed that the current burden of these harmful elements didn’t produce any adverse effect to their health. The level of mercury in Suzhou citizens didn’t increse compared with the investigation made twenty years ago. The level of blood lead of the workers in Suzhou Industrial Park District was 134.8 μ g/L (5.94-49.65 μ g/L) , significantly higher than that of general citizens in the downtown of Suzhou. It’s better to pay more attention to the further tendency of lead cadmium and mercury in Suzhou’s citizens.

【关键词】 非职业接触负荷健康效应
【Key words】 leadcadmiummercurynon-occupational exposureburdenhealth effect
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】R114
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】499