

Learner Autonomy in a Computer-Assisted EFL Context

【作者】 方颖

【导师】 顾佩娅;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 英语语言文学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 建构主义认为知识是一种不断积极的实践和建构过程。基于这种教育理论,学生应是学习过程的主体,应对自己的学习负责。本文通过对苏州大学英语专业三年级学生参加为期一学期的“因特网辅助英语学习入门”选修课整个过程的调查,探究了在计算机辅助教学环境支持下,以建构主义的思想为指导的项目教学法是如何逐步促进学生自主学习观念和策略变化的。 本课题的定量研究材料来源于一项在课程前、后对学生自主学习性的问卷调查。问卷主要考察五十一名参加选修课的学生在自主学习观念和策略方面有无统计意义上的变化。定性研究主要建立在与四位在自主学习性方面有不同变化程度的学生的访谈上。访谈紧扣研究问题和Holec(1981)有关自主发展的三个关键因素,详细考察被采访者在确立学习目标,执行计划,评估过程中观念和策略的具体变化,以及促进和阻碍这些变化的内外因素。另外,笔者的观察笔记,学生的各种写作样本也都作为定性研究数据。通过对采集数据的客观分析,笔者得出以下结论: 1.由于观念的相对稳定性和时间有限,学生在学习目标确定和计划执行的观念方面没有发现统计意义上的变化,但还是朝着预先估计的方向发展的。评估观念显示有显著变化,但这种变化不是突然发生的,而是学生在项目中积极地评估自己的学习,不断反思,通过不同途径发现问题,相互比较而逐渐取得的。 2.经过一学期的学习,学生的学习策略变化显著,尤其表现在确立目标、执行计划和评估策略方面。研究表明这些学习策略能够帮助学生“学习如何学习”,使学生成为学习的主导者,而基于建构主义的计算机辅助项目教学法在这方面起了不可忽视的重要作用。 3.有许多因素促进或制约着机辅自主学习的发展。最重要的促进因素是教师的帮助、项目教学法和计算机辅助学习环境;而制约的因素则包括学生对这种新的学习模式和环境的错误观念、项目管理不到位以及技术支持不足等。 以上研究结果表明基于建构主义的计算机辅助项目教学法在促进自主学习方面具有潜力,可以帮助学习者树立理念、选择策略、确立目标、执行计划和自我评估。然而这种计算机辅助项目教学的成效仍然取决于项目的设计、课堂的组织管理、行政技术服务、以及教师与学生多方面的充分支持。

【Abstract】 Recent researches in cognitive psychology and ESL/EFL learning theories reveal that learners themselves are the internal and dominant factor in language learning, and thus learner autonomy should become an unquestionable goal of education (Candy, 1989; Littlewood, 1999; Nunan, 2001; Piaget, 1977; Vygotsky, 1978). This paper investigates the effects of a computer-assisted project-based learning program on the development of learner autonomy. By exploring its impact on the students’ autonomous learning beliefs and strategies, this paper aims to improve our ability to design CALL programs that foster autonomous learning so that we can implement such programs more effectively. The theoretical base for this study is a goal-oriented cognitive and social constructivist view of learning. H. Holec’s three essential elements in learner autonomy development are employed as the research framework. They are goal-setting, independent-action and evaluation.In the research, both quantitative and qualitative methods were employed. The quantitative data were obtained from a learner autonomy survey of 51 third-year English majors in Suzhou University. Meanwhile, post-project interviews, the writer’s observation notes and the students’ writing samples were employed in order to gain insights into the process of learner changes. The major findings can be summarized as follows:1. No statistically significant changes have been found in goal-setting beliefs and independent-action beliefs during the one-semester’s CALL program, but the general tendency of change has been identified in the expected directions. Obvious changes in the evaluation beliefs have been identified. However, the data analysis reveals that such changes do not take place immediately. Rather, they penetrate gradually into the students’ increasing involvement in the evaluation activities, into their awareness of the benefits and into their constant reflections on the learning processes.2. Goal-setting strategies, independent-action strategies and evaluationstrategies, have undergone statistically significant changes throughout the computer-assisted and project-based course. The students learn to make decisions about their own learning, determine the order of steps to be taken to complete the tasks, solve their own problems, evaluate the progress and predict the possible outcome. They are becoming the learners with clear goals and with the ability to manage their own learning.3. Many factors seem to have either facilitated or inhibited the development of learner autonomy in this CALL classroom. The most prevalent facilitating factors are teacher support, a new construedvist pedagogy, and a favorable CALL environment, while the inhibiting factors include students’ misconceptions and disinclination, project management problems and inadequate technical support.In light of the above findings, this paper suggests that the constructivist project-based learning with technology has potential in developing learner autonomy, in terms of both learning beliefs and strategies, which include goal-setting, independent-action and evaluation. However, the effects of such CALL programs still depend on program design, classroom management and adequate support from administrators, technicians, teachers and learners themselves.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】H319.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】499