

Embezzlement Bribe Exist Problem and Making Up

【作者】 石玉英

【导师】 李洪欣;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 法律, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 现阶段,我国的贪污贿赂腐败犯罪并未得到有效遏制,中国的头号社会问题即是腐败。产生腐败的原因是多方面的,笔者认为,我国刑事立法及司法方面存在的问题,在一定程度上影响着反腐败斗争的深入。为此,需尽快建立一部专门的反贪污贿赂法,通过严谨立法,严密法网,未有效地惩治贪污贿赂腐败犯罪。首先,应根据贪污贿赂腐败犯罪的特点,设置相应的罚金刑和剥夺任职资格刑;其次,坚决同社会上的不正之风作斗争,有必要增设收受赠贿罪;再次,针对贪污贿赂腐败犯罪不易侦破的特点,增设知情不举罪;此外,需修改洗钱罪的上游犯罪,将贪污贿赂犯罪包含在内,掐断赃款转移通道;最后,应根据司法实践的发展修改贪污贿赂腐败犯罪的具体规定,尤其是要将贿赂犯罪的对象扩充到包含性服务在内的一切非财产性利益。另外,在我们的司法实践中,要坚持法律面前人人平等的执法理念,坚持执法必严,违法必究的法治原则,以有效遏制腐败犯罪的发生。

【Abstract】 The corruption still comes out as the top social problem on the current social stage, for the sake that the corruptive crime, such as the embezzlement and bribe, hasn’t yet been curbed effectively. Though the ineffective anti-corruption shows various reasons, the writer considers: some regulations and methods, in the aspects of the legislation and jurisdiction of our contrary, to some degree bring the negative influence upon the deepening of the anti-corruption struggle. In such circumstances, it’s urgently needed to establish a special anti-corruption law, by means of strengthening the lawmaking, tightening the law implement. As a result, the corruptive crime as embezzlement and bribe will be effectively punished. Firstly, it’s necessary to make out the additional legal punishment of homologous penal sum (the capital punishment) and depriving over the working position qualification, in accord to the different characters of the corruptive crimes, for instance embezzlement and bribe. The next in order is to struggle determinedly with the unhealthy tendency of the society so that the penalty of both receiving and offering bribes shall be added necessarily. Again, aiming at the characteristics of the corruptive crime not easily being detected, establish the offense of "knowing what happened, not revealing". Moreover, modifying the washing the black money offense commits crime in the upper stream, and adds the embezzlement and bribe in which, will break off the transferring passage of the bribe money. Finally, modifying the detailed regulations of corruptive crimes in correspondent with the development of the juridical practice, especially to explain the object of the bribe into all non-assets interests including sexual service. What’smore, the juridical practice requests us to insist particularly the conception of "all men are equal in law", sticking to the principle of enforcing the law strictly and punishing the person who break the law. In the end, restrain the occurrence of the corruptive crime.

【关键词】 贪污贿赂腐败刑罚
【Key words】 EmbezzlementBriberyCorruptionPenalty
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】D917
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】524