

Research into the Judicatory Cognizance of Several Problems on Bribery

【作者】 曹卫星

【导师】 李洪欣;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 法律, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 受贿罪是司法实践中一种多发的犯罪,也是国家工作人员腐败的主要表现之一。由于1997年《刑法》对受贿罪成立要件具体内容规定的模糊性和实际生活的复杂性,司法实践中对受贿罪犯罪构成四个要件中的有关问题常常发生争议,如在主体方面,如何界定国家工作人员的范围?离、退休国家工作人员和国家工作人员家属能否成为受贿罪主体?在主观方面,受贿罪故意是否包括间接故意?“事后受贿”是否都构成犯罪?在客体方面,受贿罪侵犯的直接客体是什么?现行条件下对贿赂的范围应如何把握?在客观方面,如何理解《刑法》第385条中“利用职务上的便利”和第388条中“利用本人职权或地位形成的便利条件”?如何界定“为他人谋取利益”的“利益”和“不正当利益”?赃款赃物的去向对受贿罪的构成有何影响?行为人受贿以后为他人谋取利益的行为又触犯其他罪名的,是从一重罪处断还是实行数罪并罚?作者围绕上述问题,既结合理论,又立足实践展开了探讨,对创新理论和指导实践有一定的意义。

【Abstract】 Bribery is a crime that often occurs in life, and is also a major corruption of the state working stuff . In actual judicatory practice, there are often disputes on the four factors that the bribery crime consists of, owing to the complexity of actual circumstances and to the ambiguity of the content leading to bribery crime regulated by the Criminal Law which was issued in 1997. Take the subjective body of the crime for example. How should we ascertain the scope of the state working stuff? Can the retired stuff or the family members of the state working stuff be included in the crime body? In subjectivity, does bribery intention include indirect intention? Is "Bribery-after-event" a crime? As far as the objective body is concerned, what is the direct objective body offended by the bribery crime? How should we understand the scope of bribery under the present conditions? In objectivity, how should we understand "making use of the convenience of headship"(Item 385 of the Criminal Law) and "making use the convenient conditions formed by the power and position"(Item 388)? How do we define "benefit" in "making benefits" and "unfair benefit"? What effect does the consequence of illicit money and goods have on the constitution of the crime? If the act of the bribery conductor violates the names of other crimes, should he be judged for one crime or more? In this thesis, the author discusses the above questions in theory and in practice, giving significance to creative theory and practice guidance.

【关键词】 受贿罪若干问题司法认定
【Key words】 Bribery CrimeSeveral ProblemsJudicatory Cognizance
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】D924.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】109