

Applied Research into the Communicative Approaches in Junior English Teacher Preparation and Development

【作者】 牛玉琴

【导师】 许洁英;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 新英语课程标准的实施,将不仅使我国基础英语教学发生根本的变化,而且会对师范院校英语教育同样产生巨大的影响。在新课程标准下,教师的教学方式和学生的学习方式将和以往有着根本性的不同,师生课堂角色将发生深刻的变化。教师职业专业化程度的要求将越来越高。因此,作为培养中小学师资的师范院校要率先研究改革的方向,对自己的教学进行改革,以配合、适应基础教育的改革步伐。国际上外语师资培养经历了三种模式:师徒模式、科学应用模式、反思型模式。而我国传统观点认为,只要掌握了英语学科知识与技能就能当教师,因而在英语教育专业课程设置上存在着专业特征不明显的问题,具体体现在教育类课程所占份额严重偏低,英语教学法课程定位不当,教育实习期短等方面,而相关英语课堂依然采用语法翻译法等。事实上,语言教学不同于数学或历史教学,其原因在于语言教学必须把语言本身作为手段来进行教学,而数学或历史教学则是通过语言来实现的。 本文讨论的交际法教学改革项目就是把英语作为交流的工具,进行英语教学,即所有相关英语专业课程都用交际法教学,其中包括教学法课本身。而不仅把交际法作为教学法一种在其课堂上加以介绍。其目的是使职前的初中英语教师通过亲身体验、参与、实践,对交际法有一个全面的认识,并能在日后自身的教学实践中灵活恰当地使用。交际法虽然在我国经历了20多年的发展,但对交际法的研究,理论探讨多,实践研究少,并集中在提高语言技能方面,本文主要探讨交际法运用于初中英语教师的培养。因为从1994年起,中英合编的九年义务教育教材在全国范围内广泛使用,广大的初中英语教师对交际法这个词非常熟悉,但在具体的课堂教学中并不能有效应用。进一步来说,新课程标准对教师的素质有了更高的要求,教师不仅要具备英语语言知识和基本技能,更要具有全新的现代英语教育观念,能正确对待并开发不断变化的教材资源(目前我国正在试行基础英语新教材),能恰当选择适合于自身教学的教学方法,使自己的教育观念与教学行动相一致,走专业化教师可持续发展的道路。 论文运用问卷与访谈等调查研究方法,研究了交际法在初中英语教师培养中的应用效果。对项目班目前在校的与已经就业的共90名学生发放了问卷;对已经在教学岗位的10名学生进行了访谈。结果发现,交际法在培养新形势下师范生的综合素质方面取得较明显的效果。主要表现在:教学理念的转变;交际硕l:学位论文;交际法在初中英语教师培养中的应用研究‘卜工琴化课堂策略意识与科学化评价能力的形成:综合素质与语一言运用能力的明显提高等;并运用经验总结法总结了交际法教学模式及语言技能课堂教学的特点。 最后,作者提出了如下建议: 课程设置方面:进一步加强师范性较强的英语教育类课程的开设与学习;学制方面:以初中英语教师为培养目标的项目班学制可延长至三年;以小学教师为培养目标可保持两年;在职教师培训方面:行政部门应组织非英语教育专业学历的在职初中英语教师接受交际法短期培训,更新教育观念、改善知识结构、提高教学能力;教学材料方面:交际教学材料和目前我国通用的教科书结合使用;教学方法方面:交际法与现行教法相结合等。

【Abstract】 The Implementation of the new English Curriculum Criteria will not only causesome revolutionary changes in our basic English education, but also in the teachereducation of normal universities. Under the new Curriculum Criteria, both theteaching styles of teachers and the learning habits of students will be thoroughlydifferent form that of the past, thus great changes will take place in both the roles ofteachers and students. Teacher will be a highly specialized career. As a university oftraining junior and primary English teachers, normal universities should take thelead in studying the reform direction and in reforming their own teaching in order tokeep in pace with the basic education reform. Internationally, foreign languageteacher education has experienced 3 periods with different models: craft model, theapplied science model and the reflective model. The target of teacher development isto choose suitable teaching approaches from the reflective point of view. In contrastto this, our traditional concept holds the idea that a person with some Englishknowledge and skills can be a qualified English teacher. Therefore, A problem ofunapparent specialized features of curriculum exists, which is reflected in theunsuitable position for methodology; the small portion of educational courses andthe short period of teaching practice, and also English language classrooms are stilldominated by Grammar -Translation Method. In fact, language teaching is differentfrom math teaching or history teaching. The reason lies in that language teachingmust take the language itself as a teaching tool to teach it, whereas math or history istaught through language, that is to say, English language skills only can be masteredthrough practical use.The teaching reform project of the Communicative Approaches to be discussed in this essay takes English as a communicative tool to teach English, and the communicative approaches are widely used in all the related English classes, including methodology class, in which the communicative approaches are not only introduced as one of teaching methods, the purpose of doing this is to make the pre-service junior English teachers have a general view of the communicative approaches and they are expected to use them freely through self-experience, self-participation and practical use. .Since the wide use of the 9-year-compulsory education textbooks compiled by the Chinese and British experts since 1994, Chinese Junior English teachers have become very familiar with the word "communicative", but they can’t use the approaches properly. Furthermore, the new English Curriculum asks higher qualifications for junior English teachers, who should not only have some English knowledge and skills but also a brand-new modern English teaching notion, a fair attitude toward textbooks and the ability to develop changing teaching materials (basic English new textbooks are being tried in our country), and the ability of sustainable development. So, the introduction of the teaching reform project is necessary.The research methods of questionnaire, interview and experience-summarizing are applied to find out the results of the implementation of the Communicative Approaches into junior English teacher preparation and development. Questionnaires are handed out to 90 students, including some pre-service teachers and in-service ones. And interviews are conducted among 10 students who are already in their teaching posts. The research result shows an apparent effect that is reflected in the following aspects: a shift from old teaching conception to a modern one; the formation of the sense of communicative classroom strategies and the abilities of scientific assessment; the increase of comprehensive qualities and the competence of language use. Finally, the essay puts forward the some suggestions in terms of the following aspects:Curriculum: English educational courses and that sort of things should be offered further; Educational system: Educational sys

【关键词】 交际法应用教师培养
【Key words】 the communicative approachesapplicationteacher development
  • 【分类号】G635.1
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1151