

Effects of Topic-based Vocabulary Learning Strategy on Word Memory

【作者】 石宏宾

【导师】 杨寅;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,大多数中学英语教师在教学中对词汇教学不够重视,认为学生会自己学习并记住这些词汇。尽管有研究表明词汇教学在整个外语学习过程中发挥重要的作用。但就如何在课堂环境下通过实验探索有效的词汇教学策略的教师仍然很少。 本研究以Craik和Lockhart(1972)的认知加工层次理论为理论框架,旨在考察建立在该理论基础上的话题为主的词汇学习策略对外语词汇记忆产生的影响。根据认知加工层次理论,对单个词汇可进行形式和语意即浅层次和深层次加工;加工层次越深,记忆效果越好。本研究旨在通过词汇教学实验证明话题为主的词汇教学策略有助于词汇的记忆及词汇知识的增长,并丰富该理论的应用范围。从而使人们对中学课堂环境下探讨有效的词汇教学策略有新的认识。 实验对象为高一两个年级的142名学生。其中男生85人,女生57人,年龄跨度在15———17岁之间。大多数的英语学习时间为三年半。按初中升学英语成绩将他们分为实验组和控制组,T检验两个组的英语成绩不存在显著差异。同一教师给两组分别授课;实验组和控制组除正常内容外,在45分钟内,实验组接受以话题为主的词汇教学;控制组接受以词汇练习或例句为主的词汇教学。实验周期为17个学周。 测量工具由词汇测试卷和调查问卷组成。前者由两部分组成。第一部分主要考察学生对词汇的记忆。作者借鉴了Spolsky(1995)提出的词汇测试模式。第二部分主要考察学生对词汇知识的掌握。作者依据Cronbach(1942)提出的词汇知识测试模式,即词的意义,搭配及运用设计而成。总共进行了三次词汇测试。调查问卷旨在了解学生对该方法的看法,由6个问题组成。所得数据由Excel软件进行了相关分析。 实验结果表明话题为主的词汇学习策略有助于词汇记忆,也有助于词汇知识的增长。作者结合以上结果进行了讨论,认为教师应该充分认识词汇教学的重要性以及话题为主的词汇学习策略在中学英语词汇教学中的可行性。

【Abstract】 Many teachers give little or no class attention to vocabulary teaching and learning, assuming that students will learn vocabulary on their own. Although research demonstrates that vocabulary teaching and learning play a very important role in foreign language learning, few people have ever proved how well the vocabulary can be learned in the classroom setting through experiments.The present research makes an attempt to study the effects on word memory with topic-based vocabulary learning strategy based on the theory of depths of processing proposed by Craik and Lockhart (1972). According to the theory, the deeper the processing, the more durable the memory of the item processed. This research is intended to, through teaching and learning experiment, testi-fy and enrich the theory, and shed light on effective vocabulary learning strategy in the classroomsetting for English learners at high school level. This study proves the following hypotheses: (1) Topic-based vocabulary learning strategy has a positive effect on word memory. (2) Topic-based vocabulary instruction can help increase learners’ vocabulary knowledge.One hundred and fourty two students in Senior Grade 1 participated in the 17 -week experi-ment. There are 71 students in each group, 22 females in the experimental group and 25 in the con-trol group. The results of t-test showed no significant differences between the results of Entrance English Examination of the two groups. The experimental group received topic - based vocabulary instruction within normal class time while the control group received vocabulary exercise-based or example sentence-based instruction. During the experiment, the subjects took 3 vocabulary tests which are designed to examine learners’ vocabulary memory and vocabulary knowledge.The results of this study show that topic-based vocabulary learning strategy does have a posi-tive effect on word memory. Besides, topic - based vocabulary instruction in the classroom led to gains in vocabulary knowledge. It is argued that teachers should give consideration to the importance of vocabulary learning strategies. Several pedagogical implications were discussed and suggestionsfor future research were then presented.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】616