

Actual Analysis of Participation Action in Class of the Students of Junior Middle School, Jin Chang City

【作者】 杨荣

【导师】 刘萍;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 教育管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 学生参与行为是学生认知、情感、行为发展的基础,无论学生思维、智慧的发展、创新精神的培养,还是情感、态度、价值观的形成,都是在参与过程中实现的,只有学生积极地参与教学,才能实现全面和谐的发展。 长期以来,我们学生处于被动学习,机械性的训练中,个性严重受到压抑,教师在教学实践中已习惯于灌注式教学。在全面推进素质教育的要求下,学生的主体地位提到了前所未有的地位,学生积极参与教学,有利于师生的交往,有利于创设自主、宽松、愉悦的课堂气氛,特别有利于学生创新精神和创新能力的发展。 学生课堂参与行为在金昌市各个学校正在做积极的尝试,本研究对金昌市初中生课堂参与行为的现状进行调查,进一步了解学生课堂参与的情况,并以语、数、外三门课的学习成绩为发展指标,考察不同参与类型学生的学习成绩的发展特点,为深入研究学生的课堂参与进行积极的探索。 本研究在金昌市实验中学和市一中的两个初二年级进行随机抽样调查,调查结果进行统计,结果表明:(1)学生课堂参与仍然存在部分的、被动的状况。(2)学生的参与行为性别差异显著。(3)各门课程中学生参与的程度不一样。(4)积极主动参与到课堂教学中的学生的成绩优于被动和非参与的学生。

【Abstract】 Actual Analysis of Participation Action in class of the students of Junior Middle School, Jin Chang CityThe student is activity of education and teaching. The process of teaching in class is the process of construction and development of student subject. The process can be achieved by student participation .Student participation is the developmental foundation of student’s cognition emotion and action. Whether the training of student’s thinking, wisdom and bring forth new ideas or the forming of emotion, attitude, valuable views can only be achieved by participation. Only through student active participation can realize harmonious development in an all-round way. For a long time, the teaching illnesses about students perplexed by passive studying; the individual depressed ; students’ accepting study; Learning by rote; mechanical training have become fixed psychological model. In the demand of promoting quality in all-around way, students’ subject position has been promoted to an unprecedented position. Students active participation in teaching, it is good for association between the teacher and the students; it is good for creating free, broad, pleasing class atmosphere, especially it is good for the development of bring forth new ideas and abilities.Investigation has been made both in Experiment Middle School and Middle School No.1 in Jin Chang City The analysis of the effects leads to the following conclusions: (1) students participation is partly, passive, inefficient. (2)the difference between men and women is very clear (3)there are different extent in different courses. (4)the total of marks is relative to the extent of participation.

  • 【分类号】G632
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