

Psychosocial Epidemiological Study on Suicidal Ideation of Undergraduates in Shanxi Province

【作者】 高宏生

【导师】 曲成毅;

【作者基本信息】 山西医科大学 , 流行病学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 目的 了解山西省大学生自杀意念的基本分布情况,研究自杀意念的社会心理影响因素及其作用大小,并探讨部分生理生化指标和自杀意念的关系。 方法 采用多阶段分层随机整群抽样方法调查山西省普通高校一、二、三年级本专科大学生4882名,应用青少年生活事件量表、防御方式问卷、社会支持评定量表、SCL—90症状自评量表、简易应对方式问卷、自杀态度问卷、艾森克人格问卷,通过多元logistic回归分析和通径分析方法来研究自杀意念的影响因素及其作用大小。在先前研究的基础上,选取自杀意念组(112例)和非自杀意念组(128例),应用北京博达技术研究所生产的DDX-200型电脑多功能心理生理能力测试仪测定生理心理指标,并在两组内分别测定其血清胆固醇值。 结果 大学生自杀意念发病率为13.8%。男性、医学类、二类学校比其相应女性、教育类、一类学校的学生自杀意念发病率高。生活事件是自杀意念的诱发因素但不起主要作用,心理疾病倾向则是产生自杀意念的主要影响因素。人格等因素总是直接或间接通过应对、防御等中间变量对自杀意念产生影响作用。血清胆固醇值、利手臂稳定性得、、、~山万医科大学硕士学位论丈分与自杀意念呈负相关,视觉简单反应时的平均时间和错误次数与自杀意念呈正相关。结论对男性、医学类及教育档次低等的高校学生应教育其排除自卑心理,增加课外活动。人格是自杀意念的基础性因素,负性生活事件对自杀意念作用虽小却起到“扳机”作用,而心理疾病倾向则是自杀意念的直接作用因素,三者依次递进有机整合最终产生自杀意念。血清胆固醇值、利手手臂稳定性得分、视觉简单反应时中的平均时间和错误次数与自杀意念有相关关系,其内在联系仍需进一步探讨。

【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate the distribution of population,psycho social factors associated with suicidal ideation, and relations between some physiological indexes and suicidal ideation of the undergraduates in Shanxi Province.Method 4882 undergraduates from 6 universities in ShanxiProvince were investigated with multistage stratified random cluster sampling. Factors associated with suicidal ideation were analyzed with Logistic Regress and Path Analysis by Adolescent Self-Rate Life Events Check List (ASLEC), DSQ, Social Support Rating Scale, SCL-90, Simple Coping Modes Questionnaire, Suicide Attitude Questionnaire (QSA), EPQ. Some physiological indexes of 112 undergraduates with suicidal ideation and 128 controls were measured by DDX-200, and the serum cholesterol by CHOD-PAP at the same time.Results 13.8% of subjects had suicidal ideation. The male, medical and ordinary college’s students were the high-risk population with suicidal ideation. Life events were inducingbut not main factors of suicidal ideation, psychological diseased tendency was the first main factor. Personality affected directly or indirectly suicidal ideation through coping and defense style. Average time, error frequency of simple visual reaction time correlated with suicidal ideation positively, whereas serum cholesterol value and scores of facilitated arm stability experiment negatively.Conclusions Self-abasement should be taken down , andrecreational action increased in male, medical students. Of the factors related to suicidal ideation, personality was sta-bilized factor, life events were minor but "triggering" agents,psychological diseased tendency was the principal factor. Above three factors were intergraded and resulted in suicidal ideation in chorus. The correlation between suicidal ideation and its physiological indexes such as serum cholesterol value, scores of facilitated arm stability experiment, and average time and error frequency of visual simple reaction time should be further studied.

  • 【分类号】B846
  • 【被引频次】5
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