

【作者】 周丽娟

【导师】 于建原;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 企业是按照国家经济法律法规从事商品经营获取盈利组织,企业要获得生存和发展、达到盈利的目的,必须向市场提供满足顾客需求的产品。我国是机床生产和装备大国,机床拥有量目前在数量上名列世界第二位,但是,构成水平极为落后,高科技、高效率、高水平的代言产品——数控机床拥有比率极低。为改变现状,实现机床生产大国向生产强国的转变,我国对机床行业提出了“引导市场、公平竞争、限制落后、发展先进、避免重复”、“限普压产、发展数控”的发展方针。这对国内以普通机床为主的机床生产企业提出了挑战。与此同时,随着我国加入WTO的临近,西部大开发的带动,以及“十五”期间国民经济将保持持续稳定的增长,这些必将拉动机床市场的需求,给我国机床制造企业带来了良好的发展机遇。但是,这些发展机遇中,市场需求的已经不再是低水平的通用机床,主要的需求对象是高效率、自动化、专用性强的数控机床。云南机床厂建于1961年,目前是西南最大的车床专业生产企业。主导产品是普通车床,同时生产部分数控机床。本文通过对国内外机床产品发展状况的分析得出,发展具有高效率、高精度、高可靠性、高自动化、高柔性特点的数控机床是机床行业发展的主流方向,数控机床替代普通机床指日可待。作为主要生产普通车床的企业,云南机床厂在机遇与挑战并存的情况下,要抓住机遇,赢得市场,从而获得持续发展,唯一的出路就是进行产品创新,大力开发数控机床。企业要尽快、更多地提供满足市场需求的数控机床,必须找出企业在数控机床产品开发中存在的一些制约产品开发问题,本文针对存在的问题研究分析出相应的对策和建议,力图解决问题,以利于企业更多、更好、更快、更节约成本地开发数控机床, 从而使企业在市场竞争中获得生存和发展。本文针对这些问题提出解决对策和建议,。<WP=3>本文共分为五章。第一章分为三节,第一节介绍云南机床厂的历史,第二、第三节对企业经营状况、产品状况进行分析。第二章分为三节,第一、第二节分别分析国内外机床行业产品发展情况,第三节对比分析国内外数控机床产品间的差距。第三章分为四节,第一节分析云南机床厂在我国机床行业中的竞争地位,第二节分析国内机床市场的发展机遇与挑战,第三节分析数控机床产品开发与企业发展的关系,第四节在以上分析中得出云南机床厂获得持续发展的根本出路在于开发数控机床产品。第四章分为二节,第一节介绍云南机床厂产品开发的方式、程序,以及开发数控机床产品的优势,第二节,分析云南机床厂在数控机床产品开发中存在的问题,第五章根据数控机床产品开发中存在问题研究对策,以实现企业更多、更快、更好、更节约地开发出满足市场需求的数控机床产品,把握住发展机遇,取得持续发展的目的。

【Abstract】 Enterprise refers to the organization, which gains profits by commodity dealing based on national economic laws & regulations. In order to survive, develop and gain profit, enterprises have to supply the products, which can reach the customers’ requirement, into the market.China ranks the second largest costuming country of the machine tool in the world. However, the consuming of machine tools industry is very under-developed. The ratio of number-controlled machine tools, which represents the high technology and high-efficiency, in the whole industry is really low. To improve the current situation and to raise the quality of the products, China puts forward the following principles: ’good market management, fair market competition, limiting the under-developed, encouraging the high technology, avoiding the repetition’,’ reducing the production of common-level machine tools as well as researching the number-controlled products’. These principles challenged the present Chinese machine tools industry, since the industry is mainly composed by the production of common-level machine tools. Furthermore, with the entry into WTO, the Exploitation of the West and the stable growth of national economy during the ’tenth five-year plan’ for national development, machine tools market obtains golden opportunity of development. Definitely, the market demands mainly lie on the number-controlled machine tools segment.For a machine tools manufacture whose main products are universal ones, it must cherish the opportunity and development. The enterprise should focus on the actual demands of the customers and find out the solution to the problems of developing number-controlled machine tools as soon as possible. So that it can survive and develop in the sharper market competition.<WP=5>Yunnan Machine Tool Works was established in 1961. Currently, it ranks the biggest machine tools producer in Southwest China whose main products are universal lathe. This paper analyses the actual market situation, then, finds out that number-controlled machine tools are the future tendency of the industry. Finally it concludes if Yunnan Machine tool works wants to obtain continual development, it must develop number-controlled machine tools. Moreover, focusing on the problems occurring in the process of development, the author raises some solution and suggestion in order that the enterprise can develop the new products better, faster.This paper has five chapters. Chapter One mainly introduces the history of Yunnan Machine Tool Works, and analyzes the management and products of the plant. Chapter Two analyzes the development tendency of the whole industry and points out the distance between Chinese machine tools and other nations’. Chapter Three focuses on market analysis and concludes that the only way to survey to develop number-controlled machine tools. Chapter Four puts forward the problems occurring during the process of development. Finally, Chapter Five presents the solution.

  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【下载频次】191