

【作者】 林毅

【导师】 杨丹;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着电信体制改革的逐步深入和我国加入WTO,我国电信市场的竞争格局已经初步形成了。中国电信集团公司在经历了多次重大体制改革后,正同国内各大营运商一道,面临着国内外市场的选择与挑战。四川省电信公司成都分公司(以下简称成都电信公司),是中国电信集团公司在成都地区的下属分支机构。在竞争激烈的市场环境中,既要实现收入高速增长和市场份额不丢失的发展目标,同时又要追求最大经济效益,实现资本收益最大化和保持企业长久发展动力,这是成都电信必须全面关注和认真思考的问题。目前,成都电信已经完成了公司化改制,并更名为四川省电信公司成都市分公司,企业的经营管理水平和经营效益也有所提高;同时,企业独家垄断的时代也成为过去,其经营的各项电信业务领域都面临着众多的国内外竞争对手。同竞争对手相比,成都电信公司的企业竞争力不强,一个重要的原因在于该公司在抓收入求发展的同时,成本管理意识淡薄,成本管理的观念、手段和方法落后。企业如何体现经营效益,在竞争中如何生存和发展,成本管理水平的高低就成为非常重要的决定因素,也是实现以上目标的重要途径。因此,尽快提高成本管理水平就成为该企业非常迫切的工作。并且,该公司即将海外上市,如何按照国际投资者的要求进行经营管理也成为企业今后工作的重点。企业上市后,成都电信财务管理的核心应该围绕如何实现企业价值最大化来开展工作,需要不断提高收入增长率、降低运营成本、优化资本结构、提高投资回报率,确保企业的可持续发展。同时,作为资金密集型的大型电信运营企业,如何控制成本,不断提高投资收益,也是投资者特别关注的内容。所以,成都电信公司在进入国际资本市场后,为适应国际资本市场的要求和经营管理变革的需要,应该不断加大了财务管理改革的力度,特别是成本管理改革的力度。面对日益激烈的市场竞争,该公司必须加强公司成本管理水平,<WP=3>增强企业综合竞争能力。笔者作为成都电信的员工,将以该公司为研究对象,采用成本管理的各种理论,结合笔者在企业工作中的实践经验,分析其现状并提出提高其成本管理水平的对策措施。论文的基本结构是:分为三大部分,第一章成都电信公司成本管理现状分析,介绍该公司基本情况,分析了成本管理模式及现状;第二章成都电信成本管理存在的问题及改进的必要性,分析目前存在问题,并提出改革的必要性;第三章至第六章,由笔者提出提高成本管理水平的若干对策,包括建立现代化的成本管理体系、实行责任会计管理模式、使用ABC法,科学核算各专业成本。并结合实际分析了这些对策措施在该公司应用的可行性,探讨了具体应用的方法和内容。

【Abstract】 In recent years, after China entered WTO, and as the reform of telecommunication institutions deepens, the competitive environment in telecommunication market gradually comes into being. After a series of substantial structural reforms, China Telecom is ready to be confronted with challenges from both domestic and foreign markets, together with other major competitors in China. Chengdu Telecom is the branch of China Telecom in Chengdu. In the fierce competitive market, in addition to maintaining its current market share and increasing total revenue, this company has to seek maximum economic profits, in the sense that it has to guarantee the maximization of capital income to support its long run growth. Chengdu Telecom has to take the all above questions into consideration seriously. Besides, questions as how to improve management skills to adapt to environmental change, how to conduct beneficial reforms in financial management system, and how to impose strict cost management should also be of interest to employers as well as employees in this company.The predecessor of Chengdu Telecom is Chengdu Telecommunication Office (CTO). As a combination of profitable and non-profitable organization, CTO was not only the monopoly, in charge of all telecommunication and information service business in Chengdu area, but also shared some administrative functions, such as offering general communication services, subsidizing post office, and providing free confidential telecommunication service to the government and the military units. The operation goal of CTO was more concerned with social benefit, such as whether it had met the requirement of the<WP=5>government, in the aspects of its total revenue, its capital assets scale, its telephone coverage rate etc. However, CTO ignored most important goals, such as financial benefit increase, profit maximization, cost control, and investment benefit analysis. The extensive management style as well as multi operation goals formed under CTO still influence Chengdu Telecom nowadays to a great extent.Today, Chengdu Telecom has finished its privatization reform, and changed its name to Sichuan Telecom, Chengdu branch. It has improved its management and increased its profits. However, as monopoly becomes history, it faces intense competition in its various business. Compared to competitors, Chengdu Telecom has lower profits. A main reason for this is that, while struggling for development, Chengdu Telecom does not pay enough attention to cost management, thus falling far behind in this. Moreover, Chengdu Telecom is expecting its oversea IPOs in the near future, thus cost management becomes vital for satisfying foreign investors’ requests for capital returns, and even for company’s survival. Our urgent task is to improve cost management.As an employee of Chengdu Telecom, the author has made rigorous analysis of this company, using cost management theories, combined with his own experience, and suggests solution to existing problems in order to improve its cost management.

【关键词】 电信企业成本管理改善
【Key words】 telecommunicationenterprisecost managementimprovement
  • 【分类号】F626
  • 【被引频次】3
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