

【作者】 李冬梅

【导师】 蒋明新;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在当今时代,人才是任何一个企业进行竞争的优势所在,人才资源日益成为各企业间激烈争夺的战略资源,人可以使企业兴旺发达,也可以使企业破产倒闭。因此,人力资源管理受到企业越来越多的重视。在国外,人力资源管理作为一种“以人为本”的战略管理,在其实践的每个领域(如招聘、培训、绩效、薪酬、职业生涯设计、员工关系等)都有大量的研究成果;而对中国绝大多数企业,特别是西部中小民营企业来说,人力资源管理还是一个比较新的管理领域。很多企业虽已认识到人力资源管理的重要性,但基本上仍然沿用传统人事管理系统:重“事”轻“人”。以“事”为核心的人事管理导致国内很多企业吸引和留人难,一些民营企业的人员流失率甚至达到50%以上。观念落后的人力资源管理成了制约民营企业发展壮大的“瓶颈”。本文主要针对人力资源管理中的人员招聘、绩效和薪酬管理三个主要问题,来讨论民营企业加强人力资源管理的具体方法与途径。本文通过直接观察、人员访谈、问卷调查及亲身实践的方法,就这三个问题对民营企业和外资企业进行对比分析,找出民营企业所存在的差距和原因。根据民营企业目前发展的实际情况,结合外资企业“以人为本”的人力资源管理模式,就人员招聘、绩效和薪酬管理向民营企业(或中小企业)提供一些管理理念和改进措施。在本文的前言部分首先分别对作为本文研究对象和对照样板的A、B两家公司进行了介绍。A公司是一家属制造行业的国内民营企业,正处于由中型向大型企业跨越的时期,现行的传统人事管理已不能满足企业高速发展的要求,出现了“执行难、吸引及留住人才难”的企业发展瓶颈。它对我国大多数的中小企业而言,具有一定的代表意义;B公司为一家大型的跨国公司。1985年以来,在美国《财富》杂志每年一度的全球企业调查中,B公司连续多次被评为“业内最受尊敬的公司”。在八项评比条件中,B公司吸引和保留人才的能力是世界一流。其管理思想和方法被很多知名企业所效仿。<WP=3>正文分为三章:①人员招聘。本文首先分别介绍了A公司(作者的实习企业)、B公司(作者曾在其中工作五年的企业)的人员招聘流程,并对他们进行分析;其次,本文通过问卷调查表的格式对民营、外资企业的人员聘用进行对比分析。指出外资企业在人员招聘方面的管理思路和特点,找出民营企业就人员招聘方面所普遍存在的问题:无计划、无职务说明书、无科学的人员甄选系统、无正式全面的书面通知书等;最后,以A公司为例,重建民营企业的人员招聘流程。员工从应聘到正式任职的过程中,能体会到公司对人才的尊重和重视。本文提出正式全面的书面通知书是招聘流程不可或缺的一环,是建立员工对企业的归属感、责任感的第一步。②绩效管理。首先对A、B公司绩效管理的做法进行介绍与分析;其次,对民营、外资两类公司的绩效管理进行对比分析。并指出卓越外资企业的绩效管理是一种战略管理,是企业经营与员工发展相结合的过程、是管理者与员工持续对话和沟通的过程,而民营企业的绩效管理等同与绩效评估。由于缺乏系统性,忽视员工的需求,不注重员工的发展,因此无法激励员工,留不住人才。最后,根据A公司实际,提出了民营企业“以人为本”的绩效管理流程。本文认为绩效管理是民营企业解决“执行难”的关键途径,绩效管理有效执行的手段是对话与沟通。③薪酬管理。首先,分别介绍A、B公司的薪酬方案。A公司的薪酬设计缺乏现代的人力资源管理知识,仍以现金收入为限,忽略了员工心理满足、工作环境等无形的报酬。而B公司薪酬结构为:基本工资、现金和非现金福利、其他收入(“员工奖励股计划”、“员工模拟股计划”)、晋升机会、培训等。其次,对民营、外资企业就薪酬管理进行对比分析。对比分析结果显示A公司薪酬管理存在的问题,其他民营企业也同样存在。民营企业为节约人力成本,员工基本工资普遍偏低,奖金占总收入近50%。奖金丧失了激励目的,加上不重视薪酬的无形部分,造成民营企业员工的流失率很高。A公司人员流失率近40%;最后,建立A公司薪酬方案。为民营企业提供解决吸引和留人<WP=4>难的问题的思路。本文指出民营企业在资金短缺、人才竞争处于劣势的情况下,应关注薪酬的非现金部分,满足员工的心理需求,结合物资利益留住人才。中基层管理者和一般员工相对来说是民营企业里的“弱势群体”,但他们是企业生存和发展的“中流砥柱”,是企业执行计划的主体,所以本文侧重于中小企业中低层管理者和一般员工的绩效和薪酬管理的研究。但本文认为吸引和留住人才的基础是首先找准适合企业文化和发展的“人”,所以合理、科学的人员招聘是绩效管理和薪酬管理成功的前提。同时本文提供的是一种思路和方法,而没有侧重介绍人员招聘、绩效和薪酬管理技术上的方法和技巧。因为只有观念和思维方式的改变才能发动民营企业人力资源管理的“革命”,才能建立“以人为本”的人力资源管理系统工程,才能吸引和留住人才。本文配有大量的社会调查报告和外资企业有关人员聘用、绩效和薪酬的真实资料。用大量的社会调查数据和一手材料来论述改进人员聘用、绩效和薪酬管理对民营企业人力资?

【Abstract】 Talented people is a key factor for an enterprise, even is a sole factor. This article is focus on how to appeal to people in human resource market and attract employee for mainland venture private company by Recruit System、Performance Evaluated System and Compensation System of Human Resource management. With Dialogues by talking with employee、questionnaire survey、self-practices in company, Recruit System、Performance Evaluated and Compensation of private company have lots of questions and gaps, in comparison with foreign venture company. According to actual conditions of private company The article wants to reset up these three systems for private company, under imitating and studying the good sides of foreign venture company, in order to attract and reward employee.The article is divided into four parts. At the beginning of the article, we know a company is a mainland private venture company (PVC), which is the author’s practice company, and B Company is a foreign venture group (FVC), which the author had even worked for over 5years. Although these two companies have a lot of differences, their HRM stands for respective characters of self-field.The first part is how to recruit employee. Firstly, the article introduces respectively recruiting situations of A and B. Then, by questionnaire survey format, private company is compared with foreign company. As a result, we can find recruited questions of private company, such as, no scheme、no functionary instruction、no formal employment offer, etc. .At last, the article resets up "Recruit System". The author points out that Formal Employment Offer (or Letter Offer) is a very important link, and it’s a first step how to appeal to people.The second part is what Performance Evaluated System (PES) is and how to carry out, and reset up PES of private company. The same as the<WP=6>first part, the article introduces their respective performance which evaluated systems of A and B. Besides A and B, the author contrasts the performance evaluated system to that of PVC, and think it’s wrong that performance evaluated system of PVC is equal to evaluating employee’ performance. The PES is Strategy Management. By a dialogue process between employer and employee, it helps PVC to solve how to carry out their plans. Lastly, the article reset up "PES".The last part is about to introduce the Compensation Solution (CS) of A and B firstly. As following it, after let readers know these information of other PVC and FVC, the author analyzes there are some key questions about Compensation System of PVC. These PVC managers don’t care for invisible parts of compensation, conversely, this part is one of important factors that FVS think about. So, the author will redesign compensation solution, including the invisible parts, and think that the invisible parts should be appreciated by PVC, because of limited capital, and so on, of course, in order for attracting and rewarding employee.The article cares for managers of middle and low level in an enterprise and average employee, for they are a weak group. But at the same time, they are a body of an enterprise. As a result of it, the author touch only on their Recruit System、Performance Evaluated System and Compensation System. And the author thinks that unless PVC pays respect to meeting employee’s wants, their career won’t be successful. So PVC should set up HRM, which regarded people as a key factor.There are plenty of survey reports and practical materials of FVC about Recruit System、Performance Evaluated System and Compensation System in the article. Lots of real data and cases consist of the character of the article.

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