

【作者】 李维泉

【导师】 白云升;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 玉门石油机械厂创建于1939年,是随着玉门油田的诞生而建立的中国最早的油田机械厂,也是国内唯一能够生产采油配套“三抽”(抽油杆、抽油泵、抽油机)产品的设备生产厂家。主要设备从美国、日本等国家引进。主要产品有"玉石"牌抽油杆、抽油泵、抽油机,同时也生产钻、采工具以及压裂车等。年制造能力上万吨,销售收入上亿元,是一家中小型国有企业。从我国的许多国有企业特别是中小型国有企业来看,市场竞争力差,经营困难、缺乏活力、濒临破产的为数不少,究其原因,新产品开发管理不力是一个重要甚至关键的因素。在竞争激烈、市场瞬息万变的今天,企业要获得生存和发展,达到盈利的目的,必须向市场提供满足顾客需要的产品,停滞不前就意味着将被淘汰。市场经济的竞争,要求企业必须对市场做出敏捷的反应,并建立新产品开发快速反应机制和管理体系,采用全新的管理手段和组织实施方式,才能提高企业的竞争力使之立于不败之地。由此可见,研究企业新产品开发管理十分必要。由于中国石油天然气集团公司进行了内部重组,核心业务与非核心业务分离,划为非核心业务企业的玉门石油机械厂,赖以生存的外部市场环境发生了变化,加之产品结构单一,产品缺少市场竞争力,以至于连年亏损。面对这种状况,本厂经过深入的调查研究,认识到只有进入大市场才能生存和发展,而要在大市场中站稳脚跟,就必须要有超前的思维,研制出符合市场需要的新产品。于是,通过加强新产品开发管理,瞄准市场潜在的需求,研究开发出了一系列有着良好前景的新产品,一步步走出了困境。本文对玉门石油机械厂近年来新产品开发管理进行分析的基础上,就新产品开发管理的有关问题进行了探讨,并对此提出了对策建议,希望为我国国有中小型企业的新产品开发管理提供一些具有实际意义的参考。<WP=3>本文分为两部分,第一部分分析了新产品开发管理的重要性,这个部分包括三章。第二部分介绍了搞好我厂新产品开发管理的办法,包含了四章的内容。玉门石油机械厂具有一般国有中小企业的共同特征,玉门石油机械厂新产品开发管理中存在的问题具有一定的代表性,因此针对玉门石油机械厂新产品开发管理中存在的问题提出的建议,对其它的国有中小型企业具有一定的借鉴意义。由于企业的新产品开发管理是一项复杂的系统工程,涉及到企业的内、外部环境以及人、财、物等方方面面,本文从玉门石油机械厂实际情况所做的研究探讨,限于企业的自身条件,难免有一定的局限性。

【Abstract】 Founded in 1939, Yumen petroleum machinery factory is the first oilfield machinery in China following the birth of Yumen oilfield, and is the sole one which can produce the auxiliary equipment "three sucker" for oil extraction (sucker rod, sucker pump and pumping unit). The key equipments were introduced from USA and Japan, etc. The significant products are sucker rod, sucker pump and pumping unit with brand "yushi". And it also manufactures drilling and mining equipment as well as pressing cracking vehicles. The manufacturing capacity is more than 10 thousand tons with its sales over 100 million RMB per annum. The factory belongs to medium and small-sized state-owned enterprises.As for state-owned enterprises, especial the medium and small-sized state-owned enterprises concerned, a number of those factories are weak competing capability, hard operating, lack of vigor, and facing bankruptcy. Why? An important even vital reason is that the ability of developing management of new products is weak. Facing violent rivalry and fast changing market, enterprises must provide, for the purpose of surviving, development, and profit, those products satisfying customers’ demands. So sluggishness means being kicked out of the market. The challenge of market economy requires enterprises promptly respond to market and establish quick-reaction mechanisms and managing systems. Applying new managing ways and organizational evaluation syndrome enable enterprises to maintain their competitive strength for invincible position. In the view of this point, it is essential to study their developing management of new products.Because of internal restructuring, China National Petroleum Corporation separated the non-core business from core business. Defined as a non-core business department, Yumen suffered successive loss resulting from the diversification of the external dependent market, the unitary production structure and the products with weak competitive capability. Confronting this difficult situation, the factory realized that only entering lager market could it survive and develop in light of insight investigation and research. Meanwhile, if one wants to take a firm stand<WP=5>in this market, he should have anticipatory thought to research and develop new products meeting market needs. So, step-by-step, Yumen got out of predicament through strengthening developing management of new products in the direction to potential demands in market, and developing a series of new products with great prospect. This paper probes into some problems on the basis of the analysis about Yemen’s developing management of new products in recent years. And it put forward countermeasures and suggestion, which provides practical reference for developing management of new products of medium and small-sized state-owned enterprises.This paper comprises of two parts: the first part is discusses the importance of developing management of new products, this part is composed of three chapters. The second is about how to do well developing management of new products, this part is composed of four chapters. Yumen petroleum machinery factory possesses common features of ordinary medium and small-sized state-owned enterprises, so the problems existing in developing and managing are very representative. As a result, it useful of reference for other medium and small-sized state-owned enterprises. This paper begins from the fact of Yumen petroleum machinery factory. Since developing management of new products is a complicated engineering system, which involves the internal and external environments in addition to HR, finance and material, it is hard to avoid some limitation in consideration of our own conditions.

【关键词】 机械厂新产品开发管理
【Key words】 machinery factorynew productsdeveloping management
  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【下载频次】64