

【作者】 邓儒佳

【导师】 颜安;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 ERP作为中国企业信息化建设中最为热门的词汇,政府在推动信息化过程中使用频度最高的是ERP,软件商在传播过程中、使用频度最高的同样也是ERP;这种对于ERP正面的高频度的传播,为国内的许多企业编织了大大小小的期望与美好的信息化前景,这促成了国内众多企业纷纷开始探讨ERP在企业管理中的应用,并开启了ERP前所未有的庞大的管理应用市场。而当“哈药六厂”与“三露-大宝”这两个失败的案例尘埃落定的时候,又促使许多人开始了再思考,人们在问:为何宣传得如此美妙的ERP软件,在现实的应用中屡屡失手?,又是那些原因促成了这种软件走向失败?,ERP它究竟是毒药还是良药呢?。这些问题都始终萦绕在企业的信息化人员和管理者头脑之中,对于这些现象我也一直在思考它背后所产生的众多原因,结合自己的实际工作经验,我发现信息规划的缺失是ERP项目失败的主要原因之一。在信息化项目失败的背后往往隐藏着许多盲目的因素,国内企业对于实现企业的战略管理始终缺乏有效的认识,而企业信息化是依赖于企业长期的发展战略而建立的信息化体系,如果在信息化伊始并没有制定信息化的方针和策略,也没有充分研究所选择的开展信息化内容的可行性,而采取匆忙上马的方式,这种信息化方式的本身存在巨大的风险。众所周知,企业信息化绝非一时之功,尤其是在规模较大的制造企业、由于它机构的复杂、业务处理的复杂、渠道的复杂、制造过程的复杂,如果没有根据企业的实际管理现状和管理需求、制定有步骤有目的的信息化实施策略,采取贪大求全,一步到位的方式,这种信息化成功的可能性已经没有。所以无论是西方的现代企业、还是在东方的传统企业,要想获得信息化的成功,必须从企业管理需求出发,按照统一规划、分步实施的方式,一步一个脚印才能够实现企业信息化目标。 2003年我有幸参与南骏汽车ERP建设规划项目,为南骏汽车完成了一个ERP建设规划方案,同时,我将这个规划方案作为我的MBA论<WP=3>文,并借这个机会更深层次的思考ERP规划的实际应用,希望能为国内企业解决ERP项目建设的困惑提供帮助。本论文对南骏汽车的情况进行了细致的分析,牵涉的领域较广,涉及公司战略、市场营销、生产运作、人力资源管理和管理信息系统等方面,论文中体现的系统化的分析问题思路也可借用到其他管理领域。

【Abstract】 As the most popular vocabulary during the enterprise information construction in china, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is used at the maximum frequency during the process in which government promotes information, as well as the process in which software merchant transmits it. This positive highly frequent transition of ERP has brought all kinds of expectation and wonderful prospect for many internal enterprises and promoted them to set about to search the practice in the enterprise administration with ERP created the unprecedented immense management practice market. But, while the two failed cases of "The sixth medicine factory in Haerbing" and "Sanlu&Dabao" came true, people have to think it over again. They can’t help asking "why does the ERP advocated so wonderful always fail in practice? Where are the reasons that made this software failed? Is the ERP is the "poison" or the "good medicine"? The questions are always revolving around people and administrators in the enterprise. I am searching the reasons behind these phenomena. With my virtual work experience, I have found the lack of information planning is the one of primary reasons, which led ERP objects to fail. Many blind factors are handed behind the failure of information objects. The internal enterprises haven’t enough effective knowledge about realization of the enterprise development strategy. This information method has it own tremendous risk if no information principle and strategy are made at the beginning of the information, no enough research is carried out about the feasibility of the chosen information content, instead the object is put into practice hastily. As known, it is impossible to establish the enterprise information<WP=5>very soon, especially for the huge manufacture enterprise. Because their organization is very complex, as well as the business process、channel, and the manufacture process. The successful possibility of this kind of information almost doesn’t exist if people don’t formulated information practice strategy with step and purpose according to the virtual management condition and command of the enterprise, instead of searching the perfect result immediately. So the enterprise, whether it is western today enterprise or eastern traditional enterprise, only realize its goal of enterprise information through setting about from the enterprise management command, according to the universal planning, carrying out step by step if it want to achieve the success of information. Fortunately, I took part in the ERP construction and planning object of NANJUN motor in 2003.And I finished an ERP construction and planning program. At the same time, I choose it as my MBA thesis theme, and I want to explore its virtual practice further by this chance, hope to do internal enterprise a favor about the puzzle of the ERP object construction. This paper gives a detail analysis about the NANJUN motor, involving a wide rang domain, such as company strategy, marketing, manufacture and operator, human resource management, management information system and so on. The way of analyzing problem in this paper also can be applied to the other management fields.

【关键词】 ERP信息规划南骏汽车
【Key words】 ERPinformation planningNANJUN motor
  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】332