

【作者】 唐雪梅

【导师】 易敏利;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 现阶段,中国经济面临微观基础的建设,一方面要鼓励民营企业的发展,一方面要积极推进国有企业改革。国有企业战略性结构调整意味着有相当一部分国有企业将从竞争性经营领域退出,由此实现整体国有资产营运效率的提高,因此,伴随这一过程将有较多的国有中小型企业转制。这就为民营企业横向一体化、纵向一体化或者多元化发展提供了良好的契机,毕竟这些国有经济多年来形成的人才、技术、管理基础是目前许多民营企业所不能与之相比的。成都XX有限公司就是在这样的宏观经济背景下通过成都XX厂转制而来。国有企业的低效率运行方式从根本上说是由于国有企业产权不清晰、所有者缺位所带来的委托代理问题。国有企业转制后企业产权发生了根本性变化,产权能够清楚界定,但是许多企业的管理效率迟迟不见提高,究其原因是改制企业在原国有企业体制下所形成的低效率管理模式具有某种惯性,在转制后,没有重新建立一种有效的方法来实现这一转变。也就是说,转制后的国有企业面临的最大问题就是如何将原来效率低下的管理方式转变为符合企业发展战略目标的灵活高效的经营管理方式。这就要求企业在完全面向市场的条件下重建符合企业实际的内部管理模式。成都XX厂在完成产权改革后,也表现出国有企业的低效率管理惯性,从而改制后的企业也面临着企业内部管理重建的现实课题。 由于每个改制企业实际情况和所在行业特点不同,建立起来的管理模式也将是多种形式。因此,本文无意寻求一种适应于所有国有企业改制后管理重建的目标模式,实际上这样的模式是不存在的。本文只是想在国有企业改制基础上,结合企业自身经营特点、行业市场特点,探求一种适合本企业的管理重建模式。成都XX有限公司是在明晰的企业产权和规范的公司治理结构<WP=3>基础上实施管理重建的。该企业的管理重建主要包括两个步骤:首先,依据新的公司内外部环境,确定公司的发展战略;第二,依据新的公司发展战略,建立与公司发展战略的贯彻与实施相匹配的企业管理模式。案例企业结合自身的特点和外部环境的要求,建立了和发展战略目标相匹配的企业内部市场化管理模式。这种企业内部市场化管理模式是指在企业内部相关部门之间建立模拟外部市场的内部市场,通过内部市场中各交易主体在既定的内部市场交易原则下的经营管理活动实现企业整体利益最大化目标,从而实现企业发展战略目标。1. 本文结构(分为五个部分)第一章 国有企业改制后的管理问题介绍了成都XX有限公司由国有企业成都XX厂改制而成,并介绍了新公司的产权关系和公司治理结构;介绍了新公司由于国有体制下形成的经营管理具有惯性而存在各种管理问题,从而指出在国有企业改制后企业管理重建的必要性;探讨了企业管理重建的内容。 第二章 成都XX有限公司的发展战略规划本章首先对成都XX有限公司的外部环境进行了分析;结合企业的实际情况提出了企业的发展战略规划和发展远景;根据企业确定的集中发展战略——中小变压器专业生产销售商,提出了发展战略对企业管理模式的要求。第三章 成都XX有限公司企业管理模式的重建思路 本章介绍了成都XX有限公司管理模式重建的思路是实施企业内部市场化管理模式,介绍了企业内部市场化管理模式的含义、类型、意义和实施要点等;介绍了内部市场化的一般模型和建立程序。第四章 成都XX有限公司内部市场化管理模式的建立本章介绍了成都XX有限公司企业内部市场化管理模式的建立方式,首先明确了内部市场交易的主体;然后建立企业内部市场;最后建立企业利益共享机制。<WP=4>第五章 成都XX有限公司管理重建的过程及其效果本章总结了成都XX有限公司管理重建的过程;企业管理重建的效果,提出了进一步完善企业管理重建的建议。2.本文的案例资料来源笔者从2002年12月成都XX厂准备实施改制到成立成都XX有限公司、分析企业内外部环境、建立企业发展战略目标、构建企业组织结构、配备企业高层管理团队、形成内部市场化管理框架、试运行企业内部市场化管理模式至今约一年的时间里,一直跟随案例的发展进程,如实地记录案例的进展,从而取得了第一手资料。3.本文选题的依据和贡献本文选题是从研究本课题具有重要的现实意义出发,当前国有中小型企业退出竞争性领域已是一种普遍现象。据悉,今年四川省有78家国有中小型企业实施改制。而如何在企业改制基础上通过管理重建实现增强企业竞争力和提高企业经营绩效也是这些企业面临的现实课题。希望通过本课题的探讨能够对国有企业改制后的管理重建提供一些有益的借鉴和思路。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, China is enforcing the construction of micro-economy. On one hand encouraging the development of private enterprises, and on the other hand pushing on the reform of state-owned enterprises. The reform of state-owned enterprises means that a lot of them will withdraw from the competitive field in order to promote the whole efficiency of state-owned assets. Accompanied the reform, there are some medium and small-sized state-owned enterprises will transform its economy system, which is a good opportunity for private enterprises to expand through M&A, the state-owned enterprises, after all these state-owned enterprises have the same basis which the private enterprises can’t compare with. XX Co., Ltd. is a private enterprise through the state-owned enterprises transforming from XX Company under such macro-economic background. The inefficient management of state-owned enterprises essentially results from the principle-agent relation that comes from the vague property rights and absence of the proprietary. After the state-owned enterprises transform its economy system, the enterprises property rights can be distinguished clearly. But many of them don’t improve their management efficiency because the inefficient management model has some inertia. After it transforms its economic system, the enterprises don’t build an effective management system to change the inefficiency. This is to say; the most difficult transformation for state-owned enterprises’ reforming is how to change the inefficient management into flexible and efficient one, which not only adapts to the market but also to the enterprise actuality. In XX Co., Ltd. some inefficient management inertia formed in state system continually operates and can’t meet the demand of market competition, so its internal management model has to rebuild.The new management model is diversified because the every enterprise has its characteristics and every industry has its different market demands.<WP=6>So, this paper has no intention to look for a common management model suitable to all enterprises, which does not exist. This paper just wants to explore a management model on the basis of stated-owned enterprises transforming its economic system. This management model is adapted to the facts of XX Co., Ltd. and to the characteristics of its management, industry competition. On the basis of clear property right and standard structure of corporation administering, the management reconstruction model of XX Co., Ltd. has two steps: at first, confirming the strategy in line with its internal and external environment; secondly, according to the new goal, reconstructing its management model. The XX Co., Ltd. builds its special internal market management model, which matches with its characteristics and strategy. According to the different duty of the departments, this management model is to establish a market transaction relationship among the departments and to imitate external marketing transaction mechanism. Five parts constitute this article:In the first part, presenting the managerial questions faced by the enterprises which has transformed the state-owned economic system.In the second part, presenting the strategy of XX Co., Ltd. and pointing out the internal management mechanism required by its strategy. In the third part, advancing the thoughts of XX Co., Ltd. to reconstruct the internal management mechanism is to establish internal market management. In the fourth part, introducing XX Co., Ltd. builds the internal market management mechanism. In the fifth part, the process and effects of this management reconstruction are summarized.<WP=7>The case of XX Co., Ltd. collected by the author from the state-owned enterprises transforming the economic system to reconstruct the internal market model. So it is a live case.This article has the important practical significance. At present it is a common phenomenon that the medium and small-sized state-owned enterprises retreat from the competitive fields. The

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