

【作者】 何鑫强

【导师】 王谊;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 由于我国的房地产市场正在从卖方市场转变到买方市场,随着市场的成熟,竞争的加剧,消费者的理性,能够在以后的竞争中取胜的企业一定是那些将市场营销理念贯彻到房地产开发的整个的流程的企业。目前虽然许多的房地产企业都不同程度的加强了对于营销工作的重视,但是很多的企业对于营销工作的理解还是停留在:房地产开发后期的广告、营销推广和各种销售促进活动上。对于房地产开发前期的市场分析工作没有予以足够的重视。本文就是针对房地产界在商业物业开发过程中存在的上述问题,结合笔者在某商业地产项目前期策划的案例,试图以理论结合实际的方式,从对于案例中的商业地产前期策划的不同阶段的工作结果的分析中,说明商业物业前期策划的流程与特点。期望为商业地产前期策划提供一些有用的借鉴。整个商业物业开发前期策划的流程主要分为四个阶段。首先,商业地产前期策划工作一开始就需要根据项目的特点,以及前期相对已经比较清楚的一些制约因素,对项目未来的发展方向作出可能的预判。这一个阶段的目的是加强后期市场调查研究工作的针对性,减少调查研究工作量。其次,根据对项目的预判,提出针对性的研究方向与方式,商业房地产项目在开发的前期研究的内容主要有地块立地条件、投资开发环境、市场供需状况、市场竞争状况等各种变量。这一阶段是整个项目策划的基础阶段。项目策划成功与否,很大程度上就取决与此阶段对于各种可能的影响因素研究分析的结果。在实际策划工作中,由于时间、预算等方面的约束,以及商业地产市场发展方向的极具不确定性,一般从市场调查和研究本身并不能直接得出市场定位的结论,态势研究与市场调查的作用多体现在验证开发商或者策划机构对于项目开发方向的假设与判断,为项目市场定位提供依据。然后,在对于项目内外态势分析的基础上,对项目整体的发展方<WP=3>向得出判断,并为开发过程中的产品市场定位提供依据。进而在考虑建筑技术可行性等其他各种因素的基础上提出商业物业产品概念规划内容,成为以后指导建筑设计单位进一步建筑规划设计的基础。在这一部分前期态势研究的结果将得到直接或者间接的体现。最后,就是根据不同商业物业项目的特点,设计商业物业项目后期的经营管理策略,为项目后期开发过程中的操作提供指导。在本文的结束语部分,说明了一些由于本文案例特殊性所限制,而没有得到体现的一些商业地产项目前期策划中的注意问题与事项。

【Abstract】 With the real estate market’s maturity, consumer’s reasonableness, real estate market in China changes so quickly. Only the business enterprise can survive that focuses on marketing through real estate development process.Now, although a lot of oaf’s real estate business enterprises are all enhancing the importance at different degree of marketing work, a lot of business enterprises still keep with the comprehension that marketing is only bout advertisement and sale promotion. They pay no enough attention to market research and market analysis in the ex-period of the development. The purpose of this paper is to aim at the above phenomenon in real estate boundary and to try to introduce the main stages of business real estate developing planning and attempt with theories combinative actually. The first work should be done before the whole process is to get some pre-judgment according to the characteristics of every case. The purpose of this stage is to reduce to market research workload.The next, according to the judge of the pre-judgment above, the text introduces how to get the research direction and the method of marketing research. Usually, the main items of marketing research of business real estate are: the conditions of the ground, investment development environment, market supply and demand condition, market competition condition, etc. This stage is the foundation stage of the whole process. Then, on the result of the market research and market analysis, the text introduces how to judge the direction of the whole case’s development,and get the result of market position. After consideration construct technique possibility, the result is the business real estate<WP=5>product concept programming that will become the building design’s foundation.Next, according to the characteristics of the case, the text introduce some main strategies to lead the behind period development operation , such as management strategy, development rhythm strategy, etc.Finally, the text introduces many important problems which did not be considered in detail because of the limit of the case.

  • 【分类号】F293.3
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】633