

The Status Quo and Strategies Regarding the Development of Project Learning in Rural Middle Schools

【作者】 李宁英

【导师】 陈伙平;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 国家教育部于2000年1月颁发的《全日制普通高级中学课程计划》(试验修订稿)中把研究性学习作为综合实践活动板块的一块内容,全国继10个省市重点城市中学先期开展了研究性课程的开发与研究之后,于2001年9月在全国范围掀起了研究性学习的实践,并取得了一定成功积累了宝贵经验。而研究性学习在广大农村中学的实施情况又是如何呢?本文主要针对农村中学开展研究性学习中存在的问题,探讨农村中学开展研究性学习不仅需要有生命力的理论支持,更需要有效率的操作工具和手段的支持,使研究性学习在农村中学实现真正意义上的开展,切实培养学生的创新精神和实践能力。 本文立足于农村中学开展研究性学习的实践,调查走访了十二所农村中学,通过问卷、访谈、查阅文献资料等形式,并结合本人直接参与研究性学习指导工作的感受与体会,从课程开设、师资配置、资源条件、教师培训、课题内容、学生选题的主动性以及教师支持程度等方面,对农村中学开展研究性学习的现状进行了调查,指出存在的问题,并进行了原因分析。 借鉴城市中学及实验校成功的经验和农村中学的实际,本文针对城乡差异,探讨适合农村中学开展研究性学习的有效对策。本文提出实施农村中学研究性学习的四大教学策略以及农村中学研究性学习的实施、评价、管理的方法;并从行政保障方面,提出有效的评估机制;在师资培训方面,提出建立三维教师培训模式,提高教师的研究性能力。 本着“出之于实践探索,又致力于服务实践”,希望本文能为推进农村中学开展研究性学习提供一个可借鉴和参考的依据。

【Abstract】 Project learning is included as one part of the comprehensive practice and activity in Cause Planning for Full-time General Senior Middle School ( experimentally revised version) issued by the Ministry of Education in Jan., 2000. It has been actively developed and some successful experience has been accumulated since Sept.,2001 immediately after its experimental research and study was carried out in key urban middle schools in 10 key provinces and cities. But it also poses a question, that is, what about its development in rural middle schools? Based on the existing problems regarding the development of project learning in rural middle schools, this thesis points out that its development in rural middle school needs not only the backup of forceful theory, but also that of efficient equipment and means. Only in this way can it be fully developed in rural middle schools so as to cultivate students innovation and practical ability.Based on the actual practice regarding the development of project learning in rural middle schools and the writers own experience as a supervisor in this field, the thesis makes a thorough investigation into its status quo, points out the existing problems, and makes a careful causal analysis, after an investigation into 12 rural middle schools by means of questionnaire, interview, and referring to various documents and data. Using for inference the successful experience in urban middle schools and the actual conditions of rural middle schools, and based on the different situations between urban and rural areas, the thesis will discuss the effective strategies to cope with the existing problems. The thesis points out the following solutions: four teaching strategies regarding the development of project learning in rural middle schools and the means to carry out, evaluate and supervise project learning in rural middle schools; an effective supervision and evaluation system in terms of administrative guarantee; the need to set up a three dimensional teacher training model so as to improve teachers research ability.Focusing on the actual practice, the writer hopes this thesis will shed new light on the development of project learning in rural middle schools.

【关键词】 农村中学研究性学习问题对策
【Key words】 rural middle schoolsproject learningproblemsstrategies
  • 【分类号】G632.4
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】486