

Infiltration of the Consciousness of Existence Education into the History Teaching in the Middle School

【作者】 谢慧芳

【导师】 黄国盛;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在人类生存形势日益严峻的今天,以人的发展为本,培养孩子的生存能力已成为各国教育发展的基本方向。对当代中国的孩子来讲,“学会生存”显得尤其迫切和重要,但这显然并未引起国人足够的重视。笔者希望通过本课题的研究,使更多的人了解生存教育理念、认识其实施的必要性和现实意义,并试图用具体的实践总结来“演绎”历史学科的生存教育,以期为改变历史教育长期脱离社会和学生发展实际需要的现状尽到笔者的一份心力。本课题主要采用历史研究法、文献研究法和经验总结法。通过研究,笔者认为实施生存教育不仅是社会和学生可持续发展的需要,也是历史教育走出目前困境的必然选择。我们要充分发挥历史深蕴生存奥妙、饱含人生哲理的学科优势,利用其丰富的课程资源,调动社会各界和家庭的力量,发挥教育评价的导向和激励作用,通过丰富多彩的教学活动和第二课堂活动,让学生在发展性的自我教育中体验、感悟并内化生成相关的生存理念,强化生存意识,提高生存能力。

【Abstract】 Developing the children’s existence ability based on the development of human being has become a fundamental education view of all countries. It is particularly necessary and important for the children in China now to learn how to exist. However, the attention of most Chinese has not been drawn yet. Therefore, I want to make people know the consciousness of existence educatian and the necessity and importance to practise it. I also want to devote myself to explaining the existence education in history by practicing and summarizing it concretely to change the situation in which the history education is seperated from the students. In my essay, the historic methodology, the documental methodology and the summary methodology are used. In my opinion, it is necessary not only for the continuable development of the society and students but also for the history education in the middle school to get rid of the current trouble. The superioty of history, such as far-reaching of history, the existence mystery, the philosophy of life and so on, should be used to bring every positive factor into play. By learning in the class and taking part the activity after class, when the students experience and comprehend the facts, they will strengthen the existence consciousness and raise the ability to exist. Thank you a lot for your correcting the mistakes if any in my essay.

【关键词】 生存生存教育历史教学
  • 【分类号】G633.51
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】454