

Exploration for Secondary School Politics Teaching Methods

【作者】 熊萍

【导师】 李建建;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 新时期的中学思想政治课教学是以弘扬人的主体性、提高人的综合素质、促进人的可持续发展为宗旨的,因此,政治教师必须重新审视自己的教学行为,特别是要从根本上改变教学方法。过去教师采用满堂灌的注入式教学法,既不符合“人的全面发展”的现代教育观念,也不适应时代发展的需要。因此,要使中学思想政治课的教学充满新的生机和活力,就必须对传统的教学方法进行改革。本文从中学思想政治课教学方法的现状出发,从理论上探讨了教学方法的涵义、构成以及政治课教学方法的特点和研究的意义,分析了目前中学思想政治课教学方法改革的动因、方向,阐明了深化中学政治课教学方法改革的条件与对策。

【Abstract】 The secondary school politics teaching methods for the new peried aims at strengthening human subject , enhancing human comprehensive quality and promoting human sustainable developmemt. Therefore, compared to the spoon-feeding way of teaching in the past which not only doesn’t tally with the contemporary educational concepts of human developmemt in an all-round way, but doesn’t meet the need of modern development, We pditics teachers should re-examine our own teaching behaviors, especially change our teaching methods fundamentally.We have to reform the traditional teaching methods to bring the new vitality and vigour to our classes. Starting from the present conditions of secondary school politics teaching methods, this article inquires into the implication, composition and charactevistics of politics teaching methods. It also analyses the motives and directions of the current reform and expounds the conditions and countermeasares of the reform.

  • 【分类号】G633.2
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1034