

The Study on the Problem of Japanese Direct Investment in China

【作者】 赵雪燕

【导师】 郭士信;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 世界经济, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 对外直接投资是区分于对外间接投资,随着世界经济一体化、跨国公司规模化的发展越来越重要的一种对外投资形式。它以控制国外企业所有权为目的,主要采取独资、合资、合作以及收购或兼并国外企业等形式进行直接投资。本文以日本对华直接投资为中心,对相关问题试作探讨。 二战后,日本经济取得了突飞猛进的发展,以巨额的贸易收支、经常收支黑字为后盾,日本先后成为世界上最大的资本输出国和海外债权大国,并成为仅次于美国的第二经济大国。中国是世界上最大的发展中国家。回眸历史,1979—2001年间日本对华直接投资的增长始终是中日经济交流中不可忽视的亮点和主音。我国改革开放以来,日本在对华直接投资的投资项目数、合同金额和实际执行金额均排在前四位,可见日本在对华直接投资中发挥了重要作用。但是日本对华直接投资并不是一帆风顺,有高潮也有低谷,这有多方面因素,如:日本海外投资战略、国内经济因素;中国的政治经济因素等。在新世纪的今天,日本对华直接投资的总体走势,采取的战略,从而对中日经贸关系的影响,我国引进外资中须注意的事项,都是我们非常关心的问题。对于这些问题的探讨,将有助于扩大和提高我国今后引进日资的规模和质量。 论文共分五部分。第一部分:分析日本对华直接投资的发展历程、区位结构特征、产业特征,并概括出九十年代以来日本对华投资中投资目标、主体、方式多元化等特征;第二部分:日本对华直接投资的动机。从理论上,尤以小岛清的边际产业扩张理论为重点,说明日本对华直接投资的动机,并按动机把日本对华直接投资的战略类型如出口加工基地型、市场参与型等战略作了分析;第三部分:论述日本对华直接投资的决策过程,日本企业的投资心理行为特征以及投资区位的确定等,并且较为具体地分析日本中小企业的对华直接投资;第四部分:日本对华直接投资和中日贸易的关系。理论与实践数据都说明日本对华直接投资促进了双方贸易,改善了贸易结构。但也出现了很多问题;第五部分:启示部分。主要论述日本对华直接投资过程中应注意的几个问题,提出中国今后引资工作中的对策建议,如加强对投资环境的改善,注意引资中提高技术含量,区位上大力改善中西部环境等。

【Abstract】 Differing from indirect foreign investment, direct foreign investment is a more and more important foreign investment form with the development of world economy unification. Aiming at controlling the foreign enterprise’s ownership,direct foreign investment takes the following measures, such as, setting up self - ownedenterprise, joint venture enterprise, cooperative enterprise and purchasing or merging foreign enterprise. The paper concentrates on Japanese divect investment in China, making study on some concerned problems.After the Second World War, Japanese economy made great development. On the basis of the surplus in trade account and current account, Japan became the biggest Capital outflow country and abroad mortgage country,also the second economic country lagging behind America. China is the biggest developing Country in the world. Looking back the history, The increase of Japanese direct investment in China between 1979 and 2001 is always the sparkle which can not be neglected and main melody in the China - Japan economic interflow. Since China opened its door to the foreign world, Japan has made its run the 4th in the number of projects, contract sum and actual exective sum of the direct investment in China. We can see Japan plays a very important role during the direct investment in China. But, Japanese direct investment is not always smooth with its peak and valley alternatively which have some factors, such as, Japanese foreign investment strategy, domestic economic factors also Chinese political and economic factors. At present, what will be the influence on both Countries trade? What will be the points China takes care of in our future work to draw in Japanese capital? All these question are main concerns. The study and discussion on these question will facilitate enlarging and increasing the scale and quality of Chinese absorbing Japanese Capital.The body is composed of five parts. In the first part, it analyzes the developingprocess, the regional structure characteristic and industrial Characteristic of Japanese direct investment in China, also summarizes some characteristics such as, the multiplicity of investment aim,body and way since the ninety’s.The second part is the motive of Japanese direct investment in China. From some theories, especially the theory of marginal industrial expansion, we can learn the motive of Japanese direct investment in China. On the basis of the motive, The essay analyzes some investment strategy, such as, export - process - basis type strategy, market - merge type strategy and so on.In the third part, it analyzes the decision process of Japanese direct investment in China, the psychal behavior characteristic of investment, also the confirmation of region . Futhermore, it analyzes the direct investment of Japanese in detail.The fourth part is the relationship between Japanese direct investment in China and China - Japan trade. The datum of theory and practice explain that Japanese direct investment in China promotes bilateral trade and improves the trade structure.The fifth part is the message part, which analyzes several problems that should be paid attention to during the Japanese divect investment in China. It also gives some advice in the following Chinese drawing work. For example, we should improve the investment environment and increase technology-oriented investment, also improvethe investment environment in the mid - western region of China to draw the investment to these areas.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】F832.6
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】430