

Debussy and His Music World

【作者】 张齐

【导师】 齐易;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 印象主义艺术萌生于十九世纪末的巴黎。印象主义音乐(Imperessionist music)一词是从绘画上借用过来的。印象主义的绘画和象征主义的文学诗歌,从艺术观念上影响了印象主义的音乐。 法国作曲家克罗德.德彪西是西方音乐发展史上一位里程碑式的人物,是印象乐派的创始人。 德彪西青少年时期和早期的学习与生活经历,为他的印象主义音乐创作打下了思想的和音乐审美观念的基础。他受象征主义诗歌、印象主义的绘画的影响,并接触和研究了东方各民族与俄罗斯的音乐,更由于追寻法兰西音乐传统,终于摆脱了德国浪漫乐派的影响,逐渐形成其独具个性的音乐风格,走上了印象乐派的创作道路。在他的音乐创作的几个不同时期,他的印象主义音乐创作风格从幼稚到成熟,直至结出青史留名的丰硕成果。 德彪西在音乐创作领域进行了大胆的革新,用他自己特有的织体、色彩、力度语言取代浪漫派所完善的调式和声规则和音乐模式。在他的音乐中,色彩、音色与节奏的重要性绝对不亚于和声与旋律。形成了独特的风格体系并在欧洲音乐史上占据了重要的地位。 德彪西是欧洲音乐史上最富创造性的作曲家之一,他热爱的祖国法兰西给了他创作的土壤,他创造了一个全新的音乐世界。他创作了一种完全发自主观意愿,属于自己的音乐语音。德彪西的音乐冲破了传统音乐的层层束缚,他追求音乐的音响和音色,音乐自由而不拘泥形式。 德彪西的印象主义音乐的影响是深远的。它吸引了世界各国许多作曲家踏着他的创新足迹进行新的音。这些作曲家都汇聚于印象主义的大旗下形成一股强大的国际性力量,谱写了二十世纪的一段音乐发展。他还用其基本的音响原则为后继的作曲家们打开了20世纪的大门,并搭建了浪漫乐派通往现代乐派的桥梁。他所作的音乐实验至今已影响了20世纪的几代作曲家。

【Abstract】 Impressionism came into being at the end of 19th century in Paris. The term Impressionist Music has been borrowed tromp the field of painting .The impressionist painting and simplistic poetry have influenced the impressionistic music in the aspect concept.French composer Claude Debussy is a milestone in the history of the occidental music. He is the founder of the musical impressionism.His study and experience in his early stage of life laid the foundation for his creation of the impressionistic music. Influenced by the impressionistic painting and simplistic poetry, he made his research on the music of Orient and Russia .In pursuit of French musical convention; he managed to cast off the effect of Germany musical Romanticism. He developed his peculiar style in creation, and found an important position in the history of music.He carried out bold renovation in the field of the musical creation. In his composition, the mode, the musical pattern, the principle of harmony which have been perfected by Romanist have been replaced by his our flavors dynamic notes. In his music, he attached no lesson importance to harmony and the melody than to the flavor, true color, and rhythmHe is among the most creative composers in the history of European music. His beloved moth land-France supplied him a lot of profanities for his creation. He created a new musical world, as well as the musicallanguage that is peculiar to himself and caters to his our taste. He broke away from the me logic and harmonic conventions of 18 th and 19 th century. His music does not rigidly.Adhere to form but appears to be pure fresh, exquisite and obscure. Some characteristics in impressionistic music and symbolist poetry have got an outstanding expression in his musical creation .His music has a far-reaching influence. Many composers of different nations followed his style in creation. They have evolved a style of their own and taken a certain position in the history of the development of music. In addition, with his basic musical principles, he set rules for the la.ter composers to follow in the next century. He carried out the transition from. Romanticism to Modernism. Till now, his musical experiments effected the composers in 20th century..

【关键词】 印象乐派德彪西音乐风格
【Key words】 DebussyImpressionism
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】J609.5
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】437