

On the New System of University Personnel Placement

【作者】 陈志新

【导师】 董泽芳;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 高校用人制度是高校内部管理的重要制度,它关系到高校人力资源使用的效率和效益,在高校改革发展和提高核心竞争力中起着重要作用,也是当前高校改革的热点和难点。改革开放20多年来,伴随着我国社会经济的发展,高校用人制度改革的探索一直没有停止过。尤其是1999以来,教育部下发了《关于当前深化高等学校人事分配制度改革的若干意见》,拉开了新一轮人事制度改革的序幕,各高校加大了用人制度改革的力度,也取得了一定的成绩,但在用人制度改革上并未取得实质性的突破。 随着社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立,国有企业实行了以全员合同制为基础的用人制度;国家政府机关建立和推行了公务员制度。高校要适应社会经济发展和自身发展的需要,必须建立起适应社会主义市场经济体制和符合高等教育发展规律的新型用人制度。本文综合运用了管理学、教育学、经济学等学科的基本原理和方法对这一问题进行了论述。 本文首先阐释了高校用人制度的内涵,分析了高校传统用人制度的特征、存在的弊端及改革的时代背景,建立新型用人制度的理论依据、现实依据和政策依据,进而提出了建立以人员聘用制为基础的高校新型用人制度,并剖析了新型用人制度的主要特征。在此基础上,论文分析了当前高校用人制度改革的现状,面临的问题及阻碍高校用人制度改革的原因。最后,提出了建立高校新型用人制度的若干对策。 本文的创新之处在于从宏观的角度剖析了阻碍我国高校用人制度改革的四大原因,即观念滞后,制度羁绊,机制缺失和环境影响;从理论、现实和政策的角度论证了构建我国高校新型用人制度的依据;从宏观和微观的角度探讨了在高校建立新型用人制度的对策,即转变观念,完善制度,创新机制,优化环境。

【Abstract】 The system of university personnel placement is the important one of auniversity’s internal administrative system which is related to the efficiency andeffect of proper exploitation of human resources. It plays an important role in theuniversity’s reform and development; meanwhile, it is a central issue and difficultpoint in the current university’s reform. With the social and economic developmentof our country, the reform of the system of university personnel placement hasbeing explored during over twenty years of reform and open to the outside world.Since 1999, after the Ministry of Education issued the official document-SeveralSuggestions Concerning Further Reform on University Personnel Allotment System,a new round of reform of personnel system has commenced. All the universitieshave reinforced the reform of the system of personnel placement and made someachievements as well, but they have not aimed at the central point of it.With the establishment of socialist economic market, state-run enterprises have put into effect the system of personnel placement on the basis of contract-oriented system; the government organizations have implemented the system of government officials. If universities want to meet the requirements of social economic development and of its own improvement, they have to establish a new system of personnel placement which adapts to the system of socialist economic market and accord with the development mode of higher education. In this case, the thesis expounds this issue by putting together the applications of the basic principles and methods of such subjects as management, education, economics, and etc.First of all, the thesis clarifies the connotation of the system of universitypersonnel placement. Then it analyzes the characteristics and flaws of traditional personnel placement and its reform background. It offers the basis of theory, reality and policy to establish a new system of personnel placement. In addition, it advances a new contract-oriented system and expounds the main features of the new system of personnel placement. On the basis of that, the thesis analyzes current situations and problems confronted by the reform of the system of university personnel placement and explains the reasons which obstacle it. Finally, it conies up with some counter measures to establish the new system of university personnel placement. The originality of the thesis lies in its clarification of four reasons from macro aspect, i.e. the outdated concept, shackle of the system, yoke of the mechanism and side-effect of the environment, it proves the possibility of the formation of the new system of university personnel placement from the aspect of theory, reality and policy, it discusses its counter measures from both macro and micro aspects, i.e. transformation of the concept, improvement of the system, renovation of mechanism, and optimization of the environment.

【关键词】 高校用人制度研究
【Key words】 UniversitySystem of personnel placementResearch
  • 【分类号】G647
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】422