

A Brave Rebel

【作者】 戴军

【导师】 张玉能;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 文艺学, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 1891年英国小说家托马斯·哈代发表了长篇小说《德伯家的苔丝》被公认为哈代最优秀的代表作品。发表之初,曾遭到毁誉不一的待遇,译成多种文字后,仍是人们争论的一个重要话题。 哈代以一个失身的女人作为小说的主人公,公然昭示其为“纯洁的女人”,作品突出的成就在于成功地塑了女主角苔丝的形象。苔丝是土生土长的农家姑娘,她形貌出众、心灵手巧、勤劳纯朴、善良坚强。但她实际面临的却是环境的愚昧,经济的贫困、暴力的污损,社会的歧视,爱人的遗弃,面对社会种种有形无形的恶势力的迫害摧残,虽不断抗争,但最终仍成为可怜的牺牲品。 本文针对评论界历来对苔丝形象的争议问题,从女权主义批评角度来解读“苔丝”形象,认为《德伯家的苔丝》塑造了一位处于男权意识形态下的被压抑、贬损和分裂的女性形象——苔丝。她为了追求独特个性和完整人格,而不惜屡次逾越雷池,冲破亘古不变的教条,以死捍卫了女性的人格尊严。作者主要通过苔丝对传统男权意识形态下的伦理道德观和宗教信仰的反叛与对立以及她与亚雷·德伯和安玑·克莱的情感纠葛,表现了女主人公坚强的品质和独特的个性。重塑这一对传统女性瓦解的叛逆者形象。 文章包括三部分:一、作家哈代及《德伯家的苔丝》,这一部分,包括四小点,即1、哈代生平及其小说创作,2、哈代与悲剧艺术,3、《德伯家的苔丝》在哈代创作中的意义,4、评论界历来对《德伯家的苔丝》的争议;二、女权主义批评与《德伯家的苔丝》,从女权主义批评产生发展和小说中的女权主义意识探讨以女权主义角度解读“苔丝”形象的意义;三、从女权主义角度重新解读“苔丝”。这部分包括两点:1、分裂的抗争:2、毁灭中的自我超越。首先从希腊式的欲爱生活理想上,表现苔丝对“性灵爱”的崇尚和对理智与情感、性灵与肉体的完美结合的追求;其次,从“异教徒”式的生活层面,揭示苔丝对男权意识形态社会的背叛和抗争,苔丝的自我超越则主要体现在对男权意识形态社会的反抗,亚雷·德伯的死亡和安玑·克莱最后的回归,充分显示了苔丝反抗的胜利。

【Abstract】 The longer novel Tess of the D’Urbervilles, written by English novelist Thomas Hardy and published in 1891, is well known as his excellent representative writing. It met with a mixed reception when first published, and it was still a hot topic when translated into many languages.The heroine, a seduced woman Tess, is openly called "a pure woman" by Hardy. It is the presentation of Tess that marks the height of his achievement in fiction. Tess is a peasant girl, sweet-natured, delicate, hard-working and innocent. She meets with her lover’s desertion as well as male violation of her body, and she fights continuously with the fatuous surroundings, utter poverty and social discrimination, but she becomes a pity victim at last.Aiming for the dispute on portrait of Tess from the comment circle, the thesis comprehends it from the prospect of feminist criticism. The thesis thinks the novel portrays a female figure, Tess, who is oppressed, abased and split by the society with patriarchal ideology. In order to seek unique character and complete personality, she dares to break down the unchanged doctrine and defend female personality majesty with her death. The writer Hardy well portrays heroine’s strong character and unique personality, and remolds a rebel against traditional female by Tess’ rebellion against and conflict with moral standards and religious belief, and by her feeling entanglement with Alec D’Urberville and Angel Clare.The thesis is divided into three parts. Part 1 is writer Hardy and Tess of the D’Urbervilles. It includes: 1.Hardy’s life story and his works; 2.Hardy and tragic arts; 3.significance of Tess of the D’Urbervilles in Hardy’s works; 4.diachronic disputes on Tess of the D’Urbervilles from the critics. Part 2 is feminist criticism and Tess of the D’Urbervilles. It discusses the significance of comprehending the portrait of Tess from the prospect of feminist criticism, via the foundation anddevelopment of feminist criticism and feminist consciousness in the novels as well. Part 3 is significance of re-comprehending the portrait of Tess from the prospect of feminist criticism. It includes: 1.struggle for disintegration; 2.self-surmounting in destruction. First, from the aspect of Greek-like life ideal for sexual desire, the novel shows Tess’ worship for sexual and spiritual love, and her pursuit for perfect combination of reason and feeling, soul and body. Second, the novel reveals Tess’ rebellion and fight against the society with patriarchal ideology from the aspect of pagan life. Last, Tess’ self-surmounting is mainly reflected in her rebellion against the society with patriarchal ideology. The death of Alec and return of Angel fully shows the triumph of Tess’ revolt.

  • 【分类号】I561
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