

Singing and Soaring Vigorously in the Skies

【作者】 农迎春

【导师】 周晓明;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 石评梅是上个世纪二十年代出现的一位活跃于文坛的女作家。由于她英年早逝,留世之作不多。整个文学创作时间也不过六、七年而已。因此,相对于与她同时代的女作家(如庐隐、冰心)而言,历来文学史提及到她的应该说是相当的少。就石评梅在当时所取得的成绩来看,劳绩是相当可观的,其创作涉足了诗歌、散文、小说及剧本等多领域,留世作品三十余万字。而人们对她的作品的认识和研究还不够全面和深入。为此,笔者对石评梅的传记、作品集以及以往人们对她本人和她的作品的评论(尤其是进入九十年代以来的)进行仔细的研读。 研读之后,发现石评梅曲折不幸的生活经历、令人感伤的爱情遭遇使得她有生之年的作品的确不免罩上了一层凄美、哀婉的面纱,以至于“其文字明丽哀怨颇为动人”成为了大多数人对她的作品的认同。因此,长期以来,人们对于石评梅作品的评价大多是在这个层面上给予较大的关注。即使谈到她积极的一面,也是顺带提及。总的说来,谈得不多。尽管石评梅作品中感伤的一面是不容置疑的,但是,综观她所有的作品之后,揭开那一层凄美、哀婉的面纱,也不难发现,在她短暂的生命历程中,她始终是时代精神的积极追随者和表现者。她的作品不论在思想品格上,还是在艺术表现上,都有着其独特的价值。 本文力图从其创作实际入手,着重考察其文本中的积极因素,从而展现其作品的思想情致和艺术追求。全文共分为两大部分。第一部分,从石评梅的创作所表现出来的主动追寻历史发展的大势,冷静承受生命的苦难,理性思考人生的究竟入手,通过她文中表现出来的执著地追求光明和理想、强烈的反封建意识、真挚地抒发爱国情怀以及对爱情的执著追求这四个方面来阐述石评梅崇高的思想情致;第二部分,则是着重考察石评梅的艺术追求,从三个方面进行阐述:一、大胆地尝试多种文体的创作;二、努力创作多种主题和题材的作品;三、充分地发挥文学抒情的功能。在肯定她创作勤勉的同时,也肯定她在女性创作这一块,在一些领域是站在前沿的位置上的,如游记、白话诗等。以⑧篇氯及在文字的表达和叙事能力方面她也较强于当时的女作家。尤其是在主题和题材的多样选择及发挥文学抒情的功能上,石评梅为达到最大的艺术效果,充分地运用了能为之服务的手段。此外,石评梅的创作,可以说也形成了她自己独特的风格,如较灵活将文体进行相互的渗透,语言上特有的清妙华美的风格以及自如地运用多种修辞手法等等。这些都无不显示了她创作的才华。

【Abstract】 ShiPing mei was one of woman writers who were active hi Chinese literature hi the 1920s.Her short life and whole literary creative period of no more than seven years fail her in leaving a lot of works to the later ages. Therefore, compared with her contemporaneous woman writers (e.g.LuYin and BingXin), she was little mentioned in the literature history. With regard to ShiPing mei’s achievement at that time, she created a great number of works, involving poetry, prose, novel and play ect. with over thirty thousand words left to Chinese literature. However, so far few people can understand her works comprehensively and study them further, so the author of this paper made a detailed study on ShiPing mei’s biography, collection of works and some comments about her and her works (especially after the 1990s), so as to help people know this woman writer better.After a further study, the author finds that ShiPing mei’s unfortunate life and sentimental love experience cover her works with a miserable and plaintive veil, so that most people come to a general recognition - "words of her works are lucid and plaintive enough to move people"- it was this aspect, for a long time, that most people’s comments on her works focused on. As for the positive factors of her works, in general, were scarcely mentioned. Even though there are really sentimental elements in ShiPing mei’s works, having made a comprehensive study on her all works and uncovered the miserable and plaintive veil, we can find that in her short life easily, she was a active adherent and expresser for the spirit of the times. Moreover, her works have unique value not only on the ideological character, but also on the art expression.This paper tries to start with literary creative practice, emphatically observes and studies the positive elements of ShiPing mei’s works, so as to display the ideological taste and art pursuit in her works. The whole paper is divided into two parts. In the first part, to take it as a starting point that ShiPing mei’s initiative inpursuing the general trend of history development, her calm keeping for bearing unfortunate life experience and rational contemplation on what is life, the author expounds ShiPing mei’s noble ideological taste by the following four aspects showed clearly in her works - her persistence in pursuing brightness and ideal; strong anti-feudal consciousness; sincere expression of patriotic feelings and persistence in pursuing her true love. In the second part, ShiPing mei’s art pursuit isemphatically studied which is expounded by the following three aspects-her boldattempt in various creations; efforts to create works with all kinds of themes and subject matters; full development of the function of literature’s emotive expression. In this paper, the author affirms ShiPing mei’s diligence in creation as well as her leading position in female literary creation, even in other fields as in the case of travels, free verse written in the vernacular ect.. In addition, she was superior to her contemporaneous woman writers in word expression and narrating ability, especially in the choice of various themes and subject matters, and development of the function of literature’s emotive expression, ShiPing mei made good use of as many ways as possible to attain the utmost artistic effect. Furthermore, she formed her unique style in creation, such as literary forms’ flexible mutual permeation, peculiarly clear and magnificent word style and a perfect command of various rhetoric techniques, which invariably show her creative talent.

  • 【分类号】I206.6
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