

Research on Aesthetic Education and It’s Examination in the Middle School

【作者】 钟谷

【导师】 王坤庆;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 美育,国家教育方针规定的五大教育内容之一,既是古今中外教育界均已认同的教学内容,也是广大教育工作者所推崇的教学方法和手段。无数历史和现实的教育成功范例,人才成长的事实都在不断重复证明这一个不争的事实——美育是人的全面发展必备的内容。然而,自上个世纪七十年代以来,特别是恢复高考以后,升学的竞争已成为中学教育发展的主要甚至是唯一的动力。美育愈来愈不被人们所重视,在学校工作中所处的地位,用于美学教育的时空、人力、师资设备、环境条件等等方面都存在严重的不足和问题。在绝大多数县(市)以下中学,几乎成了一种不得不为的应付形式甚至干脆被取消。近年来,尽管国家一再强调素质教育,制止片面追求升学率,已经引起了一些有识之士的重新认识和思考,一些地方的中学也有了一些改变。但是,升学率这根魔棒却在顽强的调动着教学双方以及家长和社会各个方面对美学教育的挤压。美育,这项本属于人类共同喜爱的事业,在中学这块对人们最赋予教育潜力的土壤中仍然得不到应有的重视和发展。其中原因众多,涉面广泛,解决它需要党和国家、社会和学校的高度重视,共同努力。笔者在综合深入分析了我国现阶段中学教育中美育教学现状的基础上,从教育的行政管理的角度;在政府对学校的调控和学校内部管理机制两个层面对中学美育考核和评价问题进行了探讨,提出了确立学校量化管理机制、建立校内考核机制、规定量化考核标准等三个方面的对策,并试图从宏观上提出加快中学美育发展的设想,以期引起社会、特别是教育界对中学美育的重视和关注。 本文通过分析认为,科学合理的设想如果真能付诸实施,将对我国现行中学美育工作是一次巨大的推动,对下一代中国国民人格素质的完美塑造,对我国的民族复兴伟大事业也是一种伟大的贡献。

【Abstract】 Aesthetic Education, one of the five prescriptive content of nation education policy, is not only the teaching content identified by all the education group at all times and in all over the world, but also the educational methods and means canonized by most of the pedagogues . It is the self-evident fact that Aesthetic Education is necessary for a man to completely develop, which is proved by millions of the historic and realistic educational paradigms and the facts of the person with ability growing. However, the competition of entering a higher school has become the main power so much as the only power in the middle school educational development since 70s in last century especially renewing college matriculation. Aesthetic Education is ignored by people more and more. There are serious matters in the space-time, manpower,pedagogues,equipments and circumstance conditions used in the Aesthetic Education. In the most of middle schools in hereinafter county, it almost has been a coped form so much as canceled .In recent years, nation emphasizes diathesis education and holds out pursuing entering a higher school unilaterally which is cognized and considered by some men of insight renewedly. Some middle schools have changed. However, because the rate of entering a higher school is still playing a important role in the middle school education,the teaching stuff give little time on Aesthetic Education.On the basis of analyse of today’ s Aesthetic Education, I advance three countermeasures that is intensifying intendance of school, establishing the system of examination, constituting standard of examination. A plan was brought forward to arose regard by the society.

【关键词】 中学美育考核初探
【Key words】 Aesthetic EducationExaminationResearch
  • 【分类号】G633.95
  • 【被引频次】5
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