

【作者】 管丽娟

【导师】 李吉桂;

【作者基本信息】 华南师范大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机网络及其相关技术的发展和不断完善,尤其是在初步实现教育信息化的今天,人们正在企图以计算机网络为操作平台,探讨高等教育评估技术,保证评估结果的公平、公正,从而提高其效率与效益,促进我国教育事业的发展。 然而,在常见的高教评估系统中尚存在着一些问题,其中主要的问题是评估材料一般都由被评单位通过邮寄或专人携带、专家评审时间长、评估结果基本上以书面通知的形式进行发布等,所以评估工作量大、耗时长,导致评估效率低。另外评估工作难以经常化,评估过程缺少模型化,评估指标权重的确定缺乏科学性等等,严重影响高教评估工作的改革。本课题研究的目的,就是要力图改变这种现状,实现高教评估的高效化、网络化、智能化。 本文首先介绍高教评估的起源及其发展概况,并分析了高教评估的特点,在深入研究几种经典的评估方法的基础上,提出模糊评估与层次分析相结合的综合评估方法;接着对网上评估系统的工作模式及其体系结构进行探讨,并应用相关的理论、技术,如数据库理论、动态网页技术ASP、和基于ASP的Web数据库访问技术等,开发了一个基于计算机网络的高等教育评估系统。该系统主要包括用户手册、评估须知、评估资料录入、评估专家专区、评估结果查询、用户管理、评估论坛、网上评估等功能块。 本文第五章详细介绍了网上评估的关键部分——基于AHP的模糊评估法,建立其模型,并给出求解算法,在此基础上实现了本科教学工作评估和名牌专业评估等部分功能。 最后根据理论研究和试运行结果,对基于计算机网络的高等教育评估系统进行了总结,并对未来的工作开展进行了展望。

【Abstract】 With the development of computer technology, communication technology and information technology used in higher education, people are cultivating a new evaluation system in higher education online to ensure the fairness in education evaluation for universities and colleges .In doing this, the efficiency and the benefit of evaluation will be improved.However, there exist a variety of problems in the ordinary higher education evaluation systems. Among which are the time of experts evaluating and the time of collecting the data of evaluated object and the announcement form of the evaluation results, and so on. As you know, collecting the data is usually posted or taken by special man, experts evaluate the date for a long time and the results of evaluation are generally announced by letter .So the evaluation efficiency is low . In addition that, there is some difficulty in evaluation repeating, evaluation modeling and weight determining, which greatly hinders the reform of higher education evaluation.In order to change situation and realize higher education evaluation online, with introducing the origin and the phylogeny of higher education evaluation as the starting point in the paper, analyzing the characteristic of higher education evaluation and comparing several typical evaluation methods each other, we put forward a synthetic evaluation method based on a combination of AHP and fuzzy estimation. Then we have made a thorough and careful study in education evaluation work pattern and system structure, in which some related technique, such as active server page technology and web database access technology etc. are discussed. Combining with the meaning of evaluation, we have developed a higher education evaluation system online .The system includes user manual, user notice, evaluation data input, expert prefecture, the result of evaluation inquiry, user management, BBS and so on.In the chapter 5, the key technique of higher education evaluation online, the principle and method of the fuzzy synthetic judgment based on AHP are introduced, and the establishing and solving arithmetic of the model is also discussed. Based on these, the evaluation of undergraduate teaching quality and the excellent major evaluation have been carried out.According to the theoretical and practical study, the thesis is summarized and some proposals are given for perfecting the evaluation system in the final chapter.

  • 【分类号】TP393.09
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】325