

【作者】 黄世兴

【导师】 刘洪杰;

【作者基本信息】 华南师范大学 , 自然地理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会信息化的深入发展,各行各业都在积极进行信息系统建设,而土地管理也不例外。在土地管理体系中,地籍是城镇土地管理中的重点和难点,因此,为保证能够进行科学规范性的土地管理,必须掌握全面详实的最新地籍资料。 作为土地面积仅有26.8km~2的澳门,土地的利用和开拓就显得格外重要。然而,对于地籍管理、土地利用以及城市规划,前澳葡政府却欠缺长期、可持续、整体性的管理和规划,这无疑是对澳门城市整体发展造成不利的影响。 因此,在国内外许多城市正全面开展建设土地信息系统的情况下,如何把澳门地籍管理的工作做好,并通过利用地理信息系统的技术和理论,建设、巩固和发展澳门的地籍地理信息系统,这一课题对澳门土地资源能否得到有效和恰当的利用,有着内在联系和深远的影响。 本论文分为五部份:第一部份论述了地籍管理、土地利用的概念和其内容,第二部份从地理空间的角度回顾了澳门地籍管理发展历史以及透过“MicroStation”专业绘图软件展示出澳门土地资源的演变过程,第三部份概述了澳门地籍管理和土地管理的政策及存在的问题,并通过GIS软件“ArcView”、电子表格“Excel”绘制出“澳门土地利用现状图”、“澳门土地结构现状图”等图表,再对这些图表作出研究和分析,归纳出各种土地使用的实际情况。 在上述研究的基础上,第四部份,笔者认为有必要对澳门地籍管理技术进行改革,并以先进的地理信息理论技术,提出以循序渐进的『理性化管理模式』建设澳门地籍地理信息系统的具体方案和实施情况。最后,第五部份,提出现在及将来澳门土地资源开拓的方向和对策。同时,指出澳门应充分利用本身的相对优势,在全球经济一体化趋势下,加强与珠江三角洲及欧洲国家的紧密合作,共同达致可持续发展的目标。

【Abstract】 With the fast development of the information technology of the society, each and every trade has been actively involved in the establishment of the information system, and the management of land use being no exception. In the management of land use system, the official register of land is one of the crucial but difficult points. In order to ensure scientific systematization of the management of land, it is necessary to obtain the latest and detailed information of the official register of land use.Since Macao covers an area of 26.8Km2, it is particularly important to utilize and exploit its land resources. Due to the lack of long-term, sustainable and integrated management and planning by the Macao Government under the Portuguese Administration, the official registration of land use, the utilization of land resource and the planning of urban regions have undoubtedly hindered the favorable development of Macao.Due to the fact that many cities of the China’s mainland have been establishing their information system of land, the issues of the betterment of the management of the official registration of the land use and the establishment, reinforcement and development of Macao’s official registration system through information technology and theory have associative and far-reaching effects on the efficient and appropriate utilization of Macao’s land resources.This Thesis is divided into 5 parts:The first part outlines the concepts and contents of the management of the official registration of land and the utilization of land resources. The second part deals with the history of the official registration system of the land use in retrospect. It also displays the evolutionary process of land resources through "MicroStation" professional Drawing Software. The third part describes the Macao policies and problems in land management. By using "ArcView" of GIS, and "Excel" to draw up the map of the existing utilization of Macao land, the existing land structure of Macao land and the like, this part investigates and analyzes these maps and obtains the actual utilization of different types of land resources by induction.The fourth part suggests some reforms raised by the author. Based upon these, the author suggests the progressive use of "Rationalized Management Model" to establish the official registration system of land use. Finally, the fifth part gives direction to the exploitation of current and future land resources of Macao. In the meantime, this part indicates that Macao, while capitalizing on its comparative advantage, should co-operate closely with the Pearl River Delta and the European Countries in the trend towards globalization in the achievement of the common objective of sustainable development.

【关键词】 land useplanning
【Key words】 land useplanning
  • 【分类号】P271
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】757