

【作者】 黄德群

【导师】 冯增俊;

【作者基本信息】 华南师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文分七个章节,第一章是导论,主要阐明了研究港台现代教育技术应用的重要意义。当前世界各地区都高度重视现代教育技术尤其是信息技术在教育中的应用,并使之成为教育改革与发展的战略措施。作为亚洲“四小龙”的香港和台湾也不例外,所以,学习和引进港台在现代教育技术应用上的成功经验,对于提高中国大陆现代教育技术的研究和实际应用水平以及中小学信息技术教育工作的开展具有十分重要的现实意义。导论的最后介绍了在研究港台现代教育技术和信息技术教育应用过程中所采用的研究方法和研究过程,以及本论文研究可能取得的成效,并就论文研究过程中所受的局限和存在的不足作了简要说明。论文的第二章阐述了现代教育技术与当代教育改革之间的关系。现代信息技术的发展与应用使传统的教学环境、学习形式、教学内容、师生关系等发生了巨大变革,信息技术对教育正在产生日益深刻的影响,能否把握这个机会,将对内地的教育改革产生至关重要的作用,港台在这方面是做得比较好的地区,对港台现代教育技术的应用作一研究是有必要的。论文的第三、四章专门研究港台现代教育技术的应用和信息技术教育的实施情况。这两章首先从技术的发展变化和理论研究的深度来研究港台现代教育技术的发展脉络,并将其发展归结为各自不同的四个发展阶段,然后重点论述了港台开展信息技术教育的情况及可借鉴的做法。第五章分析了世界现代教育技术发展趋势,并从国际角度分析港台发展现代教育技术的基本经验。论文的第六章详细分析了中国大陆现代教育技术和信息技术教育的发展现状,重点突出了信息技术教育工作的开展和存在的问题以及加入WTO对内地信息技术教育的影响,最后针对港台在现代教育技术应用上的成功经验提出了内地发展现代教育技术和信息技术教育的对策。 本论文通过对港台现代教育技术的应用对比研究,特别是对港台信息技术教育的发展应用研究,从多角度多层面分析了中国大陆现代教育技术尤其是信息技术教育的现状及存在的问题,并提出了解决这些问题的对策。因此,本论文的研究,不但很迫切,而且可为内地基础教育改革提出相关建议。

【Abstract】 This dissertation consists of 7 chapters. The first chapter is Introduction, which mainly elucidates the research significance of the application of modern education technology in HK and Taiwan Nowadays people all over the world highly attach importance to the application of modem education technology, especially to information technology. People want to make them into the strategic measures of educational reform and development. HK and Taiwan, as two members of Four Little Asian Tiger, is no exception. It bears great realistic significance not only for the modem education technology research and application on Chinese Mainland but also for its development of the information technology education in primary and secondary schools. In the last part of the Introduction, it introduces the adoptive research methods and processes in the research of the applied course of modern education technology and information technology in HK and Taiwan. It also describes the possible obtained effect and explains the limitations and deficiencies in the research. The relation between modern education technology and current educational reform is expatiated in the second chapter. The traditional teaching conditions, learning forms, teaching contents and teacher-student relations have been greatly changed by the development and application of modern information technology. Education is increasingly and profoundly influenced by the information technology. Whether or not we can take this chance will bring extremely importance of Mainland educational reform. The chance has been taken very well in HK and Taiwan. Therefore, it is necessary to research the educational research in HK and Taiwan. The application of modem education technology and implementation of information technology in HJC and Taiwan are specialized in the third and fourth chapters of this dissertation. These two chapters research the development skeleton of education technology in HK and Taiwan by starting with technological development and movement and the depth of theoretical research. A conclusion has been reached mat the technology development in these two areas can be boiled down to four different stages. Then it emphatically discusses the expansion of information technology education in HK and Taiwan and what we can use for reference from them. The development trend of the global modem education technology and basic experience of modern education technology in H1C and Taiwan from the international view have been analyzed in the fifth chapter. The present situation of modern education technology and information technology on Chinese Mainland has been labored in the sixth chapter. The expansion of information technology education and existing problems and its influence after China’s access to WTO are all emphatically laid stress on. In the end, this chapter brings forward the ways to deal with a situation on Mainland modem education technology and information technology education on the base of the successful experiences of modern education technological application in HK and Taiwan.By the contrast research of modem education technology application both in HK and Taiwan, this dissertation analyzes, from different points of view and lays, the present situation and existing problems of Chinese Mainland modem education technology, particularly the information technology. It further puts forward some methods to solve these problems. Therefore, the research of mis dissertation is pressing. It also offers some relevant proposals to the Mainland basic educational reform.

  • 【分类号】G40-057
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】776