

Study on Seasonal Dynamic of Macro-minerals on Soil-Grass-Sheep in Alpine Meadow Ecosystem

【作者】 刘彩琴

【导师】 郑中朝; 郝正里; 张力;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验是以牧草幼嫩期(6月份)、生长末期(9月份)和枯黄期(12月份)为依据将30只青海毛肉兼用型细毛羊当年羯羊分为三期,采取调查采样和实验室分析相结合的方法对青海省三角城种羊场土壤--牧草--绵羊“三位一体”生态环境中常量矿物元素(硫、氮、磷、钙、镁、钾、钠)进行了调查研究;借助Cr2O3指示剂和两级离体消化法测定试验绵羊的排粪量和放牧采食量,同时利用代谢试验采集尿样;经实验室测定这些元素在土壤、牧草和畜体中的含量,并分析其季节性变化,结果表明:(1)土壤有效硫、速效磷、全镁和全钙含量在12月份采样点相对最低,(分别为555.75mg/kg、8.33mg/kg、3.79mg/kg、10757.50mg/kg);土壤全氮呈现12月份(0.30%)>9月份(0.25%)>6月份(0.23%);9月份采样点土壤钠含量最高(13875.01mg/kg),相反,土壤碱解氮和速效钾含量最低(分别为:68.63mg/kg和210.00mg/kg)。(2)牧草中硫、氮、磷、镁和钠在6月份含量最高,分别为:2.93g/kg、36.90g/kg、2.58g/kg、8.84g/kg和5.77g/kg,而钙和钾在9月份最高,分别为:6.06g/kg、5.96g/kg,除牧草中钠在9月份含量最低外,其他矿物元素在12月份含量最低。(3)绵羊体内:硫和钙在6月份和1 2月份出现负沉积,日采食量也低于需要量;氮在三期试验中是正沉积,但是日采食量均低于需要量,而且12月份血清白蛋白含量是最高月含量的0.64%~0.67%,说明12月份牧草中蛋白质不足;磷元素在6月份和12月份的日采食量低于需要量,12月份血清无机磷含量最低;绵羊日采食镁高于需要量,骨骼镁含量在正常范围内,但9月份和12月份出现负沉积,12月份血浆镁低于正常范围,可能是某些营养物质影响了它的吸收;钠元素均为正沉积,日采食量也高于需要量,但血清和唾液中含钠量在6月份和12月份均低于正常含量;钾元素在9月份和12月份出现负沉积,三期中日采食量均低于需要量,血液中钠、钾含量均低于正常值,唾液中钠:钾在6月份和9月份均低于正常值。经试验分析得出:在本地区不同季节视绵羊需要应补饲硫、氮、磷、钙、钠和钾。

【Abstract】 The trial was made to study the seasonal tendency and deficiency of macro-minerals (sulfur, nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium) on soil-grass-sheep by using thirteen Qinghai fine-wool sheep( ), during three periods on the basis of the seedling (Jun.) , maturity (Sept.)and withered stage(Dec.) of grass in alpine meadow ecosystem in Qinghai Province. The faces excrement and daily feed intake of the sheep were measured by the means of offering Cr2O3 and the Tilly and Terry’s in vitro digestion trials, and urine was sampled with metabolism trail. The content of the macro-minerals in the soil, grass and sheep were determined by the lab analysis.The results showed as follows:(l)In the soil: the content of the available S and P and the total Mg and Ca in the Dec.(555.75mg/kg, 8.33mg/kg, 3.79mg/kg, 10757.50mg/kg, respectively) was relatively less than that in the Jun. and Sept, the sequence of the content of the total N was Dec. (0.30%)>Sept.(0.25%)>Jun.(0.23%), the content of total Na was the highest (13875.01mg/kg), in contrast, hydrolysable N and available K was the lowest (68.63mg/kg, 210.00mg/kg, respectively) in the Sept.. (2)In the grass: the content of S, N, P, Mg, Na was the highest in the Jun. (2.93g/kg, 36.90g/kg, 2.58g/kg, 8.84g/kg, 5.77g/kg, respectively), K and Ca was the highest in the Sept.(6.06g/kg, 5.96g/kg, respectively). All the macro-minerals was the lowest in the Dec. except that Na was the lowest in the Sept.. (3) S and Ca in the sheep body were in the negative balance in the Jun. and Sept. , and their daily feed intake was less than the requirements of the sheep. Nitrogen was in the positive balance during the three periods. The content of the album in the serum of the sheep in the Dec. was as the same as 0.64 to 0.67% at the Sept., which was the highest, as means the content of thecrude protein in the grass in the Dec. was deficient. The content of P in the daily feed intake was under the requirement of the sheep. The content of the inorganic phosphorus in the serum of the sheep was the lowest in the Dec. Mg was in the negative balance in the Sept. and Dec., but the daily feed intake of which were over the requirement of the sheep during the three periods, the content of the plasma Mg was under the normal value in the Dec.. Na was in the positive balance during the three periods, and the daily feed intake was over the requirement of the sheep, in contrast, K was in the negative balance, and the content of the K in the daily feed intake was under the requirement of the sheep. Na and K in the blood of the sheep lower the normal values. The ratio of the Na and K in the saliva in the Jun. and Sept. were under the normal values, too. In conclusion, it is necessary to supplement the Macro-minerals according to the requirements of the sheep at the different season at the district.

【关键词】 土壤牧草放牧绵羊
【Key words】 SNPCaMgNaKsoilgrasssheep
  • 【分类号】S811.5
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】162