

Seasonal Changes of Trace Elements and Analysis of Their Sufficiency or Lack in the Soil-Forage-Animal Ecosystem in Stud Farm Around Qinghai Lake

【作者】 焦婷

【导师】 郑中朝; 张力;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从微量元素营养的角度,对青海省三角城种羊场夏(六月中旬)、秋(九月中旬)、冬(十二月中旬)三季的水、土壤、牧草、绵羊被毛、血液、组织器官及粪、尿中铜、锰、铁、锌、钼和硒6种微量元素含量进行了调查分析。其中用外源指示剂(Cr2O3)法测定了绵羊的排粪量;同时选5只健康成年羊进行食管瘘手术,采集其采食牧草样,用体外离体消化法测定其干物质消化率,再结合排粪量计算绵羊的放牧采食量。经统计结果表明,不同季节土壤中6种微量元素的含量不同。从三季整体水平来看,铜含量处于临界缺乏状态,锌正常,铁丰富,钼稍低于我国正常土壤钼水平,严重缺硒。所测牧草中的微量元素含量除硒外,铜、锰、铁、锌、钼均为夏季>秋季>冬季。三季可食牧草平均值中铁、锰含量较高,锌、钼均处于临界缺乏状态,冬季缺铜,夏季严重缺硒。绵羊被毛中微量元素含量也随季节的变化而变化。但三季铁含量均处于正常范围之内,铜、锰、锌、钼均低于正常范围的下限,硒则在暖季充足,冷季严重缺乏,仅为0.012mg/kg,极显著的低于羊毛缺硒值0.079mg/kg(p<0.01)。从三季绵羊血液、肝脏的统计分析结果看出,该场绵羊铜已接近体缺乏,锰、锌、钼处于临界缺乏,铁充足。从整个土壤-牧草-畜体生态体系来看,青海三角城种羊场绵羊处于低铜、低锌、低钼、低硒的营养状况。

【Abstract】 The contents of six trace elements (Cu Mn Fe Zn Mo Se) and their seasonal changes were studied in the view of trace elemental nutrition,came from water soil edible grass (gained by fistula set on esophagas) wool and other organs of sheep in stud farm of Sanjiaocheng of Qinghai province,such as plasma liver skeleton,etc.The results are as follows: (1 )The contents of the six trace elements arevery with season.At the beginning of the experiment,five health-aged sheep were chosen to operate on collecting -grass sample to calculate the sheep intake in grazing conditions.From the genenal level,the soil is in critical lack of Cu abundance of Fe serious lack of Se and Mo is lower than normal soil level.(2)In edible grass,contents of Cu Mn Fe Zn Mo are all higher in summer than in autumn and than in winter ,except for Se,in which contents of Fe Mn are higher and Zn Mo are in critical lack condition in three seasons,but it lacks Cu in winter and lacks Se in summer specially.(3)Contents of six trace elements in sheep hair changed with season,too,in which content of Fe is the same as in soil and in edible grass.Cu Mn Zn Mo are all lower than normal level,Se is enough in hot seasons while lack seriously in cold seasons,which is significantly lower than value of lack,0.079mg/kg,(p<0.01).(4)The level of trace elements in sheep is nearing lack of Cu plenty of Fe and serious lack of Se in the pasture from the results of plasma and organs of three seasons,such as liver heart lung etc.The study of abundant or lack condition of six trace elemens in sheep and their dyminics changes in different seasons will provide scientific basis to formulate measure of forage completatiom select and make up corresponding additive of trace elements.lt has significant meaning to take good advantage of superior natural conditions,increase local economic returns and improve ecological environment.

  • 【分类号】S81-05
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】296