

Tradition And Transformation:Yesterday, Today

【作者】 莫书有

【导师】 王祥俊;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 村落宗族在当代中国的复兴已是不争的事实。如何看待村落宗族的复兴及其表现,不仅关系到人们对村落宗族的态度,更关系到人们对农村、农民的态度,关系到人们对农村现代化的认识与把握。基于这一认识,笔者在导师王祥俊教授指导下,以马克思主义为指导,运用社会学有关理论,以博白县宁潭镇莫氏宗族为例,对村落宗族进行了调查、研究,并写下本文。全文除引言和结语外,共分五部分。在引言中,笔者首先对当前我国社会转型这一大背景进行了简要介绍,同时,对博白县宁潭镇及莫氏宗族的情况作了简单说明。此外,为开宗明义、提纲挈领起见,也对本文的分析框架进行了说明。第一部分,对宗族及村落宗族的定义作了界定,并指明了研究的意义。首先将宗族及村落宗族界定为:宗族是指来源于某一共同祖先,按男性血缘世系原则建立起来的,存在某种组织形式和具有宗族色彩的活动,有着一种内部认同和外部边界的社会群众;村落宗族则指存在并活动于自然村落和行政村范围的宗族。其次,指明对村落宗族的研究,对于认识当前农村社会结构,把握社会现代化与农村现代化的关系具有积极的现实意义。第二部分,对传统村落宗族进行了探究。首先,分析了传统村落宗族的结构特征:具有雄厚的经济基础,具有完整的组织机构和组织制度,具有完善、严格的家法族规。其次,揭示了村落宗族在我国传统社会中长期存在的原因,包括:第一,为了维护本宗族的生存与发展;第二,小农生产方式长期存在;第三,儒家思想文化的维持;第四,封建统治阶层的支持与倡导。最后,指出传统村落宗族的影响作用,主要为:(一)维护宗族生存与发展;(二)对地方社会秩序的维护与破坏双重作用;(三)传递社会文化。<WP=4>第三部分,研究当代的村落宗族,指出其当代特征、复兴原因和影响作用。与传统村落宗族相比,当代的村落宗族既不具有雄厚的经济实力,也不具有完整的组织机构和组织制度,亦不具备严格的家法族规,这与社会发展的实际是一致的。村落宗族在当代中国的复兴,一是因为家庭联产承包责任制的实施及我国农村现实生产力水平仍较低;二是因为国家力量的收缩导致国家对农村社区管制的放松;三是社会保障在广大农村地区的缺失,四是因为农村精神文明建设的滑坡。村落宗族对当前社会的影响作用,主要包括:第一,破坏与维护地方社会秩序;第二,促进地方经济的发展;第三,影响地方基层政权及村民自治组织。第四部分,将当代村落宗族与传统村落宗族进行比较,指出两者产生与存续的基础条件不同,所具有的特征不同,影响作用有了差异,从而得出随着社会的转型、变迁,村落宗族亦在转型的结论。第五部分,对村落宗族的未来展望及指出当前的对策选择。本文认为,由于村落宗族还有其存在与发展的空间及合理性,村落宗族还将在一定时期内长期存在,而传统与相代相糅合,实现由传统走向现代,这是当代村落宗族的最佳选择。然而,不论如何,村落宗族由于其自身的局限性,它不可能成长为一种真正的现代性组织,村落宗族将不可避免地走向消亡之路。因此,对目前而言,我们应该采取如下对策:第一,承认村落宗族存在的客观性并对其加以适当的引导和限制;第二,进一步解放和发展农村生产力,发展市场经济,加速农村发展;第三,完善农村基层组织,满足群众正当需求;第四,发展农村教育事业,加强农村精神文明建设,促进农民思想观念的更新改造。在结语中,对本文主要观点进行了归纳和总结,并指出本文的局限与不足,希望得到老师、同学们的批评指正。

【Abstract】 The renew of village clansmen in contemporary China is already the fact without question. How to treat the renew and its performance of the village clansmen, relates not only to people’s attitude towards village clansmen, but to their attitude towards the country and the farmer, and to their cognition and confidence of China country’s modernization.Base on the framer cognition and under the guide of professor Wang xiangjun, my tutor, I have inquired and researched the village clansmen, and as the result, I wrote the paper, taking the example of MoShi clansmen of Ningtan town, Bobai county. This work is under the guide of Marxism and relevant theories of sociology.The paper consist of five parts, except the preface and the concluding remarks.In the preface, I will briefly present the big background of the social transformation of our country. Then, I also briefly describe some conditions of Ningtan town, Bobai county, and MoShi clansmen.In addition, for the sake of describing the outline of the full paper, I will explain the analytical frame of this paper. In the first part, I will define the concepts‘clansmen’and ’village clansmen’, and point out the meaning of the research.First, clansmen and small village clansmen are defined as: clansmen is a social group, that originated from a common ancestry, press principle of male blood relation a life time department to establish , exist a certain organization from with have the activity of the clansmen color, and have got a kind of internal approbation and exterior boundary. The small village clansmen then points the clansmen that active in the nature small village and administration village.The next in order, indicate to research small village clansmen will have the positive and realistic meaning on recognizing the social construction of current village and observing the relations between social modernization and country modernization.<WP=6>In the second part, proceeded to investigate the tradition small village clansmen. First, analyzed the construction characteristic of the traditional small village clansmen: have strong economic foundation, complete organization and system and strict discipline The next, exposed the reasons that the small village clansmen have existed in our traditional country, for the long-term, including: the first, for the sake of the maintenance exiting and development of the clansmen; the second, the way small village agriculture produces have existed over a long period; the third, the maintenance by the Confucianism by the feudalism ruling class. Finally, point out the influence function of the traditional small village clansmen, main for: (a) Maintaining the existence and development of clansmen; (b) The dual function of maintaining and breaking local social order; (c) Deliver the social culture.In the third part, study the small village clansmen in contemporary, point out its renew and its affect and function, compare with traditional small village clansmen, the contemporary small village neither have the organization and system, and as well have not the strict domestic discipline and rule. It is consistent with the development of our society. Renew of small village clansmen in contemporary China, one is because of putting the household management of land system into practice, and the realistic productivity level of our Country is still lower. Two is because of the constringency of the national power to village community cause the relaxing of control. Three is because that society guarantee in the large village region losing; four is because of the dropping of village spiritual civilization. The small village clansmen influence to our society, primarily include: the first ,break or support the local social order; the second, promote the development of local order; the second, promote the development of local economy; the third, affect the grass-roots political power, and village people autonomy.In the fourth part, compare the contemporary small village clansmen with the traditional small village clansmen, point

【关键词】 宗族村落宗族传统转型现代化
【Key words】 clansmensmall village clansmentraditiontransformationmodernization
  • 【分类号】D422
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1069