

Ways of Thinking of the Chinese People and China English

【作者】 段林远

【导师】 徐继旺;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 英语已发展成为一门世界性语言,对英语诸变体的语言、社会、文化以及认知等方面的研究已成为国际语言学研究领域中的一项重要课题。随着人们对内圈英语(the inner circle English):美国英语、加拿大英语、澳大利亚英语、和外圈英语(the outer circle English):菲律宾英语、印度英语、马来西亚英语研究的深入,对扩展圈英语(the expanding circle English):日本英语、埃及英语、中国英语的研究也引起了人们的重视。 被划分为扩展圈英语的中国英语是英语与中国特殊社会文化结合的产物,是在中国本土成长的中国人在用英语表达自己的思想感情时,由于受汉文化、汉语思维方式的影响和自身生理条件的限制而说出的一种不同于标准英语且带有明显汉语特色的英语。 二十多年来,葛传椝、李文中、谢之君、张培成、罗运芝等语言学家从不同角度对中国英语进行了研究。但是,他们研究的重点放在中国英语的定义、语音、词汇等方面,而对中国英语的语法和语篇的研究甚微。因此,本文在前人研究的基础上,从社会语言学的角度来揭示中国英语的句子结构和篇章结构形成的内在原因及其特点,并从语言与文化的双重性说明英语与中国文化结合的可能性。本文分五个部分。 第一部分简单介绍中国英语近二十年的研究状况。总结前人的研究成果并指出所存在的不足之处,从而找出本文研究的切入点。 第二部分对中国英语的含义给予界定。 第三部分是本文的主体。主要论述中国英语的句子结构和篇章结构形成的内在原因及其特点。这一部分讨论了语言与文化、语言与思维的关系;分析比较了中式思维和西方人思维方式的不同以及他们的思维方式对其所使用的语言的影响,从而揭示出中国英语的句子和语篇形成的内在原因是汉语的思维方式。正是因为受汉语思维方式的影响,中国人写出的英语句子和文章虽然没有语法错误,但读起来不象地道的英语而带有汉语的特点。由于思维方式是人们在长期的成长过程中形成的既定模式,是难以改变的。所以在汉语思维模式影响下形成的中国英语的句子和语篇就成为必然。 第四部分首先论述了英语作为国际语言的特点。然后,从语言和文化的双重性,也就是一种语言可以与另一种文化相结合形成一种新的语言这一角度出发,分析英语与中国文化结合的可行性和合理性。<WP=5> 第五部分是结论。一方面,语言与文化、语言与思维之间是相互影响相互制约的。语言离不开文化,文化影响语言的形式。中国英语是英语与中国文化结合的产物。它以标准英语为基础,但在语音、词汇、语法、语篇等方面具有自身的特点。中国英语的句子和语篇是在汉语思维方式的影响下形成的。思维方式的难以改变性决定了中国英语句子和语篇特点的稳定性。另一方面,语言与文化的交流是一个双向的过程。在中国人学习和了解英语和西方文化的同时,西方人也在学习和了解汉语和中国文化。所以随着中国文化在世界上的传播,人们对中国文化和中式思维的了解,受中国文化影响的中国英语将最终被世人所接受而不再被称为畸形英语。

【Abstract】 English has already developed into an international language. Researches on the varieties of English and their societies, cultures and cognition have become an important subject in the realm of international linguistic studies. With more and more profound studies on the inner circle English: the United States English, Canada English, Australia English and the outer circle English: Philippines English, India English, Malaysia English, scholars have drawn their attention to the expanding circle English: Japan English, Egypt English, China English (B. B. Kachru, 1992: 356-357). China English, which is classified to the expanding circle, is a language that English is combined with Chinese social culture. It is the English with Chinese characteristics, coined by the Chinese people (who have grown up in the Chinese social and cultural background) in using English to express them. It is greatly influenced by Chinese culture, the thinking modes of the Chinese people and their own physiological condition. For more than 20 years, linguists such as Ge Chuangui, Xie Zhijun, Li Wenzhong, Zhang Peicheng, Luo Yunzhi have made some studies on China English from different angles, but their emphases are lain on its definition, pronunciation, and vocabulary. They made fewer researches on its sentence structure and discourse structure, so this thesis probes into the inner causes forming the sentence structure and the discourse structure of China English from the sociolinguistic point of view and further analyze their particularities and then bring the possibility of the combination English with Chinese to light from the standpoint of the dualistic relationship between Chinese and culture. The thesis consists of the following five parts.The first part briefly introduces the general studies on China English which the linguists have made in the past 20 years, evaluates their achievements, points out their inadequacy and on this base brings up the focal points of my research.The second part defines the meaning of China EnglishThe third part is the body of the thesis. It mainly discusses the inner causes of the sentence structure and the discourse structure of China English and its characteristics. The part expounds the relationship between language and thought, makes comparison of the difference between the Chinese thought pattern and the English one, discusses the effect of their different ways of thinking on the<WP=7>Englishes that they use and their own characteristics. Then it is made clear how China English is formed. It is Chinese thought patterns that result in the sentence and the discourse of China English, which are not idiomatic but not mistaken in grammar. Ways of thinking are formed in the long process of people’s life and are difficult to change, so the sentence structure and the discourse structure of China English, formed under the influence of Chinese ways of thinking, becomes inevitable The forth part, from the viewpoint of the dual nature of language and culture, that is, one language can be combined with another culture to form a new language, analyzes the possibility and the rationality of the combination of Chinese culture with English. The fifth part draws the conclusion. On the one hand, language and culture, language and thought affect and interact each other. Language is inseparate from culture and in turn culture influences the linguistic form. China English is the combination of English with Chinese culture. It is based on Standard English but has its own features in pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, discourse and so on. The sentence structure and the discourse structure of China English are formed under the effect of the Chinese thought patterns. The habitual ways of thinking make their characteristics stable. On the other hand, the exchange of different languages and cultures is a two-way process; Westerners are learning Chinese and Chinese culture while the Chinese are learning English and English culture. So with the spread of Chinese culture in the world and the world’s acknowled

【关键词】 中国英语语言文化思维方式语篇
【Key words】 China Englishlanguagecultureways of thinkingdiscourse
  • 【分类号】H310.1
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1752