

On the Postmodernistic Representation of China ’s Popular Culture

【作者】 陈莉

【导师】 莫其逊;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 文艺学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪的下半叶,大众文化成为人类社会文化发展中最汹涌澎湃的一股潮流,它从发达的西方国家涌起,迅速蔓延于全世界。随着改革开放的进一步深化,商品经济的蓬勃发展,科技的长足进步,大众传媒的全面普及,中国大众文化得以在20世纪的90年代迅速兴起和发展。 如今,在城市化程度还不是很高的中国,大众文化已经无孔不入地渗透到了每一个城市人的生活中,并不断地由城市辐射到周边的中小城镇,进而影响了很大一部分的中国农村。这与西方国家有所不同。中国的广大乡村,甚至一些小城镇还谈不上城市化、工业化,但大众文化在这些地方也以异乎寻常的速度在传播和扩散。 20世纪的六七十年代,中国社会生活的高度政治化给广大民众造成了极大的精神压力,使他们对各种政治理论的宣传都产生了不同程度的逆反心理。而关注现世生活,重视情绪宣泄,注重文本的表层娱乐的大众文化一出现,对广大中国人来说,无疑起到了宣泄情绪、调剂精神、丰富生活、平衡心态的作用。中国民众对大众文化的接受、认可表明中国文化进入一个大众文化的时代。这一来势凶猛的大众文化潮流在令中国广大民众欣喜若狂的同时,却引起了知识界的思索。他们对中国大众文化的界定各执一词,众说纷纭。本文综合部分研究者的意见将中国大众文化界定为:中国当代商业社会产生并流行的,以赢利为出发点,以大众传播媒介为手段,以都市消费大众为主要对象的一种模式化的消费性、娱乐性的文化形态。 本文结合后现代主义思潮,对中国大众文化现象进行理论上的分析,从而揭示它在经济、科技、生活三种状态下呈现出来的后现代表征,并对当前中国大众文化研究的现状和难题做了简要的论述,指出了对其进行人文提升和审美认识的途径。本文分三个部分,以第一部分为全文的重点。在第一部分里,对中国大众文化的后现代表征的论述被分成三个方面:一、大众文化是一种经济型的消费文化,它以赢利为出发点,具有商品性、解构性,呈现出反权威、反主体性的后现代表征;二、大众文化是一种科技型的模式文化,它以大众传媒为手段,具有复制性、霸权性,呈现出非中心性、多元共生性的后现代表征;三、大众文化是一种生活型的感性文化,它以城市大众为主要对象,具有娱乐性、日常性,呈现出非深度性、平面性的后现代表征。论文还对时尚书刊、电视、互联<WP=4>网、卡拉OK、广告、时装等几种大众文化现象进行了专门的分析,以进一步揭示中国大众文化的后现代表征。第二部分论及大众文化在中国的阐释焦虑,先是简要列举了研究者的不同态度,然后谈到了大众文化的多元性和矛盾性带来的几个需要解决的难题。第三部分指出对中国大众文化进行人文与审美提升的途径。总之,本文试图通过对中国大众文化的后现代表征的揭示,让人们对大众文化在中国的现状和发展前景有所了解,利用其积极的一面,改变消除其消极的一面,促进我国社会主义文化建设。

【Abstract】 China’s popular culture comes into being and becomes popular in China’s contemporary commercial society. It is a kind of pattern culture form with the character of entertainment and consumer, whose main object is the consumers in metropolis, By the means of mass propagation media, it proceeds in all cases from profit . In 1990’s, with the background that China is vigorously advancing the development of commodity economy, the popular culture can spring up and develop by leaps and bounds.This thesis combines the trend of thought in postmodernism, by analyzing China’s popular culture phenomena theoretically, reveals its postmodernism representation presented under the states of economy, science and technology, life. It also makes a brief exposition on the present situation and dilemma of the current research on China’s popular culture, leading a way to promoting its humane level and recognizing its aesthetic value.This thesis is divided into three parts. Emphasis is put on the first part, in which the exposition on the postmodernism representation of China’s popular culture is divided into three aspects: Firstly, the popular culture is a kind of economy-type consumer culture with the character of commodity and deconstruction. It proceeds from profit, presenting the postmodernism representation of anti-authority and anti-subjectivity. Secondly, the popular culture is a kind of science and technology-type pattern culture with the character of duplication and hegemony. By the means of mass media, it presents the postmodernism representation of non-center and pluralistic co-existence. Thirdly, the popular culture is a kind of life-type and perceptual culture with entertainment and daily character, whose main object is the consumers in metropolis, presenting the postmodernism representation of non-depth and plane nature, In this thesis, a lot of popular culture phenomena such as fashionable magazines, TV, internet, karaoke, advertisement and fashionable dress, etc. are specially analyzed, by this way, the postmodernism representation of China’s popular culture can be further revealed, In the second part, it comes to the<WP=6>anxiety-interpretation of the popular culture in China. At first, researchers’ different attitudes are listed briefly, then it comes that several dilemmas caused by the popular culture’s pluralism and contradiction are badly in need of solutions. In the last part, a way is pointed out, leading China’s popular culture to promoting its humane level and aesthetic value.In brief, this thesis tries to make people clear the present situation and developing prospect of the popular culture in China by revealing the post-modernism representation of China’s popular culture, so that people can take advantage of its positive sides to change and remove its negative sides, in order to advance the socialist cultural construction in our country.

  • 【分类号】G122
  • 【下载频次】662