

Study and Tactic of Bid Quotation about Sui-Yu Railway Project

【作者】 卢家友

【导师】 李远富; 张群胜;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 建筑与土木工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着国内外建筑企业相互渗透,建筑市场竞争愈演愈烈。而在众多的竞争对手面前,能击败对手,承揽到更多工程的关键是投标报价。投标报价是否有竞争力关系到施工企业生产经营的策略,是一项重大课题。在各项工程投标过程中,投标报价方法与技巧也是常常探讨的问题。本文针对报价这一具体问题,根据报价研究的不确定性、多目标性、多学科性和研究对象(业主和竞争对手)的复杂性、艰巨性、风险性,利用风险决策的原理和方法,通过多年理论研究和实践总结,对具体工程投标报价进行了预测和研究。 本文重点从四个方面对投标报价策略进行了总结和创新: 1.分析我国国内和国际承包工程形势和特点,综述国内外工程招投标程序和方法,针对不同招投标形式和类型,对报价进行研究。 2.结合投标报价策略研究,综述投标报价程序,对投标报价编制进行说明,并通过报价静态和动态分析,提出报价决策。通过总结报价方法与技巧,提出报价决策时需注意综合考虑的几个问题。 3.通过对影响报价的风险因素进行分析,运用报价风险模糊预测,提出风险报价决策树分析法和概率分析法模型,并结合实际对问题进行了分析。 4.根据遂渝铁路工程的特点,结合投标方法和技巧,对该工程报价策略研究分析,检验了已经建立的报价模型和方法,验证了研究成果的实用性。

【Abstract】 Along with more development of fashion and opening, building corporations filter one another inside and outside our country, and especially the competition of building market domain have been stood out. The bid and quotation is the key for corporation to bear down the adversary and obtain more constructing assignment with great benefit in the presence of numerous compete adversary. The compete power of quotation connected with tactic about produce and working for constructing corporation is a important task. Means and technique for tender often have been discussed as a question in tender. This paper have forecasted and investigated the tender by using elements and means for risk decision-making and theory study and sum-up practice yearly based on instability and multi-objectives and multi-subjects for tender study and complicacy and difficulty and venture for study object (employer and compete adversary). This paper mainly deals with the following four items for bid and quotation:1. Analyses of the tendency and characteristics of national and international project contracts , summarize the process and means of tender inside and outside country and study of the bid and quotation for every kinds.2, Summarize the process of the bid and quotation and explain the quotation authorized combine the study of tactic, and decision-making the quotation by static state and dynamic analysis of tender. It summing-up the means and technique and bring forward the questions when bidding.3. It bring forward models about decision-making tree analytical method and probability analytical method using blur forecast for bid venture by analysis venture equation witch have effect on bid.4, It verified the model and means about quotation that have been established and validated the practicability about fruit of study based on study of tactic about Sui-Yu Railway project bid.

  • 【分类号】F532
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】314