

Experimental Research on Seismic Behavior of Steel Frame with Cavity Sandwich Panel Infill

【作者】 张溶

【导师】 彭少民;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 结构工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 钢结构的应用和研究已有近百年的历史,技术上日趋成熟。但关于考虑填充墙在钢框架结构建筑中作为抗侧力构件的问题,国内外的研究都十分有限,还有许多问题有待于解决,我国的钢结构设计规范中也没有具体涉及到这方面的内容。由于填充墙在填充墙钢框架结构中起着抗侧力的重要作用,是结构的重要组成部分,因此其受力机理及承载力方面的研究具有重要的理论意义和工程参考价值。 空腔结构材料为一种纸基三角空腔结构材料,它是一种新型轻质节能环保型复合材料,用于填充墙钢框架结构中既可以提高结构的抗侧力性能,又可以减轻结构自重。本文对于空腔砌块复合墙体钢框架在低周往复荷载作用下的试验研究是建设部2001年科技攻关项目《新型空腔结构板轻钢结构体系应用研究》的子课题,进行了以下几个方面的研究: 1.完成了两榀1:2钢框架模型试验和空腔结构砌体的材性试验。通过试验得出了空腔砌块复合墙体钢框架在低周往复荷载作用下的P-Δ滞回性能、刚度关系、延性系数、破坏形式及耗能性能等特性,并与相同尺寸的一榀纯框架的相关特性作了对比分析。同时测定了空腔结构砌体的抗压强度和通缝抗剪强度; 2.在试验研究的基础上,建立了空腔砌块复合墙体钢框架体系考虑退化的三线型恢复力特性模型,提出了模型各受力阶段的刚度计算公式、极限承载能力的计算方法和抗震计算方法,将该模型的计算方法用于本次试验钢框架,所得出的计算结果与试验吻合良好。以填充墙体和钢框架相互作用的理论和试验研究为基础,提出了可用于结构校核和调整的设计方法; 3.对填充墙高宽比、填充墙与钢框架抗剪连接件、内填充墙与框架梁空隙、填充墙开洞和钢框架与内填充墙界面摩擦等影响填充墙钢框架抗侧力性能的因素进行了讨论,并指出设计中考虑这些影响因素对于达到预期的设计目的是至关重要的,必须予以重视。 最后,在总结论文工作的基础上,提出了本课题尚待于解决的问题。

【Abstract】 Many achievements have made in the research and application of structural steel since almost one hundred years ago, and Structural steel has been widely used in the residential building abroad for many years. But there is few research about infill works with frame as a lateral resistant member, and many problems remain to be solved in these aspects, and there are not correlative clauses about these in steel structures Design Specification(GBJ17-88). Infill plays a vital role in lateral resistance, so the study of it possesses important theoretic and engineering reference value.Cavity sandwich panel infill is made of paper triangle cavity material, which is a kind of low density and environmental material. It could increase lateral resistant ability of frame while decrease the weight of the structure. The experimental research for sandwich panel infill steel frame is one subject of 2001’Key Research Subject of China Ministry of Construction, grant No. 01-2 -085. There are three aspects as below on the problems of this subject:1. Two l:2-scale steel frame specimens are tested on their behavior under cycle loading and some cavity sandwich panel infill specimens are tested. The properties of cavity sandwith panel infill steel frame, such as hysteresis characteristics, stiffness, ducfility, failure models and characteristic of dissipation of energgy were gained in the test and compared with ordinary steel frame. The properties of cavity sandwith panel infill is abtained as well.2. On the basis of the experimental research, calculation method of stiffness in different stage, ultimate bearing capacity of cavity sandwith panel infill steel frame are discussed and Aseismic design method on the new lateral resistant system are concluded. This model is implemented into the analysis on the experimental steel frame and the results agree well with experimental results. The design method is presented according to the interacting of infill and frame.3. The parameters of steel frame with infill which affect the lateral, resistant ability, such as panel ratio, frame-to-panel connectors, frame-to-panel interfacefriction, gap between panel and frame and mortar joint bond and friction were discussed. It is emphasized that the reduced location, shape and dimension is very important for the function of dog-bone reduced beam flange and must be paid more attention.Some problems about this research worth to be studied afterward are put up in the end of the paper.

  • 【分类号】TU352.1
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】211