

Study for Relations between Communication Exchange and Culture of Enterprise in Port Enterprise

【作者】 朱国华

【导师】 周继雄; 任开先;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 交通运输工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要研究沟通管理对提高企业经济效益的作用,并结合张家港港的实际情况,阐述了张家港港实施名牌战略,巩固并逐步扩大市场份额所应采取的一些方法和步骤。全文分三个部分共五章,第一部分简单介绍了沟通管理的概念,研究沟通管理的目的和意义,以及实施沟通管理的原则和方法。 第二部分详细介绍了企业对内、对外沟通的几种方法。对外沟通,企业通过建立公共关系部门,加强与社会各界的联系;导入CIS,改变企业自身形象,改进产品质量,改善服务,从而达到提高企业在社会各界的知名度和美誉度,巩固和逐步扩大企业的市场份额,进而提高企业经济效益。对内沟通,企业通过加强与职工对话,倾听职工心声,给每个职工公平地展示才华的机会,真正关心每个职工的工作、学习和生活;建设有影响力的、有本企业特色的、健康向上的企业文化,用文化引导职工行为,用文化打造企业理念,从而达到凝聚职工,调动职工积极性和创新动力的目的。进而减少企业浪费现象,降低成本,提高企业经济效益。 第二部分是本文的重点部分,文中结合张家港港的实际情况,提出了张家港港目前在对内、对外沟通方面存在的不足,以及改进的办法,达到的目标等。 第三部分是最后一章,提出张家港港想要巩固现有市场并逐步扩大市场份额,必须实施名牌战略,以及实施名牌战略所采用的方式方法等.即通过建立公共关系部门和导入CIS,提高企业市场知名度和美誉度,通过加强内部沟通,建设健康向上的企业文化,提高职工积极性和创新动力,进而达到提高企业经济效益的目的。与前面二个部分摇相呼应。

【Abstract】 This thesis studying mainly which role the management of communication and exchange has played in the field of promoting enterprise s economic benefit .In the light of specific conditions in Zhangjiagang Prot , thesis sets forth the Port s strategy of making a famous brand and shows measures and programme for consolidating, enlarging and exploiting market s quotas step by step .The thesis which has been divided into three parts has five chapters .The first part introduces conceptions of the management of communication and exchange simply, studies the object and significance about the management of communication and exchange, studies methods and principles for being put into effect .The second part introduces a few methods about communication and exchange inner and external enterprise in detail .Communication and exchange between enterprise and external world carried out by enterprise s public relationship department in order to enhance linking up with society . Introducing CIS into enterprise, it helps change image of enterprise s own, to improve quality of product and service so that the enterprise will be known throughout the society and enlarge and exploit market s quotas step and step, then raise enterprise economic benefit .In order to enhance communication and exchange inner enterprise, enterprise should have more talking and hearing , giving more chance for talent-show to the staff of enterprise fairly , caring for life, studying and job of the staff reality, also buildt influential , andhealth-giving enterprise s culture with features .By use of enterprise s culture , to guide behaviors of the staff , build enterprise s idea, so as to unite the all staff and achieve object to arouse the enthusiasm of the staff then reduce waste , lower cost enhance economic benefit of enterprise .The second part combines with the actual conditions of Zhangjiagang Port, and points out the lack of communication and exchange in the Port and gives a improving suggestions as well as achievable object .The third part is a last chapter. It tells people that the Prot has to implement strategy of making a famous brand and find the way which implements strategy of making a famous brand if the Prot wants to consolidate occupied market and enlarge the market s quotas step and step .Hoping to achieve the above-mentioned object, the Port should raise it s public figure and be well known throughout market by means of establishing public relationship department and introducing CIS .By means of enlarging inner communication and exchange, and building a health-giving culture of enterprise, the Prot authorities can bring into play the initiative of the staff and idea of blazing new trail so as to achieve object of marking more economic benefit .The three parts in the thesis coordinate with each other from afar.

【关键词】 沟通企业文化
【Key words】 Communication exchengeCulture of enterprise
  • 【分类号】F552
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】327