

Development of CAI System Based on CSCL

【作者】 张淑梅

【导师】 尹朝庆; 刘士俊;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 机械工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着全球经济和以多媒体计算机、网络为代表的信息技术的高速发展,无疑对教育事业带来了革命性的变革。在传统教育中,经典的教学模式是以教师为主,教师讲,学生听。另一种模式是函授、广播电视等远程教育模式。它们的最大缺点是不能充分发挥学生的主动性、积极性和创造性思维,教育模式封闭,尤其是当坐在一个教室的学生层次不同、基础不同时,教师在确定授课内容或教学进度时往往会觉得众口难调。在这种情况下,计算机辅助教学(CAI)与Internet技术的有机结合,使基于网络的现代远程教育应运而生。但怎样才能更好地发挥远程教学的作用,目前还处于探索阶段。 本文提出了CAI系统开发的一种崭新模式,即计算机支持的协同学习(CSCL)模式。在计算机支持的协同工作(CSCW)环境下,以《信息技术基础CAI系统》为引线,结合多媒体技术、OLE技术、ASP.NET技术、ADO.NET数据库技术,成功地实现了基于CSCL的CAI系统的开发,并以单机版和网络版两种形式提供给用户,方便用户根据自己硬件环境的具体情况选择。其中单机版的设计亮点是对Windows、Word、Excel等上机操作题的分步评分功能及动态操作演示功能的实现,为学生提供了一个“不厌其烦,随叫随到”的老师。既能让学生不受时空限制,自主学习,又能让师生随时交流,同时还将教师从繁重的批改作业中解脱出来。网络版的远程教学系统中在单机版的基础上又增加了协同学习室、BBS、发布通知、意见箱模块,为学生与学生之间、学生与老师之间、教师与教师之间的交流和讨论提供了很好的场所。 本文主要对该系统建立的理论基础、设计思想及系统的具体实现过程做了详细讲述。首先在前两章对CAI、远程教育的发展、国内外动态、系统总体概况、系统设计环境及其理论基础进行了简单介绍。然后在后四章分别对单机版和网络版的系统设计、系统采用技术、系统主要功能及实现过程等进行了详细介绍。最后一章对系统的设计进行了总结,并指出系统需要完善与改进之处。 该系统有极强的实用性,已在我校试点推广使用。该系统单机版便于商业销售和传播,网络版可作为学校、企业的教学和培训方式。

【Abstract】 With the development of globalization and advancement of information technology, represented by multimedia computer and internet, revolutionary changes have been brought to education. In traditional field of education, classic teaching is characterized by the teacher-focused mode in which the teacher plays the main role of an orator, and the students serve only as listeners, Another choice is the teaching by correspondence or through broadcasting and television, however, even this kind of distance teaching fails to provide opportunity for the str nts to give full play to their initiative, activity and creativity. This is still a kind of closed teaching especially when the students in the same classroom in different levels and are differently based. The teacher will find it difficult to decide what and how to teach a class of verified levels. However, modern distance education based on internet, which combine internet with CAI (computer aided instruction), is born to meet the challenge, though it is still in its initial stage of experiment as how to give full play to its throng points.This paper presents a new building of CAI system which is computer support corporative learning (CSCL). Based on (CSCW), and instructed by "CAI system of information technology", this new building of CAI system, which is CSCL successfully combined multimedia technology, OLE, ASP.NET, and ADO.NET, it offers the users two choices of stand-alone edition and Network Edition which the users can choose freely according to their own hardware setting. The highlight of stand-alone edition design lies both in the realization of physical evaluating function of operation exercises, and the animating demonstration function of the operation. With this highlight, the new building of CAI serves as a patient "teacher" to meet the need of every individual student, who allows the students to decide by their own when and where to study or to communicate with the "teacher", At the same time, teachers are also released from the heavy task of homework correction. On the basis of stand-alone edition, the design of Network Edition adds more, including Co-room, BBS, information Board, and opinion Box where you can share room forcommunication and discussion between students VS teachers, and students VS students, or teachers VS teachers.This paper is a detail description of the theoretical Basis, the design thought, and the detail process of its enforcement. The first two chapters give a brief introduction of the CAI, the development of distant education, national and international developments, general outline of the system, the designing environments and its theoretical basis. The following four chapters give detail introduction of the system project, technological adoption of the system and its function and enforcement. The last chapter gives a total generalization of the system project, and points out its incompleteness and its improvements.This system of CSCL is very practical and has been carried out in our school as a test. The stand-alone edition of the system is convenient for market sale and commercial spread, while the Network Edition can serve as a training mode of schools and enterprises.

【Key words】 CAIremote educationCSCLASP.NETADO.NET
  • 【分类号】TP399
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】138