

Investigation and Analysis on the Quality of Professional Teachers in Middle Vocational Schools in Taian

【作者】 郭晓玲

【导师】 于清涟;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 教育管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 教师素质是教师在教育教学活动中表现出来的、决定其教育教学效果、对学生身心发展有直接而显著影响的心理品质的总和。高素质的人才需要高素质的教师培养。职业教育是与经济建设结合最为密切的教育形式。目前,我国中等职业教育正面临着新的挑战和机遇。在这种形势下,中等职业教育能否顺利地发展、能否为社会主义经济建设培养合格人才?其关键在于中等职校的专业教师。本课题研究的目的就在于:通过对泰安市中等职校专业教师素质现状的问卷调查,了解和分析专业教师的素质现状,进而提出切实可行的建议,以期提高专业教师的综合素质。本人在学习和参考有关教师素质研究成果的基础上编制了调查问卷(教师问卷和学生问卷)。问卷将中等职校专业教师的素质主要表述为五个方面,即:中等职校专业教师的教育思想素质、师德素质、知识素质、能力素质和身心素质。选取了地(市)学校、县(市、区)学校、乡镇学校的235名教师进行测试,得到的结果如下:1、中等职校专业教师有着较高的思想道德素质,具有良好的敬业精神和职业道德,专业基础比较扎实。2、中等职校专业教师的教育思想和观念相对滞后,知识结构老化,特别是缺乏实践经验,实践操作技能差,指导学生进行创造性活动的能力以及对学生进行创业教育的能力亟待加强,身心素质也需要进一步提高和完善。3、不同来源专业教师的教育思想素质和能力素质存在极其显著的差异,不同年龄专业教师的知识素质存在显著性差异。本文结合已有的研究及我国的中等职业教育现状对以上结果进行分析,并在此基础上提出了提高中等职校专业教师素质的对策与建议:1、提高专业教师的思想道德素质;2、增强专业教师的业务素质;3、完善专业教师的身心素质;4、提高专业教师师资队伍整体素质。

【Abstract】 The quality of teachers is the showing of their thinking and psychological features that are shown in their educational activities which can decide the effect of their education and teaching and can make a direct and notable impact on the students’ development. Only teachers with high quality can train good students. Vocational and technical education is connected with the economic instruction closely. Today, it is facing new chance and challenge. To construct the "double type" teaching staff is the key to develop middle vocational and technical education. The purpose of the present study is to discuss something on teachers’ quality in middle vocational schools in Taian and make some suggestions on improving it through the investigation on the teachers.The study has been done mainly through the way of investigation of questioning. Two questionnaires are designed according to teachers’ quality. (One is for teachers, and the other is for students.) It mainly includes the following aspects: the teachers’ ideological quality; professional quality; hands-on skills. A test has been done to 235 teachers in vocational and technical schools selected from cities, countries and towns. The result is as following: The general quality of the professional teachers is high. Most of them are short of skills in operation. Some aspects of quality there are differences among regions, source, ages and so on.The thesis has a careful analysis on the results of the questionnaire and then gives somesuggestions on how to improve the quality of teachers in vocational schools based on the present situation and research we have reached in the last part as following: 1.improve the teachers’ ideological quality; 2.strengthen their professional quality; 3.perfect their body and mind quality; 4.improve the "double-qualification" of the whole teaching staff.

  • 【分类号】G715.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】295