

Synthesis of Polymericial Amphiphilic Polymer by Using Macromonomer

【作者】 董其宝

【导师】 方治齐;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 材料学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文合成了疏水缔合型聚氨酯大分子单体(HTP),研究了大单体的溶液性质,发现其在溶液中的形态对温度和浓度甚为敏感,在适宜的条件下,该大单体可以形成胶束结构,并且其单端疏水双键蜷曲于胶束内部,有利于与增溶于其中的小单体实施共聚。尝试了乳液、微乳和溶剂三种聚合方法实现小单体与亲水大单体共聚。讨论了种子乳液聚合工艺及后处理对乳胶膜亲水性能的影响。探索了微乳聚合工艺,合成了单分散双亲聚合物微球。以双亲性溶剂丙二醇甲醚(PM)进行溶剂聚合,合成了大单体接枝的双亲聚合物。采用粘度法研究了大单体与双亲聚合物在溶液中的形态及聚集态结构。差热扫描量热法(DSC)研究了大单体及双亲聚合物热行为,证实了合成双亲聚合物存在微观相分离;透射电镜(TEM)观察了乳胶型貌。

【Abstract】 A water-soluble HTP macromonomer is synthesized starting from polyethylene glycol oxide, 2,4-toluene diisocyanate, using hydroxyethyl acrylate as end chain termination agent. It is revealed that the intrinsic viscosity of its aqueous solution and cloud point will be lower, and association of macromonomer will be apparent as hydrophobic mass fraction of the macromonomer is increased. It is also found that the conformation of HTP macromonomer in aqueous solution is dependent on temperature and concentration. Hydrophobic association occurs between macromonomer itself as the concentration of aqueous solution is increased. At higher temperature the HLB value of the macromonomer becomes lower, and micelle forms at the temperature over 75.Micromonomer and hydrophilic macromonomer is copolymerized by using emulsification, microemulsification, and solution polmerization. Polymerization technics and the effect of neutralization and curing on hydrophilicity and long-term hydrophilicity of latex are studied in this paper. Polymerization technics is also studied for microemulsification. Synthesis of amphiphilic copolymer by using propylene glycol methyl ether and its solution’s properties have been studied.

  • 【分类号】O631
  • 【被引频次】1
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