

Positive Research on Performance Assessment in Administrative Departments of Universities

【作者】 原海滨

【导师】 綦良群;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 学校行政部门在提高学校整体绩效方面具有重要的作用,行政部门绩效考评制度与学校行政绩效的提高息息相关,所以研究建立良好的绩效考评制度和寻找适当的绩效考评指标的方法,对学校行政部门提高办公效率和质量具有重要的意义。本文首先对目前高校绩效评价的研究现状及发展趋势进行了回顾和展望,并对高校绩效评价理论进行分析,发现目前高校绩效评价研究所存在的问题。针对高校行政部门绩效评价的问题,结合目前高校具体情况和高校绩效评价发展趋势,运用了平衡计分卡的基本思想设计了高校行政人员绩效考核指标和高校行政部门整体绩效考评指标。在实证研究过程中,将某高校行政部门的领导及工作人员作为实证研究的对象,进行问卷调查,并对问卷调查的结果进行了描述性统计分析,得出了指标重要性排序表;对调查问卷使用信度和效度检验方法,验证了问卷的有效性与真实性,说明了测量工具和问卷本身的设计合理性;通过因子分析,将相同方面中性质相近的指标加以归类,了解指标的特性,简化指标项数;利用单因子方差分析探讨领导及员工对于不同样本特征,包括是否参与决策、部门类别的不同等,在绩效考评指标的选取上,看法是否有显著差异。

【Abstract】 The administrative department in a college or university plays an important role in improving the whole performance of the institution. Administrative department performance is closely linked with improvement of the administrative performance of the school to present an assessment on the whole system. To study and set up good performance checks and rate the system and to look for the proper performance to check and rate the index method, administrative department can raise office efficiency and quality is essential to any school.Firstly, this paper studies the current situation as well as the prospective in the field of performance assessment in administrative departments of universities. In addition, an analysis on the theory of performance assessment is presented in order to locate the existing problems in the operation of the administrative system.Aiming at the existing problem, based on the actual situation of administrative performance as well as the tendency of development in this area, we have designed an assessment system to evaluate the performance of individuals and departments, applying balanced scorecard.In the course of the research mentioned here, I studied subject leaders and staff in the administrative department of certain university. And a questionnaire investigation was carried out and detailed analysis was made, together with a description on the outcome of the questionnaire. A importance sequencing form of the index is followed. And the method of validity inspection has been adopted to verify the validity and authenticity of the questionnaire, therefore, guaranteeing reliability and rationality of the investigation method and the design of the questionnaire. Through factor analysis as well as statistic analysis, data of similar quality in the same respect are collected and classified, therefore, an understanding<WP=8>of data characteristics is gained and reduction of index item is attained. Also single factor variance has been utilized to probe into the differences between the policy-maker and the staff as well as their sample characteristics to be exact, the difference of the degree of participation, of the function of various departments. It’s also taken into consideration that their selection of assessment items.

  • 【分类号】G647
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】989