

【作者】 吴煌森

【导师】 范黎波;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文首先从展览会的起源和发展,论述了不同经济时代展览会形式和作用上发生的变化,介绍了会展业发展的基本概念以及会展业发展的相关理论支撑体系。作为新型、都市型无烟产业,会展业以其高效率、高增长的特点成为城市经济发展的“助推器”和反映国民经济状况的“晴雨表”。会展经济是一种新的经济形式,其发展状况不仅会直接影响城市经济的发展,还将关系到社会的交通、旅游、通讯、印刷、餐饮等许多相关产业。会展经济作为具有良好发展前景的“绿色产业”,开辟了服务业发展的新领域。在论文的第二部分,笔者着重论述了我国会展业的现状、发展趋势;入世对我国会展业的影响;北京会展业发展现状及存在的问题。中国会展经济已经走向了中国社会经济生活的前台,同时,我国会展业也呈现出全球化、信息化、集团化、品牌化、专业化、创新化、生态化、多元化的趋势。中国加入世界贸易组织后,中国会展业正面临着严峻的挑战。由于北京在中国会展业中的特殊地位,笔者重点对北京会展业发展现状及北京会展业发展中存在的主要问题作了阐述。论文第三部分,笔者从国际会展业的现状与发展趋势;世界上会展业发达国家和地区会展业的发展情况以及值得我们学习和借鉴的经验;新经济对世界会展业的影响三个方面对国际会展业及世界代表性会展国家和城市会展业的先进经验进行了阐述和研究。论文的最后一部分,笔者对北京会展业发展对策作了深入的研究。笔者从北京实现国际化会展城市的战略目标出发,从与国际接轨,科学地组织、经营展览会;合理规划建造现代化会展中心;改革管理体制、培育和完善会展业市场;以人为本,加快会展业队伍的培养和建设四个方面提出了北京会展业发展的对策。

【Abstract】 In retrospect of the origin and development of the exhibition industry, the thesis firstly analyses the various stages of the development of the exhibition industry in terms of its form and function in different economic times, pointing out the development trends of the convention-exhibition industry both at home and abroad. It gives an introduction to the basic concepts of the convention-exhibition industry and its related supporting theories. As a new and urban smokeless industry, the convention-exhibition industry has become a booster for the development of cities and a barometer mirroring the development of the national economy with its characteristics of high efficiency and high economic growth. The convention-exhibition economy is a new economic form, whose development situation can not only influence the development of a city’s economy but also play a very important part in its relevant industries such as transportation, tourism, communication, publication and catering. As a green industry with a promising future, the convention-exhibition economy explores a new development field in the service industry.In the second part of the thesis, the author goes further into the expatiation on the present situation and the developing trends of the convention-exhibition industry in China, the influence of China’s entry into the WTO on the convention-exhibition industry, the present situation of Beijing’s convention-exhibition industry and its existing problems. China’s convention-exhibition economy has stepped into the front stage of Chinese social economical life. At the same time, the trend of China’s convention-exhibition industry is presenting the characteristics of globalization, information, conglomeration, brand-recognition, professionalism, innovation, ecology-consciousness and diversification. It’s inevitable that China’s convention-exhibition industry will face the severe challenges after its entry into WTO. Since Beijing plays an important part in China, the author centers on the expatiation upon the present situation of Beijing’s convention-exhibition industry and its existing problems.In the third part of the thesis, the author briefs on the following three aspects: the present situation and the developing trend of the international convention-exhibition industry, the present situation of the convention-exhibition industry in the developed countries and their valuable experience we should learn from as well and the influence the new economy brings about to the world convention-exhibition industry.In the last part of the thesis, the author finally studies on the measures to be taken to accelerate the development of the convention-exhibition industry in Beijing. The author sets forth the views of organizing and managing the exhibitions scientifically by adopting the world level standards, designing and constructing modern convention and exhibition centers to rational use, reforming the managerial system and cultivating and perfecting the convention-exhibition market and quickening the steps in training and fostering qualified convention and exhibition human resources, through which Beijing can achieve the strategic goal of becoming an international convention-exhibition city.

  • 【分类号】F713.83
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1781